Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 169 I just need a stepping stone

Chapter 169 I just need a stepping stone
An Ruchu has a calm personality. Hearing her earnest persuasion, the corners of her mouth couldn't help twitching, "Qingqing, can you stop gossiping?!"

"Hey hey hey." Qingqing rubbed her nose and smiled embarrassingly: "This is not gossip, but we care about you! We are all on your side! You have to work hard and get Mo Chen back!" !"

An Ruchu's eyes darkened, and then she smiled bitterly, "Do you think the market is robbing vegetables? Can Mo Chen snatch them?"

"But Sister An..." Qingqing frowned, "Could it be that you just watched the mother and daughter so proud? Ye Qing made it clear that he wanted to run on you, so what will you do in the future? Could it be that you were really thrown into the side?"

An Ruchu smiled, "I just need a stepping stone! Isn't Ye Qing going to hold some design competition? Qingqing..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly caught Qingqing's attention, and said seriously: "You go to sign up! I will be your tutor, and I will guide you!"

Qingqing never thought that An Ruchu would not go to participate by herself, but asked her to go, and also wanted to be her mentor, so she was instantly stunned, "An... Sister An, why...why don't you go? I, I No way!"

"I say you can do it!" An Ruchu said with firm eyes, "With me to guide you, what are you afraid of? As long as you can win the championship, she Ye Qing can't even compare to my apprentice, what else can I say? How dare you?" Run on me?"

She originally wanted to participate by herself, thinking of directly suppressing Ye Qing through the competition, because there was a link where Ye Qing wanted to produce a design draft, and she didn't know who came up with the meme, although it was strange, but It also makes sense, she is a gold medal designer as a judge, it is necessary to show off and set an example for her back.

But then she thought about it, if she participated by herself, it is estimated that Ye Qing would target them, and the competition process would be more difficult.After thinking about it, she still felt that it would be more appropriate to recruit an apprentice to participate.

First of all, Qingqing is indeed talented and her ideas are bold, not only in terms of design, she dares to think and do, even if one day she gets into a fight with Ye Qing, she will not back down.

Secondly, if you find an apprentice to participate, you can also avoid Ye Qing's mischief, and most importantly, even if you don't get the ranking, you won't say that An Ruchu's own reputation has been damaged. Even better, others will say that An Ruchu's apprentices are all so powerful, so I don't need to say it, it must be far superior to Ye Qing.

She just wanted this kind of effect, she didn't bother to fight with Ye Qing, let her apprentice come out, and then trampled her under her feet!
After hearing what she said, Qingqing gave her thumbs up with admiration, "I didn't expect Sister An that you have a good design, but you are actually quite dark-bellied!"

An Ruchu: "!!!"

Is this also a compliment? !Ok!Although she admits that she is indeed very dark and complicated, but she is also forced. If she is as simple as before, she still doesn't know how she died!
Since no one can rely on, she can only rely on herself, even if there is a palace drama of intrigue, so what?She will stay with you to the end!
"Hehehe, I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding!" Qingqing rubbed her hands resentfully, a gleam of excitement slowly appeared on her face, she looked at An Ruchu, and couldn't suppress her little excitement, "Sister An, you Are you really going to teach me design? I'm not dreaming, am I?"

An Ruchu glanced at her resentfully, "Promising! A little promising!"

"Great! Hey!" Qingqing was so moved that she hugged An Ruchu's neck and cried, "I have always liked your designs, and I came to this company for you, and you are finally willing to teach me Yes, that's great! I'm so happy!"

"Okay, okay!" An Ruchu broke her hand and said helplessly: "Don't be too happy, wait until you get the prize! Now! The first thing you have to do is go back and think about it, you What theme do you want to choose, and then tell me, OK?"

Qingqing sniffed and nodded abruptly, "I know! I know! I will definitely work hard!"

An Ruchu waved his hand, "Well, well, go out and do some work!"

"Okay! I won't let you down, Sister An!" Before leaving, Qingqing suddenly turned her head and clenched her fists at An Ruchu, her gaze was firm, "Trust me!"

The corners of An Ruchu's lips raised slightly, revealing a gratified smile, and she said to herself, yes, she also believed that Ye Qing would be trampled under her feet one day!must!
When I got home, as soon as I opened the door, Mina flew over with her mobile phone and scolded angrily: "Chu Chu, did you read the headlines! Ye Qing and Bai Manman are shameless! They even cooperated with Mo Chen! Isn't this clearly trying to squeeze you?! Once the top three are selected in that competition, where will you have a place in the future?!"

"Just because of this? Are you concerned?" An Ruchu changed his shoes in the hallway with a calm face, and walked directly into the living room.

Mina was no calmer than her, and ran away with anger, "I'm so pissed! I'm so pissed! I'm so pissed off! You're not angry at Chuchu! If I were you, I'd kill someone!"

"Do you think it's worth risking your life for that kind of person?" An Ruchu took off her coat, lazily went to the sofa, and let out a long breath, "Hey, I'm so tired after a busy day. But remembering that the war is about to start, I feel a little excited!"

Mina turned her head abruptly and looked at her, "Did you have any plans at the beginning?"

"Yeah!" An Ruchu told her her plan truthfully, and said, "So, no matter what happens to Ye Qing, I'm not worried, and you don't need to be angry. Since he wants to die, then give him a Chance, right?"

Mina's eyes lit up, the more she thought about it, the more emotional she felt, especially when thinking of Ye Qing being pushed down by An Ruchu in the end, it was a pain!

"Hey!" Mina punched her palm and said excitedly, "Chu Chu, don't even mention it, your idea is really good! I didn't expect you to look so weak and simple, and you have a dark belly, it's really scary!"

An Ruchu's eyes flew over, "Then do you believe that I plotted against you? Huh?"

"Oh, just kidding! I'm not serious!" Mina shook her neck and said coquettishly, "Don't care! I'm really just joking! Don't be black-bellied!"

"Okay, stop flattering me." An Ruchu pushed her away, then turned serious, and looked at Mina seriously, "Didn't I ask you to investigate what Bai Manman went to the hospital to check last time? What did you say about the result? Is it true? Are you sure?"

When Mina heard about Bai Manman, her face was very disdainful, "I found it, I can't be wrong! I thought she really defended Mo Chen like a jade! I didn't expect that she still has such a disease, tsk tsk, what a retribution!"

"Just make sure, and then it will be easy to handle in the future." An Ruchu narrowed his eyes slightly, and smiled mysteriously.

Mina frowned, "Ah? Didn't you say that last time Bai Manman wanted to send pictures of you drunk, you also sent her a gynecological examination? You won't post them now?"

"She didn't dare to post it, so why should I waste an opportunity?" An Ruchu sneered, "I'm counting on using this matter as a bargaining chip! If she tries to die again in the future, I can take it out!"

Mina glanced at her, and covered her heart, "Your smile at the beginning is more and more like Mo Chen, and you are all black-bellied and cunning!"

An Ruchu made a sharp glance, and Mina realized that she had said something wrong, and quickly shut up, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I won't say anything, I'm hungry, go and cook for me!"

"Okay, I'll punish you not to eat meat tonight!" An Ruchu got up, dropped a word coldly and entered the kitchen.

Mina was in a mess in the wind, wanting to cry, but she was about to be deprived of her right to eat meat just because she said a wrong sentence!

The news that An Ru had accepted young people as apprentices and that he was going to sign up for the design competition spread like wildfire within the company, and it caused a lot of repercussions at the time, but no matter what, he was from the same company, no matter how much he talked about it, most of them People also hope that Qingqing can win the award.

Gu Qingcheng knew the news early in the morning, and he was also stunned for a moment. According to his understanding of An Ruchu, her aloof character should be ignored, but she didn't expect that she would accept an apprentice to participate. Far beyond his imagination.

However, he only needs to think a little more, and he will soon understand that she is a smart woman after all, and knows how to defeat her opponent.

At the same time, he was also amazed by her change, such a calm person, had to learn how to calculate.She really changed and became stronger and stronger, as if she had never asked his advice about this matter.

The stronger she is, the less she needs him, and the further apart she will be.

Gu Qingcheng pinched the phone, hesitated for a long time, and finally dialed An Ruchu's number.

"Qingcheng." The call was answered quickly. At this point, An Ruchu should have finished eating and was playing a game with Mo Mo, and there was the sound of the game in the background sound of the phone.

Gu Qingcheng organized his words and asked hesitantly: "Are you sure you want Qingqing to participate in that competition? Have you decided to fight Ye Qing?"

"Well, no matter what happens to me, Ye Qing doesn't plan to let me go, so why should I hide? If she wants to suppress me, then I will fight back!" An Ruchu's voice sounded relaxed, as if she was still playing Game, while talking back.

Gu Qingcheng sighed, "You know, no matter what you choose, I will always support you."

"Well, don't worry! I'm sure, Ye Qing hasn't published a work for so many years, so it's easier to deal with." An Ruchu said.

Seeing that she was so calm, Gu Qingcheng was relieved. He knew An Ruchu's ability better than anyone else. It could be said that he was the No.1 in discovering her.

"That's good, then you accompany Momo first, and I will deal with something."

"okay bye!"

After making the phone call, Gu Qingcheng was still holding the phone in a daze. For some reason, he always felt uneasy, and felt that she was getting farther and farther away from him.

Could it be that he will lose his qualification to accompany her silently?

(End of this chapter)

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