Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 180 I Think He Said That Sentence For You

Chapter 180 I Think He Said That Sentence For You

After the match, An Ruchu was still pondering the meaning of Mo Chen's last words, but Qingqing was happily thinking about where to celebrate, "Sister An, where do we go to celebrate? I'm exhausted recently , anyway, there is still some time before the finals, why don't we go and sing!"

An Ruchu was fascinated by the thought, so she didn't listen. Qingqing raised her eyebrows and stopped, "Sister An! Did you listen to me?"

"Ah?" An Ruchu came back to her senses and looked at Qingqing in a daze, "What did you just say? I didn't hear it."

Qingqing pouted and said dissatisfiedly: "I said I'm going to celebrate! Would you like to sing?! We didn't make it last time. This time I want to vent. I've been too tense recently and I'm a little tired. "

"Oh." An Ruchu was still a little slow, "Then you can go if you like! I don't care."

Qingqing chuckled, "You said it! You want to go too! Don't play tricks!"

"Okay! I see. Let Mina take Momo with her and go play for a while too! But I have to go back early, so I won't go crazy with you young people." An Ruchu laughed.

"Okay, okay! Just go!" Qingqing was overjoyed, and immediately called the people in the same department to come together, and by the way, she also booked a KTV, which was called Wuse, which is said to be quite famous.

An Ruchu also followed her, and understood her hard work these days, so she just took it as a way to relax.

After Qingqing finished making the phone call, with a happy face, the two went to the garage to pick up the car. Just as they walked to the garage door, they happened to see Ye Qing and Bai Manman coming from the other side, followed by Dong Zihan who was promoted together today.

An Ru knew at first glance that Dong Zihan seemed to be a chess piece cultivated by Ye Qing, to prevent Qingqing from winning the championship.

"Long time no see! An Ruchu!" Bai Manman stepped on high-heeled shoes and walked over with a twist and a swing. She was wearing a long white dress, but she couldn't see a trace of innocence.

Ye Qing was also dressed up today, a royal blue dress set off a high-end atmosphere, and matte red lips were glamorous, such a match gave birth to a sense of wealth and grace.

The premise is that she doesn't speak, and her expression is not so sharp and vicious.

"If I hadn't heard the touching story today, I wouldn't have known that this contestant Han Qingqing is yours!" Ye Qing folded his arms and smiled coldly, "I'll just say it! How could you not participate?" , So this trick was used!"

Bai Manman went on to say: "Mom, I want to be a coward, why do you care so much? I don't have the ability, so I'll find foreign help!"

"Manman, you are right, mom thinks so too." Ye Qing smiled, and the mother and daughter sang together, speaking happily.

Qingqing stared as if she was about to eat people, if An Ruchu hadn't pulled her, she would have beaten this disgusting mother and daughter to the ground.

"Since you think I'm incapable, then I'm not!" An Ruchu held the angry Qingqing with one hand, and smiled calmly, showing no anger at all.

In contrast, the mother and daughter are like self-directed and self-acted clowns, no matter how much they jump around, it is a joke in An Ruchu's eyes.

Ye Qing's complexion darkened, and he sneered, "It was! If not, why didn't you participate? Are you afraid of losing? Or do you feel that you don't have the ability to participate, so you're embarrassed to participate?"

"Bah! You fart!" Qingqing finally couldn't hold it back anymore, and no matter how An Ruchu winked, she blurted out: "You're not capable! Sister An is my mentor, she doesn't bother to participate in such a competition, without me It's enough to go out!"

Ye Qing was taken aback by her ferocious eyes like a tiger cub, but he was unwilling to lose in terms of momentum, so he pretended to be calm and said: "Do you think she really has such good intentions? She just uses you and waits for you to win." After the competition, stand up and say that you are her apprentice! Then the benefits and aura are all hers, and you can't get anything!"

Bai Manman also taunted: "I've seen a fool, but I haven't seen you so stupid! I made a wedding dress for nothing! What about your best friend, I hope she is happy, and you treat her with all your heart and soul." , It's a pity that she just treats you as a pawn!"

"Even if it is so what?" Qingqing raised her chin and said tuggingly: "I am willing, you bite me!"

Both Ye Qing and Bai Manman choked for a moment, they never expected that she would not be fooled, and still wholeheartedly wanted to protect An Ruchu!
"Hmph! Don't waste your energy trying to sow discord. Let me tell you, I am willing to be with Sister An!" Qingqing glanced at Ye Qing and Bai Manman coldly, and said solemnly: "Even if she doesn't call me, I will Will also participate in the competition! Take back everything for her!"

"Everything about her?" Ye Qing suddenly laughed, as if he heard some joke, the louder he laughed, he couldn't control it.

After a while, Ye Qing's laughter gradually stopped, and she said sarcastically, "Ask her, which items belong to her? Don't be joking, an orphan girl with unknown background wants to befriend Mo Chen? Hehe, Don't even see if you have the ability!"

Qingqing is the same as Mina, her temper is like a powder keg, and she is irritated instantly, and she cursed casually, "Yes! You are the only ones who are noble! Both mother and daughter are extremely noble, and they think about how to snatch them every day. Someone else's husband! Being a mistress and being so ostentatious, I really can't find anyone other than shameless people like you!"

"You!" Ye Qing and Bai Manman turned pale, staring at Qingqing viciously, but couldn't find a word to refute.

Qingqing snorted, and said with a look of contempt: "I have nothing to say, right? It's good to know that I'm low! Don't always make trouble for Sister An, or I will be the first to let you go!"

After finishing speaking, Qingqing didn't look at how ugly the faces of the mother and daughter became, she pulled An Ruchu away, and when she walked, she deliberately blocked her behind, as if she was afraid that there would be danger behind and hurt her.

Ye Qing and Bai Manman stood where they were, their eyes were red with anger, but it was always their own fault, Qingqing's girl seemed to be tricky and domineering, so it might not be sweet to keep pestering her.

Finally, he stomped his feet and cursed a few times angrily, that's all.

"It turns out that Han Qingqing's master is An Ruchu!" Dong Zihan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said something strange, looking at the direction where An Ruchu and Qingqing disappeared, a faint light flashed in his eyes , mysterious and treacherous.

When Ye Qing thought of Qingqing's loyalty to An Ruchu just now, and Dong Zihan's silent performance, he immediately became furious, and said angrily: "So what if Han Qingqing's master is An Ruchu? Look at how he maintains An Ruchu." As before, what about you? You didn't give a word just now, and today you have a lower score than Han Qingqing, and you missed the chance to directly advance to the finals!"

Dong Zihan lowered his head, looking obedient and weak, "I'm sorry, I will work hard."

"Hmph!" Ye Qing glared at her, and said coldly: "What else can I do besides working hard? The judges invited by Mo Chen this time are all old and stubborn, and they can't be fake. You don't have to count on the public judges." Now, you can only rely on yourself!"

Dong Zihan seemed to have no temper, as well-behaved as a little sheep, he just responded obediently, "Yes!"

Seeing her like this, Ye Qing lost his temper instead, he snorted, complained a few times, and then nothing happened.

In the evening, a group of people went to the celebration banquet first, An Ruchu didn't shy away this time, and directly brought Mo Mo there.

Now the people in the department are not what Lin Yuqi used to be. They are all newcomers, youthful and lively. They really have no resistance to a cute and smart kid like Momo.

So, after a meal, they were all around Mo Mo, trying to please him, not to mention how exaggerated the scene was.

An Ruchu and Mina were happy to be at leisure, watching the excitement, Qingqing was afraid that Momo would be robbed, and fought in the crowd, vowing to protect Momo's possession.

Being so popular, Mo Mo said that his head was getting big, and his face was wrinkled with depression, like a ball of paper that had been crumpled by someone, that group of people couldn't smile no matter how funny they were.

An Ruchu was very happy to see it. She knew that Mo Mo was in a bad mood recently, so she also wanted to take him out for a walk and meet some people. Don't stay at home all the time, maybe her mood will be brighter.

Looking at it today, although his face is very depressed, he probably likes to be lively in his heart.

After dinner, a group of people clamored to go to the second round. An Ruchu didn't want to take Mo Mo to a place like KTV, after all, he was still young, but this group of people refused to let her go, saying that they must go play with it.

An Ruchu asked Mo Mo for his opinion, and Mo Mo said that it doesn't matter, he can go and see what the KTV looks like, because he is more curious.

So, a group of people went to the foggy KTV in a mighty way, and the waiter was stunned when he saw that there was still a child like Momo.It stands to reason that such a small child is not allowed in.

"Hey, don't worry!" Qingqing waved her hands loudly, "Isn't he just a kid? He's not a teenager who came here to fool around, but he's not brought here, so it's better to take care of him here. It's okay. , let us in!"

The waiter looked at her, nodded, and then took her to the box that had been reserved earlier.

It was Mo Mo's first visit to such a place, and he was obviously a little curious. This group of young people finally seized an opportunity to show off, and they all swarmed up to give advice to this arrogant little male god.

Soon, all kinds of weird songs began to sound in the box, such as nursery rhymes, Internet songs, Vietnamese songs, Thai songs, whether they could sing or not, they all let go of their throats and sang loudly. yell.

An Ruchu and Mina are relatively older, and they don't like to make trouble anymore. Oh no, it should be said that Mina wants to shout, but seeing so many young people around, she is afraid of affecting her good image, so she Let it go, chat with An Ruchu honestly.

"Hey, I read today's news!" Mina pressed close to An Ruchu's ear, raised her voice and said, "I think the last sentence Mo Chen said was for you! What the hell are you doing?" What do you think?"

An Ruchu's face darkened, and he drank a sip of wine in silence, before slowly saying: "That sentence doesn't mean anything."

"Why doesn't it mean anything?" Mina said: "People who don't know must think it's nothing, but Qingqing has told you about your affairs, so what he said later must be a promise to you! I will make up a wedding for you and give you a home!"

An Ruchu smiled bitterly, "Don't you think it's too late?"

(End of this chapter)

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