Shushan magic door authentic

Chapter 370 Emerald Jade Lotus Pod

Chapter 370 Emerald Jade Lotus Pod
Shenggu Gayin and Honglian Shenjun are fighting to a feverish stage at this moment.

The God of Red Lotus made tens of thousands of hectares of red lotus bloom in the floating sea, and distracted countless minds, and a dharma body appeared on each red lotus.

Some of these dharma bodies are young scholars, some are middle-aged scribes, some are knights practicing martial arts, and some are Taoist priests holding swords.They either cry, or laugh, or sarcasm, or scold, or beg in a low voice, or flatter and flatter... Including all kinds of worldly expressions, every dress, every voice is his past life and holy Little by little.

Faced with this kind of magic that kills all demons, the holy aunt uses the same method to respond to all changes.

She was also distracted countless times, just on the lotus platform under her seat and the colorful lotus flowers around her.

On each petal there is a holy aunt's dharma body, all of which have the same appearance, cross-legged, with golden light all over, and the treasure looks solemn.

She was also talking, but they were all reciting Buddhist secret mantras.

Numerous holy aunts sang in unison, using the great method of Buddhism to fight against the raging magic sounds coming from all directions.

The mana of the two is comparable, and their various supernatural powers are also indistinguishable.

In comparison, the red lotus god has only one blood lotus calyx in his hand, but the holy lady has the magic treasure left by the supreme one.

The two fight against each other, it should be the holy lady who is better than the red lotus god.

At the beginning, it was indeed like this. The saint aunt pressed the red lotus god to fight. The red lotus god kept on the defensive and almost retreated steadily, but he always insisted on standing still. On the way of the battle, he looked for opportunities to fight The magic seduced the mind of the holy aunt to break her tranquility.

After fighting for a long time, the holy aunt really became angry and impetuous, and gradually lost the merits of Buddhist Dinghui that she had cultivated in the two Jiazi. At this time, the situation had been reversed, and the red lotus god took the offensive and surrounded her , constantly contaminating and shaking her Dao heart with magic, but she could only hold on to the last position desperately. Although the Buddha's light was still brilliant, it was no longer the awe-inspiring atmosphere that illuminated all directions and transformed all spirits like before.

When Xuanyi pounced down, Gain was struggling to deal with it.

She knew that she couldn't be angry, she should not think about anything else, she should stay calm and be wise...

But if she really couldn't do it, she couldn't help but get angry. There was an urge to jump up and tear the Red Lotus God to shreds in her body. She even wanted to stand on the lotus platform and curse loudly... …

She has endured it for a long time, and it is almost to the point where she can't bear it anymore!
On her left, people from Huashan School and Tianshan School came rushing towards her like shooting stars.

On her right, Xuanyi flew towards the sky, throwing herself into her arms.

She finally couldn't bear it any longer: "What's the use of you! It seems that the six major factions gathered at Guangmingding to besiege the Demon Sect, but when they arrived here, they were controlled by the devil to attack their own people! What's the use of you? Lian Bianmao The beasts also came to deceive me!"

She yelled angrily and sacrificed the most powerful diamond spirit stone left by the supreme venerable.

This diamond spirit stone is originally used for meditation. When people sit on it, they can stay still, the diamond is not broken, and all evils are not invaded. It is even more magical to match it with the sara futon derived from Huayan Taizang.

The five-color lotus suddenly burst into light, spewing out a large rain of colored light, and the holy nuns sitting on the lotus petals flew into the air one after another, and each holy nun hung a diamond spirit stone on the head of the holy nun, sternly facing the people who came over. Head off!
"The Huashan faction and Wutai faction are demon heretics in the first place. I am ashamed to be with them, and I want to kill them a long time ago!"

People from the Huashan Sect and the Western Demon Sect were the first to get into demons, and the fastest to fly in. They were ahead of the Tianshan Sect, and when they arrived here, they encountered a head-on blow from the Holy Lady, and the Diamond Spirit Stone fell. These people either issued flying swords or magic weapons , but it is useless, all smashed to pieces by the diamond spirit stone, the sword and the magic weapon!

The holy lady killed dozens of people in an instant, huge waves surged on the sea of ​​blood, and gusts of blood blew.

Between the dark red sky and the sea, many demons appeared in the shadows. The souls of the people who were killed just now were dipped in blood, and immediately regenerated into new bodies, all of which became strange monsters.

Howling and roaring, they rushed towards the saint again!
There were so many monsters this time, the holy lady sneered and cursed, while using her dharma body to activate the diamond spirit stone, and at the same time casting a large number of magic needles, the five-element extinction light needles, the colorful light needles sprayed wildly, and stabbed the monsters who bullied nearby. debris.

But Xuanyi, different from those ordinary monks, not only has a much higher level of morality, but also has a pair of divine eyes. With the murderous heart of the holy aunt, she lost the highest level of Buddhist supernatural powers, and was seen through by Xuanyi. The real body was found in the diamond spirit stone.He flapped his wings and galloped as fast as he could, faster than the flying sword of the sword fairy. A holy aunt smashed him with a fake diamond spirit stone, and he spewed out the [-] extremely cold crystals made in the North Pole. Dan, bombarded in the past like a cannonball, the inner alchemy shattered one by one, the saint's dharma body was also shattered, and instantly flew over the real diamond spirit stone, another series of inner alchemy explosions.

The extremely cold air permeated wantonly, and the blood river within a hundred miles was frozen. The five-colored Buddha lotus of the holy lady and the red lotus of the red lotus venerable were all shattered, and the sky was full of dark red ice crystals. smog.

Xuan Yi took the opportunity to break through one of the holy aunt's dharma body, grabbed the body of the diamond spirit stone, and then quickly circled up.

The holy aunt didn't take this bird seriously, and she focused her energy on fighting against the wave of demonic blood on the other side and the many gods and demons hiding inside, especially since she had just killed dozens of people, and she knew rationally that she had started the killing ring, so In the future, he will be very hindered on the road to practice, and the other side will also be broken... When he was entangled and distracted, he was hit by Xuan Yi!
"Evil beast!" The holy lady roared, stretched out a big colorful hand, and quickly lifted into the air to grab Xuanyi.

Xuanyi was terrified to death, flapping his wings desperately into the air, but the five-colored giant hand was faster and caught up to him in an instant, surrounded by five colored fingers from all directions.

Seeing that Xuan Yi was about to be captured, suddenly there was a crowing sound in the air, and the ancient god Jiu suddenly appeared, opening his mouth and spraying out a green bead, which was obtained from the ancestor of the green robe back then, and he used it to enshrine the second soul. Xuan Mizhu!

Xuan Mizhu let go of Xuan Wing and hit the palm of Jin Guang's big hand. The hand was shattered with a bang, like broken glass, and decomposed into hundreds of millions of five-color light needles. It was the frightening five-element extinction light Needle.

Countless light needles all pointed their needles at Xuanyi, and they were about to shoot over. The ancient god Jiu called out again, and a strong green wave oscillated on the Xuanmi bead, rippling away, and those light needles were all shattered into pieces. Then scattered into a colorful light atmosphere in the sky.

Xuanyi crossed the ancient god Jiu, wanting to find Fu Zeyang, but saw the sky was black and red, endless, and there was nowhere to go.

He also felt good, turned around and flew all the way to the source along the blood river.

Suddenly, Fu Zeyang's voice sounded in my ears: "Since you have obtained the vajra spirit stone, I will give it to you. I will teach you the method of sacrificial refining and teach you how to apply it in the future, so that the ancient god dove has a mysterious pearl and you feel inferior to him." , I'm partial to him."

Hearing what Fu Zeyang said, Xuanyi felt comfortable, lowered his head, took the diamond spirit stone in his mouth, and swallowed it into his stomach with a thud.

Fu Zeyang said again: "Go get me another thing, and then come find me at the Blood Sea Center."

In Xuanyi's eyes, there was a flash of a green and jade-like divine peak, on which stood many Taoists.

Fu Zeyang told him: "Qi Shuming wanted to use the emerald jade lotus pod to earn me a death blow. The lotus pod is very important to me, and he must get it. He also knows this. Later, I will pretend to be deceived and be restrained by him. You can take the opportunity Take the emerald jade lotus pod."

Naturally, Xuanyi agreed, flapping his wings happily and flying quickly, crossing the waves of blood, and saw the gate of Liuheqi in front of him.

Twelve towering flag gates surrounded the city in a circle, surrounded by jade-like green peaks in the center, which was exactly what Fu Zeyang showed him just now.

Above the flag gate, there is a huge ring, like two black dragons connected end to end, spinning continuously, the space inside is distorted, a black mass, it seems to open up another world, endless.

This treasure is exactly Fu Zeyang's Taixu Immortal Ring. It was originally made of two stars from the heavens, the Mystic Demon Shuttle and the Absorbing Planet of Hanguang Taoist. Exploded into fly ash, the surrounding area of ​​thousands of miles will become a forbidden zone of death, and the suction planet is the core of the universe's magnetic core, which can absorb all things, unlike ordinary yuan magnetic real energy that can only absorb hardware. This treasure is omnipotent, no matter it is metal, eight stones, gas or solid.

Fu Zeyang fused them into one and formed the Taixu Immortal Ring. These years, he has always been at the highest point of the Guangming Summit, using this treasure to absorb the Taixu evil fire in the universe. Its power is more than ten times stronger than before. Added a lot of magic.

At this moment, the Taixu Immortal Ring is suspended above the dust array of Liangyi Liuhe, creating a great suction force. The blood that was originally suppressed by the Qimen continued to rise like a tide picked up by the moon, almost engulfing the Qimen, and even more so. The force of the sea pulled Qimen and Ningcui Peak together upwards. If the masters from Emei, Qingcheng, Kunlun, and Tianshan who fled here hadn't gathered together to fight together, everyone and the peak would have been sucked into the ring. up.

"Qi Shuming! You want to trade the emerald jade lotus pod for a living, I promise you." Fu Zeyang's voice echoed between the sky and the sea, "Hurry up and hand over the emerald jade lotus pod, and I will let you go!"

Qi Shuming's voice came from inside the flag gate: "This treasure book is not from our sect. In the past, the master of Shishen palace handed it over to Xianshi. Although there are words that can restrain blood and nerves, no one in our sect can worship it. It can be used for refining, so I also ask Master Fu to condescend to come to my Ningcui Peak to pick it up."

"You guys have to use your tricks to coax children, but I'm not afraid!" After speaking, a golden light suddenly flashed out of nowhere outside the twelve banner gates, and Fu Zeyang appeared in the golden light, and they all stepped on auspicious clouds, With a golden lamp hanging on the head, and the body protected by brilliance, he stepped into the flag gate.

The Liangyi Mote Formation didn't activate, so twelve Fu Zeyang passed through the flag gate and flew to the Ningcui Peak, merged into one, and became one person, and was immediately invited by Qi Shuming to sit in the pavilion in the mountain.

At this moment, in the hall, there are Qi Shuming, Xun Lanyin, Xuanzhenzi, Bai Guyi, Zhu Mei, Jiang Shu, Xuanzhenzi, Zen Master Zhifei, Mr. Zhong, and Li Qi and his wife of the Tianshan School. Come on, it's also a master.

Fu Zeyang sat down proudly, and stretched out his hand to Qi Shuming: "Bring it, it's useless for you to keep it."

Qi Shuming said: "Why should Master Fu be in a hurry? Since the Master dared to come here alone, besides being bold, he must also know our plan and not be afraid of the restraint of this emerald jade lotus pod."

Fu Zeyang smiled and said: "It's not that I'm not afraid of this thing, but that I don't pay attention to Ningcui Peak and Liangyi Mote Formation."

People in the Emei Sect didn't like to hear these words. Ningcui Peak is also a peerless treasure, a treasure of the universe that can suppress luck. The Ziqing twin swords were so powerful in the past, and Ningcui Peak can easily suppress it.

And the Liangyi Mote Formation is the number one magic circle in the Immortal Dao, capable of deriving thousands of hectares of prehistoric desolation in the Liangyi Mote, no matter how powerful the demons are trapped in the formation, they can only be mermaids.

Xun Lanyin said: "Why is Master Fu so quick to talk? If you really have awe for the treasure of our school's Zhenjiao, why bother to sacrifice the Taixu Immortal Ring on the top before entering the door?"

Fu Zeyang said solemnly: "That treasure has another purpose. It is used to cut off your rear. With this treasure, none of you will be able to leave." However, it is a pity that there is something lacking, the array is incomplete, and the connection with the vitality of heaven and earth is cut off by my blood river outside. If it is the one on Mount Emei that uses the Taiqing talisman as the eye of the array, I am still a little bit afraid, now This, I really have nothing to worry about. It's a pity that you have to use the heaven and earth talisman to guard against the Xuanyuan Dharma King and Haha Patriarch who are taking advantage of the fire, so as not to be taken to their lair, even if the Buddhists promise to help you look after your house, you You can't even worry about it."

Li Qi, the head of the Tianshan School, said: "Why does Master Fu say these things? You have great supernatural powers, and your cultivation of blood nerves is better than that of Deng Yin in the past. This is known to everyone in the world. It is said that this emerald jade lotus can restrain blood nerves. I Dao shallow eyesight, can't imagine how the emerald jade lotus pod can restrain blood nerves, I wonder if Master Fu can enlighten me a little bit?"

Fu Zeyang smiled, and said to Qi Shuming: "You bring the lotus pod, and I'll let you see how he restrains me."

Qi Shuming finally took out the lotus pod from his sleeve: "The leader can really demonstrate a thing or two?"

"Naturally!" After Fu Zeyang finished these two words, his body immediately turned into a golden silhouette, and he rushed towards Qi Shuming.

Qi Shuming backed away quickly, made a tactic with both hands, and shot a stream of green energy into the lotus pod between his fingers. The lotus pod pointed at Fu Zeyang, and a piece of blue light shot out from the lotus hole.

Fu Zeyang didn't dare to be sprayed by the blue light. Halfway through, he suddenly swayed his body and re-divided into twelve golden figures, each of which aimed at a target.

The immortals hurriedly showed their magical powers, or used spells, or used magic weapons to resist.

However, before Fu Zeyang's figure could pounce in front of them, he was enveloped by the green aura emanating from the lotus hole. The green aura seemed to be so strong that Fu Zeyang's blood god dharma body couldn't get out of it.

He said: "Everyone can see clearly this time, how this baby restrains blood nerves?"

Li Qi said loudly: "It really opened my eyes! Fellow Daoist Qi didn't do anything yet!"

Qi Shuming opened his mouth and spewed out a burst of immortal energy, bit his fingers, and drew out the Heavenly Seal of the Emperor's Mansion that Daoist Changmei left for him alone in the air. One, twelve in total, all penetrated into the lotus pod, as if the lotus pod had been slapped with chicken blood, twelve strands of green energy tightly wrapped Fu Zeyang's blood god dharma body, and forcibly pulled it back into the lotus pod!

(End of this chapter)

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