Chapter 371
The true edict of Tianzhuan Doushuai of the Emperor's Mansion is a secret handed down from the Taiqing Dynasty. The Daoist Changmei left it to Qi Shuming and hid it in the Liangyi Mote Array of Emei Mountain. In the future, Qi Shuming will leave it to Li Yingqiong. Only the head teacher of the Emei Sect can understand it. The supreme immortal method of cultivation.

After the twelve talismans were struck, Fu Zeyang's twelve figures were all collected in the emerald jade lotus.

The lotus pod fell, and Qi Shuming took it into his hands.

"The devil has already been subdued by Fellow Daoist Qi?" Jiang Shu, the master of the Qingcheng sect who subdued the devil, asked.

Everyone wasn't sure, they all stared at Qi Shuming's lotus pod.

Qi Shuming raised his head to the black vortex in the sky, supported by the illusion of twelve flag gates.

Bai Guyi frowned and said: "It stands to reason that Fellow Daoist Qi has successfully collected that Guangming leader into the lotus pod, but this situation is not right, the Taixu fairy ring is still there."

Qi Shuming said with a solemn expression: "I thought that the devil's most murderous weapon would either fly away and be confiscated by a predestined person, or explode on the spot, blowing up the magic piano, Guangmingding and most of the Zhongzhou continent." Ruins. But I don’t want to, the vortex is still there, which is amazing.”

Everyone looked up and carefully observed the black vortex. The more they looked, the more unfathomable it became, as if they were falling into endless ignorance, and they wanted to forcibly suck away their souls, making them break out in a cold sweat unconsciously.

Xuan Zhenzi said: "I think the whirlpool is a bit strange, so I have to take a look."

Everyone hastily stopped them: "No! That Taixu Immortal Ring is extremely powerful, and there is a sea of ​​blood outside, and even Xinru Shenni is contaminated. We can only rely on the two dust formations left by our ancestors to ensure that we can protect ourselves." Wuyu, it is not known whether Fu Zeyang will be executed now, how can he know that he is not preparing any tricks in secret?"

Xuan Zhenzi said: "It's okay! Although my magic power is far from being comparable to that of Xinru Shennen, I have achieved quite a lot in passing on the celestial arts over the years. It's not easy for the devil to harm me!"

His Taoism and magic power is one of the best among the immortals at this time, and it is self-effacing to say that it is far inferior to Xin Ruyu. Nowadays, there are many people who see that the vortex formed by the Taixu fairy ring is strange, but no one Those who have the strength to go out and have a look, because the vortex suction is too strong, standing on the Ningcui Peak, protected by the Liangyi Mote Formation, still light, about to be lifted up from the ground, and they are people like them Those who can still move about on the peak, but those who are not good at the four factions can only stay in the cave.

Xuanzhenzi was a bold man, and he merged his body into an invisible, colorless and transparent sword energy, which seemed to disappear out of thin air, and left Ningcui Peak to fly towards the whirlpool.

The vortex seemed to be very close to them, as if it was pressing on top of their heads, but it was actually extremely far apart. It was like watching a dead horse running over the mountain. He flew for a while, but felt that the distance from the vortex was not getting closer. Looking back, Ning Cui Peak had shrunk into a circle. Small point, with his eyesight, Qi Shuming and other people on the peak turned into ants.

He flew for a while, the vortex was still so far away, he seemed to be still in the same place, when he looked back, Ning Cui Peak had disappeared, only the raging sea of ​​blood was left.

Xuan Zhenzi looked at the vortex again suspiciously, he was also superb in Taoism, so he came to his senses and issued a long cry to warn downwards: "The devil is powerful..." At the same time, he used his whole body power to condense a three thousand six hundred Zhang Zhang's invisible giant sword used the most powerful move in the Nine Heavens Sword Jue of the Emei School, slashing upwards in the air!

The Emei School's swordsmanship has always been known for its fierceness, and it is said that one sword can break ten thousand spells.

This Taiqing Xuanmen Intangible Sword Qi is both magic and swordsmanship. With a wave of the hand, the sword Qi is vertical and horizontal, cutting the sky and the earth, far better than the ordinary sword made by ordinary swordsmen using the essence of hardware.

He swiped his sword out of the sky, and the vortex was actually split by him, and spread out left and right.

The huge black vortex disappeared, only the black and red dome full of blood was left.

When I looked back, I saw a god-man, a thousand feet high, sitting in a bright cloud, that cloud was bigger than a mountain, floating on the turbulent blood river.The god had six arms, each holding various magic weapons, one of which held a shining golden mirror, the mirror surface was shrouded in clouds, and the light was dazzling, like water waves.

The Ningcui Peak landed on the mirror surface, wrapped in twelve constantly opening and closing banner gates to force the bright cloud of the mirror, but one-third of it had already disappeared into the mirror, and the people on the Ningcui Peak were still there. I don't know!

Seeing this scene, Xuan Zhenzi's scalp was numb, and [-] invisible sword qi condensed in a moment of thought, waving the sleeves of his robe, all of them shot at Fu Zeyang.

Fu Zeyang smiled, turned his right hand, and turned the Haotian mirror upside down. The Ningcui Peak and the people on it naturally became heads and feet, and he forcibly patted and soaked them in the rolling blood below.

As for Xuan Zhenzi, the Taixu fairy ring reappeared above his head, and this time it turned into a real whirlpool.

In fact, the Taixu Immortal Ring has always been there, just now under Xuan Zhenzi's doubts, Fang Zhong was confused by the illusion of the Haotian Mirror.

All the invisible sword energy emitted by Xuan Zhenzi was taken away by the Taixu Immortal Ring, and even he himself was forcibly captured and pulled into the air.

Knowing that he should not panic at this time, Xuan Zhenzi hastily concentrated his mind, sat cross-legged, and used the most powerful immortal technique in Ziqing Baolu to compete with Taixu Immortal Ring.

However, there are two super-nuclear magic treasures in the Taixu Immortal Ring, the secret demon Usuo. Although he is a master, he is not a golden immortal who has returned to the void and joined the Dao. How can he break free? After failing to slow down even a bit, he was sucked into the vortex and fell into the endless void of the universe!
Fu Zeyang killed Xuan Zhenzi, let the rapidly flying Xuan Yi fall on his hand, and took the emerald jade lotus pod from his mouth.

It turns out that the Emei Sect's Liangyi Mote Formation is really mysterious, and there is such a cosmic treasure as the Ningcui Peak. The Haotian Mirror can't take it away in one fell swoop, so Fu Zeyang came up with such a way, and finally turned the Ningcui Peak into the In the blood river, there was a panic on the peak, especially when Xuan Zhenzi was taken away by the Taixu fairy ring, Xuan Yi rushed over in the chaos, took advantage of the chaos and snatched the emerald jade lotus pod, and sent it to Fu Zeyang .

Fu Zeyang took the emerald jade lotus pod, shook it lightly, and streams of green air poured out from the lotus hole, and after landing, it dissipated with the wind, and a boy in red clothes appeared inside, only eight or nine years old, looking up at Fu Zeyang and smiling, with a smile on his face. There is a kind of foolishness.

Fu Zeyang said: "Ah Yin, the emerald jade lotus pod left behind by the Palace Master of the Stone God was used to deal with you. The Long-Browed Reverend used the Liangyi Mote Formation to subdue you, but did not use this treasure. Now this is the end of the past. oath."

It turned out that the boy in red was Deng Yin. After Fu Zeyang killed him and seized the contents of the blood nerve, he gathered the remnant soul in one place while resurrecting the red corpse god, and used his own blood to help him reincarnate. .

It is half metamorphosis and half viviparous, born with the incarnation of blood shadow when it lands, Fu Zeyang has long calculated that he will use him to deal with the Emei faction, in order to settle the karma of grievances over the past thousand years, and has always kept him in the Haotian Mirror In this world, if he was not asked to come out, all capable people from every family would not be able to figure it out beforehand, so he caught him off guard.

Fu Zeyang changed his name to Fu Yin: "From now on, you can also walk in the world with dignity."

The boy nodded foolishly, giggled, he was incomplete, and just pretended to be Fu Zeyang who was a member of the Emei sect, partly by relying on the power of the Haotian Mirror, and partly by strictly following Fu Zeyang's prior instructions. It's back to dumb again.

The Liangyi Mochen Formation and Ningcui Peak of the Emei Sect are really amazing. Although the incident happened suddenly and they were pushed backwards into the sea of ​​blood, they still did not cause fatal injuries. At the end of the day, the bloody monster was still blocked out, and it was not able to infiltrate deeply at all.

"Eldest brother, I'm afraid his life is in danger!" Qi Shuming was too regretful.

Everyone also sighed.

"Amitabha!" Ascetic Toutuo clasped his hands together, "Don't panic, everyone, there is still a turning point for this matter."

"No!" Qi Shuming knew what he meant.

Ascetic Toutuo's expression became even more miserable: "The Buddha's way is dark, and the eternal night is nothing to say. Since Master Fu is a direct disciple of Sanfeng Zhenren, he is naturally proficient in this way and will not do anything. Amitabha I am a Buddhist, and I have no reason for great compassion and compassion. If I don't go to hell, who will go to hell?"

Fu Zeyang saw it in the air, praised it secretly, ignored it, and ordered Honglian Shenjun and others to evacuate, leaving only the flag envoy of the Five Elements Flag in the magic piano to guard the source of the blood river, and he moved the rest to Outside.

Qin Nei, Xin Ruyu and Jia Yin, fell into the demons, and killed countless demon heads in a blink of an eye. In the blink of an eye, those demon souls used their blood-heavy bodies to pounce on the pupae again, and were killed by the two again. The two of them created hundreds of thousands of killing karma!
Of course, most of the output energy of the two of them was diverted by Fu Zeyang to attack Yan Mu with the magic piano.

When there was only Xinru alone before, Yan Yumu was still able to gain a little upper hand, and even used a few tricks to almost break the balance, blowing up the magic piano to get the people inside out, but Fu Zeyang used his strength to force it out. Helping Xin Ruyu to pass by "pushing sideways", this will add a crazy Gain, and Yan Yumu can't stand it anymore.

The old woman couldn't stand it until now, Xin Ruyu exhausted her energy and energy to fight her desperately, although she could resist, but it was also very hard, Gain also exhausted her life to fight with her fiercely, Yan Yumu finally supported her again After working hard for half a day, it finally almost reached the limit.

Yan Yumu herself knew that defeat was imminent, so she hurriedly opened her mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood, wanting to spare this fairy piano and buy herself a chance to retreat.

It's just that she can see that Fu Zeyang can naturally, but at this time, the two lunatics in Qin can't.

How could Fu Zeyang allow such a big enemy to leave so safely?Seeing the opportunity, he also spewed a burst of blood onto the magic piano, and at the same time plucked the strings with enough skill.

This attack is equivalent to the combined attack of Fu Zeyang, Xin Ruyu, and Gain!

If it was Yan Yumu in his heyday, he would still be able to retreat completely, but at this time, although Yan Yumu was not exhausted, he had already lost his vitality, and was swept over by three forces turning into sound waves. The treasure Xi Shengqin in front of her was instantly shattered into slag, and then her body was shattered into ashes.

The last is her primordial spirit.

The primordial spirit of the Golden Immortal is said to be immortal, unbreakable through calamities, but after all, a golden immortal like Yan Yumu cannot be compared with a golden immortal who ascends to the fairy world, is nourished by the heaven and earth, and further cultivates.

The powerful energy tore her Yuanshen into seven parts before she wanted to escape. Fu Zeyang sacrificed the Taixu Immortal Ring and waited for her in the air, and captured all the seven parts of Yuanshen, and fell into the blood river inside the Qin .

This time, Fu Zeyang kept plucking the strings of the zither, using the blood body method, and transferred the five flag envoys and the two envoys on the left and right, and instead led Xin Ruyu, who had attacked the source of the blood river, into the sea of ​​blood.

Yan Mu was trapped within the seven strings, and the surroundings were blood red.

At this time, she had lost her composure. She was not a calm person in the first place. She was irritable and arrogant. She was almost carved out of the same mold as her apprentice Jiang Xuejun.

She could have become a saint in the flesh and ascended with the status of a golden immortal. When she arrived in the fairy world, she was also more advanced and noble than most of the heavenly immortals. Now her dream of ascension is shattered!The dream of becoming enlightened is shattered!Trapped by magic again, the endless pressure, the energy of evil magic is constantly oppressing, which makes her extremely angry.

She could sense every part of her own soul, but her consciousness was not unified, and she felt that the other party was in a very far away place, as if separated by a time and space, which made her panic again.

With a mixture of fear and anger, she began to let herself go, and started to attack her surroundings like Xin Ruyu.

She attacked here wantonly, causing the river of blood to surge and rush to the source wave after wave. The source of the river of blood is Haikou. Inside the sea of ​​blood, Xin Ruyu was trapped in the eye of the sea. The violent tsunami caused the devil's blood to pour into the Blood River along the mouth of the sea.

Yan Mumu felt the impact of the tsunami and immediately fought back, and the two continued to fight in the air.

The two sides seemed to be blindfolded, and they fought desperately with their companions indoors. One party felt that there was a powerful and terrifying thing hidden in the sea of ​​blood, and he had to destroy it. The other party felt that there were demons in all directions, and he had to kill them all. .

Besides, on the Ningcui Peak sinking at the bottom of the river, the ascetic head Tuo sat in lotus, his face full of misery, his palms folded, and his whole body radiated light: "Amitabha, Amitabha, Amitabha, Amitabha..." After chanting like this for a while, his body The brilliance of his body became brighter and brighter, and the Buddha's light came out from inside his body, reflecting his muscles and fur as if they were made of pure gold.

"Amitabha! Master Fu, please come and meet me!" His voice was like a bronze bell, mighty and mighty, spreading in all directions along the sea of ​​blood, "I would like to make a great wish to cross the sea of ​​blood to the end. Millions of devils! This piano is not empty, I will never be free... Amitabha! Master Fu, I will understand a wish for you, and please let these fellow Taoists around me go."

(End of this chapter)

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