Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 168 Who is Bai Manman?Have not heard!

Chapter 168 Who is Bai Manman?Have not heard!
Bai Manman folded his arms, leaned against the door, and smiled contemptuously, "I didn't think about it, I just felt sad for the designers in the design circle! I just don't know what will happen if you appear in the newspaper like this." What's your reaction?"

When she was talking, she deliberately shook the mobile phone in her hand, and her satisfaction was beyond words.

An Ruchu glanced at the mobile phone in her hand, and smiled indifferently, "You can take pictures if you want, what do I have to be afraid of? But before you post, you'd better be careful, maybe I won't." Be careful what you post online! It would be bad if it ruined Miss Bai's reputation as an international supermodel."

Speaking of which, she had forgotten that she still had the photo of Bai Manman going to and from the gynecology department on her phone!Later, she asked Mina to check it out, and the result was a bit surprising.

Originally, she didn't want to start a scolding war in this way, but since Bai Manman doesn't know what to do, why should she be a saint?

Bai Manman's expression changed, he took a few steps forward, and said nervously, "What did you say? What exactly do you mean?"

"That's what you heard!" An Ruchu raised her eyebrows and smiled meaningfully.

Seeing her secretive smile, Bai Manman felt a little terrified. He didn't know what she had captured, and his complexion became even worse. In a moment of excitement, he grabbed An Ruchu's hand and said excitedly: "What on earth are you talking about?" What do you mean? Say it quickly!"

"What is Miss Bai so guilty of?" An Ruchu slowly moved her gaze from her hands up to Bai Manman's panicked eyes, she raised the corners of her lips, and her smile deepened. .”

Bai Manman's face turned pale, and his grip on her became even tighter, "Stop! Take out your phone! What did you capture?! Take it out!"

Seeing that An Ruchu still looked calm, especially the mysterious and unpredictable smile, she became anxious and started to grab An Ruchu's bag.

An Ruchu didn't move, and let her get rough, but some people couldn't stand it, Qingqing shook off Bai Manman's hand, and cursed, "Who are you! What a nerve! Find faults when you come up, yes You are not sick!"

"That's right! Why are you bullying our Sister An! Are you sick!" The rest of the young people also like An Ruchu very much. People stepped forward even more, shouting one after another.

"With us here! You are not allowed to bully Sister An!"

"There's something wrong with you, why are you bullying Sister An when you're fine!"

"Sister An is gentle, but we are not gentle! If you want to bully Sister An, you must first ask us if we are willing!"

A group of drunk young meats rushed forward recklessly with the strength of alcohol, blocked An Ruchu's face, and started spraying directly on Bai Manman's face.

"You, you..." Bai Manman's expression changed due to the fright of this group of drunken people, and he backed away again and again, "What do you want to do! Do you know who I am!"

Qingqing glanced at her up and down, and said disdainfully, "Who is Bai Manman? I don't know!" She turned around and asked everyone, "Do you know each other?!"

"I don't know!" Everyone replied in unison, and the voice resounded so loudly that it spread throughout the lobby.

Bai Manman took a staggering step back, almost fell over, and was so angry that he was about to smoke.

This group of people didn't know where they came from, and they didn't even know her!He even deliberately insulted her!It's too much!

Raising his head, he stared fiercely at An Ruchu, who was standing leisurely and leisurely, Bai Manman stretched out his fingers, pointed at her tremblingly, and said through gritted teeth: " guys turned on fire to bully me! What kind of a hero! "

"Sorry, I'm a woman." An Ruchu smiled sweetly.

Qingqing put her shoulders on An Ruchu's shoulders, and smiled angrily, "Hehehe, I'm also a woman, although my chest is a bit flat."

Many of the remaining people were men, but they didn't care at all, and smiled in a condescending way: "We're not good guys anyway, so what's wrong with bullying you? You're allowed to bully our Sister An, don't you?" Fight us back?"

Bai Manman was so enraged by this group of shameless people that he was about to vomit blood. He looked around but couldn't find a savior, so he lost all confidence.

"What? Still want to find a savior?" Qingqing sneered, "Don't look, there are so many of us, and most people don't dare to meddle in other people's business! If you are sensible, get out of here! Otherwise, we won't know what to do when we get drunk. What's going on!"

Bai Manman's face was pale, she swallowed, feeling very nervous in her heart, she was really worried that these drunkards would go crazy and do something to her, but she couldn't hold back her face, so she could only stiffen her neck and say harshly, "I'll leave as soon as I leave, but I'm not afraid of you, I don't care about you like you! I'll wait and see, I won't just let it go!"

She was stubborn, and she was not afraid of what she said, but in fact, when she was talking, people were already running back in desperation.

"Hey, don't!" Qingqing laughed with her waist in her arms, "Don't go! We are waiting for you to argue with us! Hahaha!"

While running, Bai Manman turned his head and said harshly, "You wait! All of you from the CK Group wait for me! You will cry when the time comes!"

"We're waiting!" Qingqing laughed loudly, with a very aggressive expression on her face.

Bai Manman cursed, and ran away in a very embarrassing manner, looking very funny, probably no one would have thought that she, an international supermodel, would have such a day.

"Okay! Everyone is gone! Sister An, don't worry!" Qingqing turned around, hugged An Ruchu's shoulders, and smiled very proudly.

An Ruchu glanced at her suspiciously, "Are you actually not drunk? Are you sure you really don't know who Bai Manman is?"

"Did you see all this?" Qingqing stuck out her tongue, "I'm just a little drunk, but I'm still not drunk." She chuckled, "As for that Bai Manman! As a person in the design circle, who can I do not know!"

"You, you!" An Ruchu poked her forehead, not knowing what to say.

When she first met Qingqing, she didn't like it. She always felt that Qingqing was too noisy. She always liked to be quiet, so she couldn't bear it.Now that we have been together for a long time, I feel more and more that she is bold and careful, and her personality is comparable to that of Mina.

Especially today, Qingqing obviously knows Bai Manman, and knows that this kind of person is not easy to mess with, but Qingqing is still deliberately drinking crazy, calling on everyone to help her out!
This friendship is not vigorous, but it has a kind of tenderness that flows slowly.

"Thank you, Qingqing." An Ruchu smiled with a sincere and gentle smile.

Qingqing blushed, and rubbed her head in embarrassment, "Oh, sister An, I'm really embarrassed for what you said!"

An Ruchu just smiled, looking at the group of young people around her, suddenly felt that the collapsed piece seemed to be slowly becoming complete.

Even if I am no longer young and young, but with these young and fresh energy by my side, I can still be full of fighting spirit!Because, she is not afraid of being stepped into the mud when she falls, because these people will always support her!

Afterwards, the group of people didn't go to KTV anymore, because Bai Manman made a fuss, many people woke up a little bit, felt sleepy, and wanted to go back to rest.

An Ruchu wished that they wouldn't go, so she immediately breathed a sigh of relief. When she left, she specially arranged for the boys to send the girls home respectively. Everyone was assigned, but she was the only one who took the order.

"What about you, Sister An?" There was a boy named Lu Zifeng, a big man from the northeast, honest and honest, seeing her alone, he felt a little worried, "Why don't we send you back first, then go back later! You are not safe alone!"

An Ruchu shook her head, "No, my house is very close to here, and I can walk there! Go back early! You have to go to work tomorrow! I'm fine, don't worry."


"Really! Don't worry, my house is in the back street, very close." An Ruchu smiled, it really feels good to be cared about.

Lu Zifeng couldn't resist her, so he had to go with her. At this time, a car arrived, so he bid farewell to An Ruchu, and left in the car first.

An Ruchu heaved a sigh of relief after sending a group of people to the car, and walked slowly towards the road with her bag in hand.

The night sky was as deep as ink, and the warm wind rushed towards us with the fragrance of flowers. All the cells on the skin opened their mouths, wantonly enjoying this moment of tranquility.

An Ruchu opened her hands slightly, embracing the fragrance in her arms in a hugging gesture, and her mood lightened up with the wind. No matter how dark the past was, she has walked in the light now, and the future will definitely be beautiful. She firmly believes.

She embraced this fragrant night affectionately, but she didn't know that there was a black Bentley quietly following behind her, neither far away nor close, always silently guarding at a suitable distance.

He also believes that one day, he can create the future she wants for her, as long as he is willing.

The next day, the news that Mo Chen was going to cooperate with Ye Qing spread all over the country, every major media had a special report, and instantly occupied all the headlines.

When the CK Group heard the news, it had already exploded, and there was a lot of discussion.

"I heard that Mo Chen is going to cooperate with Ye Qing! He also said that there is going to be a design competition, and Ye Qing will be the judge to select talents for Mo Chen!"

"That's right! But if this is the case, what about the cooperation between our company and Mo Chen's company? Our designer An was hand-picked by Mo Chen, so how should we arrange it in the future? It won't be left in the cold!"

"Don't you understand this? Ye Qing and Bai Manman are mother and daughter, and now the two of them seem to have taken Mo Chen down. An Ruchu had an affair with Mo Chen before, and Bai Manman can tolerate it? Surely?" I will try my best to suppress it!"

"Ah? Isn't that pitiful?!"


An Ruchu went to the office in the morning and walked all the way, hearing all these discussions, some sympathized with her, some read jokes, and some wanted to change positions.

She just took it as a deaf ear, and didn't take it to heart. Anyway, she was used to being talked about, so it was no big deal.

Qingqing couldn't bear to listen, so she ran to her office early in the morning to complain, "So the news is true! I was too drunk last night and heard some, but I didn't expect it to be true!"

An Ruchu glanced at her, "You're obviously not drunk."

Qingqing looked anxious, and walked around her, "Oh! That's not the point! The point is that you will be overwhelmed by Bai Manman now, and Mo Chen will become someone else's. You have to work harder. Miss An!"

(End of this chapter)

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