Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 181 I Was Deceived Again

Chapter 181 I Was Deceived Again
Gu Qingcheng was on a business trip for half a month, and finally came back. Hearing that Qingqing had directly advanced to the finals, he immediately gave Qingqing a big reward, and gave her a five-day holiday for her many days of hard work.

Qingqing couldn't help but laugh from ear to ear. Anyway, the semi-finals are being held now, and there is nothing wrong with her. There is still more than half a month before the finals, so it's good to relax.

An Ruchu was afraid of Ye Qing's hands and feet, and told him: "Although you are on vacation, don't run around, rest at home and recharge your batteries."

"Don't worry! I understand!" Qingqing naturally understood, patted her chest loudly, and said with a smile: "I'm not going anywhere, just stay at home and sleep in the dark! I've been looking forward to this holiday for a long time! Hahahaha!"

An Ruchu was helpless, and said with a smile: "Are you a pig? You don't feel bored when you sleep every day? If you feel really bored, then read a book at home. Don't always be a tomboy. Do you still want to find a boyfriend?"

As soon as this was mentioned, Qingqing chuckled, and a suspicious blush floated across her face, "Well, don't worry about this question, hehe, don't worry!"

"There's nothing I can do about you." An Ruchu saw through her small thoughts at a glance. There must be someone she likes, but she doesn't know which one.

But who didn't like a few people when they were young?At such a beautiful age, it is good to be able to love vigorously, but when you are older, you will not be able to love.

Qingqing glanced at her, bit her lips, and said cautiously: "Sister An, what about you? You don't think about Mo Chen? That sentence that day, I think, is a promise to you!"

"Qingqing!" An Ruchu frowned, cast a glance, Qingqing curled her lips, afraid to speak, found an excuse, and ran away in despair.

Sighing helplessly, An Ruchu felt a little irritated. Ever since she accidentally kissed Mo Chen that night, she was always a little absent-minded, always thinking of him weeping when he was drunk.

It seems that those resentments have already cracked and tended to change.

Originally, her resentment towards Mo Chen was just his attitude, from his disapproval of Mo Mo to the matter of Bai Manman, she was extremely disappointed.

However, when she calmed down, she would also think from Mo Chen's point of view, her actions seemed a little impulsive, she was not fully sure to bring down Bai Manman, but acted rashly, that's why she failed.

But Mo Chen is different, he is a businessman, rational and indifferent, he has always been used to measure by the maximum benefit, so he knew that this time there is no way to overthrow him, so he can only keep silent first, secretly accumulate strength, and then annihilate the opponent in one fell swoop.

She understands these truths, Mo Chen said it, Rong Xiang said it, Mina said it too, but the only hurdle she couldn't get over was Mo Chen's attitude at the beginning, which made her dare not believe it.

This irritable mood lasted for several days, and it didn't get better. Gu Qingcheng probably knew that she was in a bad mood, and asked her to have dinner together, but An Ruchu refused.

Although disappointed, Gu Qingcheng didn't force it. He just said a word to her at that time, "No matter what you choose, I only want you to be happy."

She froze for a moment, and when An Ruchu came to her senses, Gu Qingcheng had already gone far away, leaving only the presents from his business trip, hers and Momo's, on the table.

This is Gu Qingcheng's habit for many years. No matter where he goes, he will definitely bring a souvenir and never forget it.

There is such a man who has loved her silently for so many years without asking for anything in return, as long as she is happy.

But she couldn't treat him the same way, she insisted on delaying him for so many years, the love didn't arise, but she only owed more.

An Ruchu took a deep breath, put away the gift, got off work, and went to Mina's appointment.

Today, Mina suddenly lost her nerves and said that she was going to eat at the newly opened restaurant by the sea. She said it was very romantic and she must try it together.

An Ruchu felt strange at the time, shouldn't couples go to romantic restaurants?Why are two women going?

Mina smiled very strangely, and kept secret, saying that she would know when she went.

However, An Ruchu had no choice but to agree. According to the address she gave, she drove to find it by herself. Speaking of which, if it wasn't for the navigation, she would never be able to find it. It doesn't matter the distance, even the location is remote.

When An Ruchu arrived, it was almost seven o'clock, just in time for the sunset, the sea surface was rendered orange red, the sea breeze blew past, scattered the sparkling waves, and it was charmingly beautiful.

Standing by the sea for a while and watching the scenery, the sky gradually darkened, and it was a bit cold, so An Ruchu called Mina and asked if she had arrived.

"Oh! I'm sorry Chuchu, my car broke down halfway!" Mina said apologetically, "It seems that I won't be able to go! But don't worry, I have already booked a seat, the Aegean Sea box, by the sea, The scenery is beautiful, you can enjoy it!"

An Ruchu frowned, "Nana, are you trying to beat me to the rhythm?"

"Hehehe, I'm sorry!" Mina said she was sorry, but it didn't sound like an apology at all. Her laughter was treacherous and calculated.

An Ruchu suddenly felt that this scene seemed a little familiar, as if when did it happen before?

"Enjoy Chuchu! I'll hang up first! Bye!" Mina finished speaking in a hurry, and hung up the phone without waiting for An Ruchu to speak.

"This Nana..." An Ruchu sighed helplessly. Naturally, she was a little depressed after being let off the plane, but she came here and booked a seat. It would be a waste not to eat, so let's leave after eating!

However, when she arrived, she regretted it, and finally understood why this scene was so familiar!Because that's how Mina tricked her into going on a blind date!Then I met Mo Chen!
That time it was because she went to the wrong place, but this time, she was right, but she was calculated.

"An An?" In the private room, Mo Chen saw An Ruchu walking in, a trace of surprise flashed across his face, as if he didn't expect her to come.

An Ruchu instinctively wanted to leave, but it was too late, Mo Chen had already walked over with joy on his face, "An An, why are you here too? Did you come with Mina?"

"I would like to ask you, why are you here?" An Ruchu asked with a sullen face.

Mo Chen fixed his eyes, and said strangely: "I was going to have dinner with Rong Xiang today, didn't you invite you and Mina to come here?" He looked back, his eyes became clear.

An Ruchu glanced at him indifferently, "We were all deceived."

If you don't know the reason until now, you are really an idiot.It's just that she didn't expect Mina to repeat her old tricks and trick her here again!

And Rong Xiang also took the guts to collude with Mo Chen and tricked her to match Mo Chen.

No wonder she felt that Mina had been very mysterious these days, and He Rong avoided her when she wanted to make a phone call. It turned out that she had planned it for a long time, but she fell for it because she didn't pay attention.

"It seems so." Mo Chen looked at her and smiled, most likely out of joy, "Since they're all here, let's have a meal together!"

An Ruchu didn't move or speak, and looked at Mo Chen with a complicated expression, not knowing what she was thinking.

"Sit down! You are also a deceived person, so what if you just have a meal?" Mo Chen gently helped her pull out the chair, and said with a smile: "Anyway, it will take an hour or two for you to go back to the city, and it will be nine o'clock when you go back. If there are too many, I will definitely not be able to bear it."

An Ruchu pursed her lips, glanced at him cautiously, but still didn't move, Mo Chen smiled helplessly, "I just want to have a meal, if you don't want to, that's okay."

"I just want to have a meal." An Ruchu suddenly found a seat and sat down without further ado. Mo Chen was stunned for a moment, then overjoyed, "Mmm! We just have a meal."

No matter how she makes excuses for herself, he is happy, as long as he can take a good look at her, he will be satisfied.

An Ruchu sat quietly, with no expression on her face. When Mo Chen asked her what to eat, she said it was casual. Mo Chen had a rare good temper. He asked the waiter carefully about the characteristics of this place, and then combined with her taste, ordered Some.

The waiter looked envious, and before leaving, he said something to An Ruchu, "Miss, you see that your husband treats you well, he only cares about what you like to eat, and doesn't think about himself! You guys, don't be awkward. , make up quickly!"

An Ruchu was slightly stunned, and wanted to explain the relationship between the two, but Mo Chen spoke first, "Thank you for your kindness, but this time I made my wife angry, it was my fault, she should be angry .”

"That's it! Then you have to admit your mistakes and make amends!" The waiter smiled and glanced at the two, his eyes still couldn't help being envious. Isn't he talking about the two people in front of him?
"I will." Mo Chen looked at An Ruchu with a serious face.

An Ruchu just pretended that he couldn't see it, and urged the waiter anxiously, "Aren't you going to place an order? I'm in a hurry! Please hurry up!"

The waiter complied, and immediately retreated conspicuously. However, after a while, a very romantic saxophone sounded again in the box.

An Ruchu was speechless to this meddling waiter, and almost felt internally hurt. If it wasn't for Mo Chen's noble status, she would have thought he was a relative of his family!Then help him!
Mo Chen was in a good mood, his brows and eyes were stretched, every line of his face was smiling, he looked at her and said: "The waiter is just kind, we can just eat ours, don't be angry."

An Ruchu would never admit that she was angry, she snorted displeasedly, and said instead: "Whatever! Anyway, I won't come next time."

Seeing her annoyed appearance with a girlish charm, Mo Chen's smile deepened, and he said cooperatively: "Well, I won't come if I don't come, but I still have to eat enough for this meal."

After humming and chirping a few times, An Ruchu glanced at him a few times, and stopped talking, and continued playing with the teacup in his hand.

"Taking advantage of today's opportunity, I think we should have a good talk." Looking tentatively at An Ruchu's face, Mo Chen hesitated for a while before opening his mouth, "I hope you don't refuse and can face it head-on. this matter."

(End of this chapter)

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