Shushan magic door authentic

Chapter 368 Ugly Bird VS Stupid Bird

Chapter 368 Ugly Bird VS Stupid Bird
Xuanyi even ate more than a dozen people, and the flying sword magic weapon issued by the remaining monks could not hurt him. Grabbing the beak and pecking, the aura will dim if it is light, and it will be torn apart if it is severe.

Seeing that Xuanyi is so powerful, the two fierce men of the East China Sea were also very happy.

Zhang Li said: "The hard work we have spent these years is not in vain. This bird has really been reborn."

Mao Xiao interjected: "If you don't want to let him go up the road by eating raw food, every time he eats a person, his skill will increase by three points. When he reaches the top of Guangming Peak, let him eat Fu Xiao'er. This bird is no longer afraid of water, fire, wind and thunder. , Fu Xiaoer can only kill him by using the Bleeding Shadow Art, so we will proceed according to the plan."

Zhang Li nodded again and again: "Exactly!"

The two cast spells together, the spells in their mouths continued, and the whole body glowed red.

Xuan Yi was blessed by the magic of the two, his eyes immediately turned crimson, and the demon fire in his body exploded wildly. The ghosts of humans, gods, demons and ghosts that he had eaten before gathered in the fire, crying and cursing. soul.

He lost his sanity more and more, let out a long roar, fluttered his wings, swooped down, fanned the hurricane furiously with his wings, opened his mouth and inhaled vigorously, inhaling a total of 27 monks from various sects, together with their magic weapons of flying swords, into his abdomen, leaving only three He was so frightened that he ran away, Xuanyi refused to let go, flapped his wings to catch up, and ate all of them, then screamed again and went straight to the peak.

Just after passing through the clouds, Shi Sheng and others were fighting with the enemy, more than a hundred monks including the three murderers of Hengshan, were fighting in chaos.

When Shi Sheng saw him, he knew that Fu Zeyang was the first fairy bird that Fu Zeyang collected in Tianshan in the past. They traveled together in Beihai back then, and they shared weal and woe. The story is very sad.

Shi Sheng wanted to capture the bird and give it to Fu Zeyang later, so he drew the Nanming Lihuo sword to meet Xuanyi.

Xuanyi was sacrificed by magic for nine years by the two evildoers of the East China Sea, and he has become a god and demon. He was not afraid of Nanming Lihuo Sword, and opened his mouth to spit out a stream of extremely cold water vapor. His mana was much higher than Shi Sheng's. The one who cultivated is Xuanming Zhenjing, who is best at attacking cold air. The water vapor fell, and the flame on the surface of Nanming Lihuo Sword was extinguished by one-third.

Shi Sheng hastily injected immortal energy to make the flame on the immortal sword brighten again, and Xuan Yi dropped his claws down to grab the sword.

At this time, the three fierce men of Hengshan took advantage of the momentum to attack fiercely, Shi Sheng was in a hurry, and retreated repeatedly in the air, getting farther and farther away from Nanming and Huojian.

Suddenly, a milky white celestial light flew towards Zhuo Yuanfeng, the most powerful of the three evils of Mount Hengshan.

Zhuo Yuanfeng thought it was a magic weapon, but seeing that its radiance was not very strong, and it didn't look like a sword light, he didn't pay much attention to it, he still used his main force to chase Shi Sheng, and only released a circle-shaped magic weapon to kill the sword. Milky white fairy light traps.

Unexpectedly, that celestial light came from his three-dimensional light circle lightly, and with a light flick, it came to the front.

It wasn't until this moment that Zhuo Yuanfeng realized what was going on with the other party, and shouted in horror: "Blood nerves..."

It seems that ordinary people are seeing ghosts in the dark, and they seem to be forced by the neck with a knife without warning.

Zhuo Yuanfeng yelled out his voice, it was too late to cast spells to resist, he got the fairy light and threw himself in front of him, the Dingjia golden thread building he used for protection was uselessly penetrated, and it went straight into his body.

His companions were all working together to besiege Shi Sheng, the flying swords collided in the air, the divine thunder exploded, and the sounds of magic weapons colliding were mixed and mixed. People in the distance did not hear his urgent cry, only three people nearby looked this way in doubt. Come over: "What?"

At this time, Zhuo Yuanfeng had already changed the core, stretched out his hand to connect the points, and shot out a milky white blood shadow divine light, turning the three of them into clear water, and shouted to Shi Sheng: "The strong enemy will arrive in no time, why do you need to make trouble? There is a place for him to go, and the mentor has left him a way out, it is up to him to choose whether to go or not, you should worry more about yourself!" After speaking, he shook his body and flew towards other enemies.

Shi Sheng knew that it was Zhixian who helped him, and helped him defeat a strong enemy.

At this moment, Jinxunu, Chufeng and others are also using the blood shadow magical power to kill people, but their blood shadow magic light is too obvious, Jinxunu's is red, and the enemies have heard the name of the blood nerve for a long time before going up the mountain, and the red blood shadow It is the key object of defense.Chufeng's is blue, which is actually very obvious. Apart from the first few surprise attacks, she was also told later, be careful of blue light.

Only Zhixian, he looks like a five or six-year-old child, with delicate features, innocent and cute, looks harmless to humans and animals, and the blood shadow divine light he cultivates is milky white, the light is weak, and the length is short. It is inconspicuous mixed with all kinds of sword light and precious aura flying all over the sky.And in people's impression, the blood shadow must be red, the blue one is magical enough, and the milky white one is unbelievable, Zhuo Yuanfeng is like this, and it will be too late when he wakes up.

Shi Sheng also knew that the situation was urgent, and had a premonition that the situation was not good, but he still had a sense of arrogance, and shouted loudly: "No matter who comes, I am not afraid!" The captured twelve bone gods and demons flew around the body, each of which opened its teeth and claws, or snatched the enemy's flying sword, or grabbed the enemy's magic weapon. Among the enemies, there were also many gods and demons who had been refined, and they were hugged and bitten by them. , Surrounded by the owner and lifted into the air.

While flying upwards, Shi Sheng held up the Tianmu Divine Needle, opened his mouth and sprayed a stream of blood on it, causing the three circles to shake wildly, and the green, red, and yellow phosgenes were intertwined and intertwined with each other, and Shi Sheng's right hand Pointing forward, those radiances will fly out circles one after another, there is a circle of greed, there is a circle of aggressiveness, there is a circle of arrogance, there is a circle of cruelty, and there is a circle of compassion...

These circles are like soap bubbles blown by a strong wind, swarming, each circle casts a person on the body and covers the head.

There is a separate circle that traps Xuanyi, strangles Yuanshen, and tightens it inward. During the flight, Shi Sheng continued to cast spells, urging Nanming Lihuo Sword to break free from Xuanyi's claws, and flew quickly. Back, he blocked the impact of more than 30 flying swords of various colors one after another, and then cursed Xuanyi with magic, trying to subdue him.

Seeing this, the two vicious men in the East China Sea were shocked: "Under the Guangming Sect, there are such powerful young people!"

The twin-body believers surrounded around clamored for a fight, and after receiving orders, more than a hundred people roared and cast spells and flew away. Zhang Li and Mao Xiao also cast spells at the same time, trying to capture Shi alive and refine him into a demon boy.

Shi Sheng, who was fighting fiercely with the enemy in the air, was suddenly surrounded by a cloud of magic, which looked like a hill.

Shi Sheng's eyes turned red, and he immediately fell into the billowing blood mist. He couldn't distinguish east, west, north, south, and even the sense of up and down disappeared. In the red mist, countless strange gods and demons swarmed in. Those monks who fought with him earlier There were miserable howls one after another, and they came over one after another.

Shi Sheng felt that the enemy's magic was powerful, and was about to unite his body and sword for a fatal blow, when he heard Zhixian's voice: "A strong enemy is coming in a blink of an eye, do everything according to the orders of the master and seniors, don't be rash!"

Shi Sheng woke up suddenly. He was actually under the magic of the enemy, and he wanted to use the last resort to fight the enemy. If that was the case, even if he fought back the double evils of the East China Sea, he would not be able to escape death today, so he hurriedly sat in the air , Take back the Nanming Lihuo sword to protect the body, the twelve gods and demons protect the left and right, like the gods who protect the dharma, the Tianmu divine needle stands in front of the body, the rotation speed of the three circles on it has obviously slowed down, and the radiance is more radiant concise.

He concentrates his mind and resolves, his spiritual consciousness remains unmoved, and if the inner demon does not arise, the outer demon will be difficult to enter, and he is refreshed for a while.

Donghai's two murderers were even more surprised: "This kid is really amazing!"

Zhang Li said: "Magic can't make meritorious deeds for a while, if you let Xiaoshen try it, even if you can't swallow him out of thin air, if you can bring the Tianmu Divine Needle of the Qing Emperor's son, and then attack it with magic power, then you will be able to use magic skills to attack him." The child must not be able to support it."

He sent a signal to Xuanyi to fly from the air to catch Shisheng. Xuanyi was affected by the magic. Although he was a demon god, he was more like a puppet.

At this time, a dove cry suddenly came from the top of the mountain. It was different from ordinary dove birds. Its sound was high and arrogant, as if it despised all the common people in the world, especially Xuanyi, who was also a bird, was three points more provocative.

Xuanyi heard the voice of the ancient god Jiu, and his soul shook violently, and all the old hatred from the past was immediately aroused.

His hatred for the ancient god dove has been deeply engraved in the deepest part of his soul. From the first time he heard that Fu Zeyang had such a strange bird beside him in Beihai, he followed five children and was bullied by him. Dove, in the end the two birds fought in the Bohai Sea, almost losing both sides.

One pile at a time, one piece at a time, Xuan Yi felt that the source of all this was this ugly dove, thinking about it day and night, all the time, wishing he could tear this ugly dove into pieces and swallow his stinky flesh piece by piece... …

This time he went to the Guangming Summit, he came with a strong anger. He definitely didn't want to deal with the Guangming Cult, and he never thought of eating Fu Zeyang. He just wanted to eat this ugly dove, or let Fu Zeyang say something fair. talk.

The East China Sea Double Fiends refined him into a god-devil, and his demon seed was forged from his deep-seated hatred for the ancient god Jiu. At this moment, the enemy bird heard the sound, and was extremely jealous. The magic of the East China Sea Double Fiends could not restrain him. , he let out a long roar, and flew straight to the place where Jiuming came from.

Seeing that he suddenly changed direction, the two fierce men of the East China Sea hurriedly cast spells to arrest him. Xuanyi became fierce. How could ordinary magic be able to restrain him? No matter how they cursed, Xuanyi endured the pain from the soul and body, and hurriedly chased him. The ancient god Dove was reluctant to give up.

When the ancient god Jiu saw him coming, he didn't fight him decisively, but turned around and flew to the top of the mountain. Xuanyi flapped his wings continuously, screaming and cursing: "Ugly Jiu! Don't run away, let's fight together!"

The speed of the ancient god dove did not decrease at all, the whole body was wrapped in the five elements of true energy, the whole body was blurred, appearing and disappearing from time to time, if Xuan Yi was not born with divine eyes, he would have been lost in an instant.

He is not as impatient as Xuanyi in flying, because he can control the five elements, he can fly freely and freely, roaming freely between the heaven and the earth: "You ugly bird, you are worthy of me? You are not my opponent, if you don't The master wants to give you another way of life, let me not hurt you, I have already torn you into 8000 yuan, and threw you to Beishan to raise maggots! How can I allow you to live until now?"

Xuan Yi was so angry that flames spewed out of his eyes, and the two evil spirits of the East China Sea repeatedly cast a curse across the air, and blood-red magic flames spewed out from the gaps in his feathers, causing him great pain, but he still ignored it: "The ugly dove is going to fight!" Don't run away, we won't win last time, let's fight again, let's fight for life and death!"

Gu Shenjiu still had a calm expression: "I said you are not worthy! You are so ugly... look at you turning into a human? Three points are not human, seven points are like ghosts! I am because of this His body is ancient, his bones are hard and his blood is thick, and it is not easy to exercise. Until a few years ago, he finally got the help of his master, refined it, and obtained a human body. He was handsome and unrestrained. I suffered a lot of crimes for being greedy in the past. From the moment I got a human body, I secretly swore that I would never fight with ugly human monsters again, even if I did, I would never eat again... Ugly ghosts like you, If you take a look at it, you will be ashamed to kill yourself, and then it will be my crime again..."

Xuan Yi's anger became more and more intense, he only thought that the ancient god Jiu was afraid of him and didn't dare to make a move, so he stopped talking and just cried and chased after him.

The two birds are extremely fast in flight, Xuan Yi is better at traveling, flying from the North Pole to the South Pole, and the Ancient God Dove is better at short-distance sprints, within thousands of miles, it can reach it with just flapping its wings.

In the time of saying these words, Erniao has already broken through layers of magic nets, penetrated through many magic barriers, and came to the top of Du Guangding.

When we got here, the clouds were all under our feet, and there were only thousands of hectares of light shining on the sea of ​​clouds.

In the sea of ​​clouds, stands a god, one hundred feet tall, full of light, with six arms, holding six pieces of magic lamp, nine sun mirror, two poles, sky light pot, Dutian seal, and measuring ruler. Artifact.

There is a circle of divine light behind him, and there are 88 gods of light standing in it.

The ancient god Jiu flew straight to the god of heaven: "You asked me to attract this stupid bird, and I have already done it." It landed at the feet of the god of heaven, turned into a boy in black, turned around with a proud face, and then flew over Xuan Yi, "I think you don't want to do it yourself, let me do it for you, make him a braised chicken..."

"Don't talk nonsense!" The god of heaven is naturally Fu Zeyang. Facing Xuanyi flying towards him, he stretched out the arm that attracted the magic lamp, and waved slightly against Xuanyi, and Xuanyi was captured by Yuanshen. , as his lamp flew to the front, he jumped straight into the lamplight, just like a moth to a flame.

At this time, layers of golden luster were emitted from the lamp, which transformed into a strong suction force, which forcibly sucked Xuanyi's body, forcing him to fall on the edge of the lamp.

Xuanyi grasped the rim of the glazed lamp with both claws, and fixed his eyes on the jumping flames.

The divine flame danced and danced in his pupils, and suddenly "popped", bursting into a big "flame of light".

Xuanyi trembled as if being shocked by an electric shock, the crimson in his eyes had disappeared, and the magic restriction on the soul was also lifted.

He looked up at Fu Zeyang, stunned for a moment, then turned around suddenly, flapped his wings away from the magic lamp and wanted to fly away.

While flapping his wings, he passed through the clouds and crossed the sea, and he did not know how many miles he flew in an instant. A measuring ruler was knocked off his head and hit him on the back, causing him to spiral and fall all the way down. He was very strong, he stabilized his momentum in time, and flew up again, but he was still in front of Fu Zeyang.

"Where are you going?" Fu Zeyang asked.

Xuan Yi circled into the sky, flew to Fu Zeyang's usual height, and said loudly: "I can stay if you want, but I don't want to see that ugly bird down there... Also, I have developed a habit of eating ladyboys now." Problem, you have to eat [-] men, [-] women, [-] children every day, you have to pay for me..."

"How can there be so much nonsense!" Fu Zeyang tapped the measuring ruler on his head again, knocking him down, "If you want to eat people, I will send you to a place where you can eat as much as you like." !"

(End of this chapter)

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