Chapter 210

An Ruchu listened to the whole song with tears in her eyes. At the moment when the playing and singing were finished, everyone stood up one after another and gave thunderous applause!

"Good! Well played! Well sung!"

"Wow, I'm so touched too! If my husband and children play and sing for me, I'll wake up laughing from my dreams!"

"That's right! Not only is he handsome, but he's also rich and talented! It's so enviable!"



Hearing all kinds of envious comments from the women around her, An Ruchu's heart was filled with pride and pride, because these two handsome and arrogant men were hers!No matter how envied others are, they belong to her alone, and their favors will only be given to her, not to others!
After the performance, Mo Chen and Mo Mo stood up together, gave a gentleman's thank you to the audience, and then turned their heads together to look at An Ruchu, "Thank you, An An (Mummy)!"

An Ruchu had a sore nose and almost cried again, it's really annoying!These two people are usually so arrogant and cold, how come they are so tearful when they become sensational!It's just boring!

Seeing that she was about to cry again, Mo Chen gave a doting smile, then strode down the stage, walked slowly to her, held her hand tightly, and said affectionately: "Want to cry again? There are still many things! Then you don’t want to cry every day? You cry more than Mo Mo?”

An Ruchu looked up at him, a little confused, "There will be more in the future?"

She was so touched just once, if she came here often in the future, wouldn't she cry every day?
"Silly girl." Mo Chen gently scratched the tip of her nose, and smiled dotingly, "There are two men in our family, but you are the only woman, of course we will protect you and coax you from now on. "

It's fine if he doesn't say it, the more he said it, the deer in An Ruchu's heart became more joyful and bumped around, making her feel like her chest was going to explode!Impressed!
"Okay, don't cry, there are many children watching you!" Mo Chen smiled, and pulled her to the stage together.She was too embarrassed to cry anymore, forced back the tears, tightened Mo Chen's hand, and walked to Mo Mo's side.

A family of three, holding hands, stood side by side in front of the piano, welcoming the envious eyes of other families.

"Click, click, click!" Suddenly, there was a sound of the shutter, and the warm and touching scene was photographed, allowing time to freeze here.

The person who took the picture was Mo Mo's teacher. She shook the camera in her hand and said with a smile, "We should record the good times."

An Ruchu and Mo Chen looked at each other and smiled, and they both saw the rippling flow of true love in each other's eyes.

"Wow! This photo is really good!" After the photo was developed, Mina just came and looked at the sun for a long time, and finally came to such a conclusion, "It seems that I didn't miss it, Mo Chen really What a good man! Not bad not bad!"

Momo looked proud, folded his arms and said, "That's for sure! We won No.1 that day! We also awarded a parent-child outfit! Here, look, it's drying on the balcony!"

"Oh, I know your father is amazing!" Mina pinched Mo Mo's face without looking at her, and said with a smile, "Look at you! The corners of your mouth are hanging on your ears! Really! You are not reserved at all." Ah You!"

Mo Mo shook off her hand and snorted, "What I said is the truth! My daddy is the most powerful man in the world! Looking at the whole city A, who can compare to him?"

"Hey, you're really..." Mina couldn't stand such a nymphomaniac Mo Mo, "I still prefer the arrogant and aloof you in the past. I'm not used to you now!"

"I don't need you to get used to it! I have a father and a mother, so I don't want you!" Mo Mo turned her head away, took the photo from her hand, and walked away arrogantly.

Mina was in a mess, I dare say his arrogance and aloofness are only used on people other than Mo Chen and An Ruchu!It seems that I was wrong just now!How could it be possible for Mo Mo, a cold and cold male god, to be a warm male? !

"You, you, aren't you shooting yourself in the foot?" An Ruchu saw the scene just now, served Mina tea, shook her head and smiled, "I know that Mo Mo has such a personality, You still have to provoke him, isn't this looking for abuse?"

Mina nodded aggrievedly, "That's right! I should never have said that to him, who knew he would change his face so quickly!"

"So, I advise you to be careful in the future." An Ruchu took a sip of scented tea, the fragrance was slightly bitter, but it was very refreshing, she said, and asked Mina to try it.

Mina drank a little and felt good. She couldn't help but take a few more sips and said with great enjoyment: "Oh, that's really good! You are suitable for this kind of thing in Chuchu! Literary and elegant!"

"Is there anyone who is naturally suitable? When you are bored, you match yourself, just play casually." An Ruchu smiled, her soft eyebrows in the dense water vapor, there is a soft charm, that is a happy woman Only then can it be truly revealed.

Mina knew at a glance that she had a good life recently, she couldn't help but slapped her lips, and joked: "Tsk tsk, look at your happy smile, it almost melts people! It seems that Mo Chen It really nourishes you well!"

"What are you talking about!" An Ruchu glared at her, and said angrily, "I didn't do anything with him! Don't talk nonsense!"

Mina opened her eyes wide, staring at An Ruchu's face with a strange look, "No way? According to Mo Chen's character, he should have done it long ago! How can he still endure until now? This is unscientific!"

"No, it's not! Don't talk nonsense!" An Ruchu gave her a glance, but inexplicably, the man's firm back in the shadow of the backlight floated in his mind, and his face suddenly turned red.

"Tsk tsk! He still said no! His face turned red!" Mina was so careful, she immediately noticed An Ruchu's abnormality, and smiled even more cunningly, "Hey! It seems that there is a story! Don't deny it, I believe that Mo Chen won't be so nasty, so he must act first!"

An Ruchu got angry and glared at her, "You!"

"Oh, I know you're shy, so it's fine if you don't admit it! I get it! I get it!" Mina smiled mischievously, and put on a look of "I understand you". She was pissed off.

What the hell is this man thinking!Do men and women have to have such a relationship when they are together?Is it not possible to love spiritually? !
Mina doesn't care how An Ruchu denies it, and she doesn't argue too much with An Ruchu. She already believes that it is so, so she will always respond to what An Ruchu says, "Yes, yes, yes! If you say no, there will be no! I I understand! I understand everything!"

An Ruchu was going crazy!Her eyes don't seem to believe it!It is clearly perfunctory!
In the end, An Ruchu said that the corners of her mouth were dry, but she decided to give up. Anyway, Mina believed that!

"Okay! Let's skip this topic and talk about something else!" Seeing that An Ruchu's cheeks were puffed up with anxiety, Mina was even happier, poked her cheek, and said with a smile: "By the way, what are you guys talking about?" Time to remarry? I'm still waiting for you to hold a new wedding, and I'll be a bridesmaid!"

An Ruchu gave her a big white eye, "I don't know!"

"I don't know?" Mina blinked her eyes with disbelief on her face, "How could she not know? Mo Chen asked Rong Xiang to prepare it early in the morning!"

An Ruchu was taken aback for a moment, then turned her head and looked at Mina seriously, "What did you say? Rong wanted to prepare for this a long time ago?"

"That's right!" Mina nodded, "Mo Chen told Rong Xiang to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to see if he needed some information. He went there very early! Why didn't Mo Chen tell you?"

An Ruchu pursed her lips, and frowned deeply, "No, he said it after the competition, and he didn't mention it after that. Later, Rong Xiang called him, as if there was something urgent, It was after that day that he said nothing."

"Ah? Could it be because of that phone call?" Mina was stunned, "Then what happened? It's impossible for Mo Chen to say nothing about remarriage!"

An Ruchu stared at her eyes and looked deep in thought, "I don't know either, so this is the strange thing."

"This is rather strange." Mina bit her lip, thinking hard for a long time, her eyes lit up suddenly, but after thinking about it again, she felt that it was impossible, and her brows frowned again.

An Ruchu saw her expression and knew what she was thinking, so she asked her, "What's wrong? What do you think?"

"I just had a flash of inspiration, but I guess it's unlikely." Mina frowned, "I was just imagining, without basis."

An Ruchu pushed her, "Tell me first!"

"Well...then I said it! Don't laugh at me for being weird!" Mina pursed her lips, and after getting An Ruchu's nod, she stuck to An Ruchu's ear and whispered a word .

Hearing what Mina said, An Ruchu's brows also frowned, isn't this too bizarre?is it possible? !

Momo is on summer vacation, so much time that there is no place to go, every day when he has nothing to do, he will call Mo Chen or something, Mo Chen is also doting, no matter what he is doing, he will definitely not refuse to answer, and he will definitely put the matter first Putting it aside, the matter of the son is the big deal.

An Ruchu had already expressed his attitude towards this, it would spoil the child, and he couldn't be allowed to mess around like this.

Mo Chen said at that time, "It's okay, my son is not afraid even if he is the devil, he has his father here! What are you afraid of?"

An Ruchu was speechless to this crazy love child, and didn't bother to bother her anyway, so why is she meddling in her business?
However, what made her even more dumbfounded was that Mo Chen would always take Mo Mo out to play after get off work, and two people who were usually so arrogant and aloof that heinously cold would post selfies!And very often!

An Ruchu had posted a group photo of playing games with Mo Mo on Mo Chen's Weibo, and added a sentence, "My son and I look like this today!"

Then, when he goes to an amusement park, he will also post that he is playing a roller coaster, and then add a sentence, "My son and I look like this today, cool!"

Post meals, post walks, post sleep, no matter when and where, as long as Mo Chen and Mo Mo are together, they will definitely post selfies!And the texts posted are almost the same, all of them are "My son and I look like this today!"

An Ruchu felt that the title of Xuanzi Madman definitely belonged to Mo Chen!
(End of this chapter)

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