Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 211 An Ruchu is the beloved little 3!

Chapter 211 An Ruchu is the beloved mistress!

If ordinary people posted photos of their sons like this crazily, they would probably be blocked thousands of times, but Mo Chen is no ordinary person!No matter what he does, there will always be many people following him!
This time was no exception. Not only did no one find him annoying when he published so frequently, but he even attracted a lot of fans!The name of the fans is "Squid"!
When An Ruchu saw this powerful cuttlefish group on the Internet, she was also shocked!Can this be called brain powder?Faced with such a heinous frequency of selfies, there are still people who like them? !
However, their fans just like it, almost all female fans, there is no age limit, old, middle-aged, kindergarten, they are all complete!

Looking at the comments posted by Mo Chen and Mo Mo on Weibo, An Ruchu was really drunk!
For example, after Mo Chen posted a picture of Mo Mo sleeping soundly, there would be a bunch of nympho comments below, "Wow! The little boy god is so cute! The meat is so cute!"

"The big male god is also super handsome and easy to cut? It's almost drooling, huh!"

"Father and son are equally handsome! The looks and IQ couldn't be higher! This woman An Ruchu saved the universe in her previous life, right?"

"Hmph! Get out of here, you nympho! Don't interfere with my husband and I sleeping!"

"You idiot upstairs! It's my husband! Now we're having sex!"

"It's my husband! My husband!"

"Mine! Mine!"

"Both big and small are mine! You all go away!"


There are countless comments like this, and all kinds of nympho and intoxicated fantasy are simply eye-opening.

However, An Ruchu was relieved that although there were a lot of comments, none of them insulted her, at most they were envious and jealous, if it was really abusive, she had never seen it at all.

An Ruchu knew in her heart that even though this relationship has been blessed by many people, there will always be people who disapprove of it, because there is no need to be responsible for speaking on the Internet, so many people will definitely say some nasty words out of envy.

But this time, she didn't see any of them. An Ruchu knew that this was Mo Chen's protection for her, and those vicious comments had already been suppressed before they came out, so she wouldn't see them.

An Ruchu was very moved, and saw his sincerity more accurately and clearly. Those misunderstandings and complaints in the past have long since disappeared.

This kind of sweet time has lasted for more than two weeks. When the cuttlefish fan base was growing, on a Saturday morning, a news suddenly broke out in the comment area, and it was forwarded over [-] million in an instant!

At first, An Ruchu didn't know about it, but when she woke up in the morning, the phone kept vibrating as soon as she turned it on, and she couldn't stop it!Then, before An Ruchu had time to look at it, the phone froze!
An Ruchu looked at the screen where her phone was stuck, and knew that it was caused by Weibo, so she logged in with her computer to see what was causing her so many messages.

As soon as you log in to Weibo, tens of millions of Aites will pop up!It's all by Aite her when reposting!
An Ruchu was surprised at the time, she rarely posted on Weibo, and under normal circumstances, these fans would not like her, but why are they so fierce today?Could it be that something big happened?
Anxiously, An Ruchu slowly opened the forwarded Weibo, saw the content, and was stunned, what's going on?

This is a new user who registered with a mobile phone. He commented on Mo Chen's Weibo, "It's disgusting to see so many of you chasing after this family so stupidly! A man who is greedy for money and will use any means to climb up The woman in the bed is also worthy of your envy? A child of a mistress is also worthy of your liking? Hehe! This world has completely changed my three views! An Ruchu is just a mistress who robs love with a sword, and he is also in the top position! Back then The woman who saved Mo Chen's life at all costs, was framed! Abandoned! Is this the so-called morality?!!! In addition, add another piece of evidence! An Ruchu and Mo Chen have divorced! Now they belong to Illegal cohabitation!"

After finishing the text comments, there was even a picture attached. An Ruchu clicked on it, and it turned out to be the divorce agreement signed back then! ! !

An Ruchu was stunned, staring at the picture on the screen with wide eyes, and didn't move for a long time.

Why does that person have this agreement? !At that time, she gave it to Qin Feng after signing it!Logically, it was handed over to Mo Chen, but how could this person exist?

Was that person there?Is it someone close to Mo Chen?But why did it take so long to post it?What exactly do you want to do?
The more she thought about it, the more she felt chills all over her body. She seemed to smell something unusual. Perhaps, everything was not that simple, nor was it what she always thought it was!There must be something else hidden!

Suddenly thought of something, An Ruchu immediately dialed Mo Chen's number, and Mo Chen connected immediately.

"Achen, have you read Weibo?" An Ruchu was worried, and when she answered, she said quickly.

Mo Chen's tone was very calm and calm, "Well, I saw it. It's okay, I will deal with it."

"Achen, I think this is very strange." An Ruchu said anxiously: "Why does that person have a picture of the divorce agreement? Don't you think it's scary? That person must be someone we are familiar with, but we don't know Know who it is!"

Mo Chen comforted him gently: "Don't worry, I know this matter well, just leave it to me."

"But I'm still worried that there are spies by your side!" An Ruchu said: "I don't feel at ease if I don't dig this person out sooner."

"I already know who this person is, don't worry! I will handle it well." Mo Chen's tone was still gentle, and his deep and mellow voice was reassuring.

An Ruchu was surprised, and asked, "You already know? Who is that?"

After a pause, Mo Chen was silent for a while, and just when An Ruchu was about to ask again, he suddenly opened his mouth, "You also know this person, think about it, who directly came into contact with that share six years ago?" agreement?"

An Ruchu thought of something, and his eyes widened instantly, "You mean... Qin Feng?!"

"En!" Mo Chen replied, "That's right, he has appeared frequently recently, and I have noticed him for a long time. I also know about today's incident, otherwise, he would not have announced it."

In the past, An Ruchu might have suspected that Mo Chen didn't love her enough, but now her first reaction was that this was Mo Chen's scheme, he was setting a trap to guide those people to jump off.

"You're thinking……"

Mo Chen interrupted her, and said in a firm and forceful tone: "An'an, wait for my good news! The truth of a few years ago will soon surface. Those who owe you, I will one by one Solve it yourself! I will give you an explanation!"

Feeling warm in her heart, An Ruchu's whole heart seemed to be surrounded by sunlight, and she settled down immediately. She smiled and said softly, "Okay! I'll wait for your good news!"

"In the past few days, no matter what happens, you don't care about it. I have my own plan, you know?"

"Okay, I just need to hide behind you, I don't do anything."

"An'an, trust me, I will give you a satisfactory explanation."

"I believe you."

"Thank you, An An..."

"What a fool!" An Ruchu couldn't help laughing, but her eyes were moist, "You're all for me, and I'm the one who should say thank you."

Mo Chen paused for a moment, his voice was a little hoarse when he spoke again, he coughed lightly, and then said: "Okay, I'll go to work first, let's talk after dinner tonight."

"okay bye."

After hanging up the phone, An Ruchu was lying on the bed in a large font, with a warm heart. The worries and anxieties just disappeared after the call.

She finally knew that the feeling of being pampered and supporting the sky turned out to be such happiness.Don't worry about the sky falling down, because someone will stop it for you.

The forwarding of that comment was out of control, causing an uproar on the Internet, forming a scolding war camp between the two sides, some people supported Qin Feng's statement, and "unintentionally" discovered that the person who saved Mo Chen back then was Bai Manman, He strongly praised her for regaining her true love, and kicked An Ruchu away.

More than half of the people were skeptical and questioned the statement in that comment, and Bai Manman's usual style was not very good, making it hard to believe that she was really Mo Chen's savior.

In addition, there is a photo of the divorce agreement. Many people said that it doesn't matter. Even if they are divorced, they can still remarry. Now we all know how much Mo Chen dotes on An Ruchu and Mo Mo. No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like An Ruchu Make the means superior.

Therefore, those who supported An Ruchu's side agreed that Bai Manman and Ye Qing had a grudge because of the previous incident, and deliberately directed and acted a scene, which was to frame An Ruchu.

Both parties have their own opinions, and the stalemate has formed a protracted tug of war.

At this time, everyone hoped that Mo Chen could stand up and explain, but unexpectedly, the maniac who had always been high-profile and dazzling suddenly became low-key. Since the news came out, he has disappeared.

All the people could only continue to wait and see and talk to each other. It was lively and intense, and it was more sensational than any major news.

The person involved, An Ruchu, was calm this time, and directly uninstalled the Weibo, and didn't bother to read it, anyway, she knew whose trick it was without having to read it.

Who else could be besides Ye Qing and Bai Manman?That woman who talks about her savior every day and is so proud of her favor can only do these dirty things!

However, what made her feel strange was when did Bai Manman and Qin Feng hook up?six years ago? !Then how did they hook up together?
This was something she couldn't figure out, and it seemed that she could only wait for news from Mo Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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