Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 212 Zero points, let's start the war!

Chapter 212 Zero point, let's go to war!

No matter what is going on on the Internet, An Ruchu still goes to work as usual. Gu Qingcheng happened to be on a business trip abroad. When she found out about her affairs, she even called back to ask her to take a vacation. However, An Ruchu refused because she was not Don't care what other people think, only Mo Chen believes in her, what does it matter what other people think?

Gu Qingcheng could only let her go, and briefly told her to be careful, but didn't say anything else.Ever since An Ruchu and Mo Chen got back together, he rarely came to the company, most of the time he was abroad, and he only came back once in a while.

An Ruchu knew that he had no way to face her, so she could only act as if she didn't know, but she was also grateful for his love, and she didn't want to stop going to work because of a trivial matter.She can't give him love, so she should help him more in her career.

On the second day after the incident happened, An Ruchu went to work on time. If the previous situation was followed, she would probably be poked into a hornet's nest by the company's employees.

But this time there was no one. Everyone who saw her would give her an affirmative smile and say to her, "Director An! We are all cuttlefish! We all believe in you! Come on!"

An Ruchu was really taken aback at first, she never thought that she would be supported by so many people, although it was partly due to the favor of Mo Chen and Mo Mo, it was probably because she took Qingqing to get the The awards really proved my ability and got everyone's recognition.

"Thank you, thank you everyone! The clear is clear, I think, one day, everyone will understand." Whenever people encourage her, she can only repeat this sentence of gratitude.

The trust between people is really hard-won. She has a deep understanding, so she cherishes it very much.

The occurrence of this incident had almost no impact on An Ruchu. The company's work remained the same, and her life was also well protected by Mo Chen. It was the same as usual.

Seeing this, Mina started to shake her head and became sour again, "Hey, hey, CEO Mo is different! He is rich and powerful! He protects you like glass, I am so envious and jealous!"

"That's right! It's like killing us single bastards!" Although Qingqing is currently working in Mo Chen's company, she will often come back to CK Group, especially after that incident, she almost stays here every day. I was afraid that An Ruchu would be hurt, but when I came back, I found that I was the one who was hurt!Ten thousand points of dog abuse shock wave!
An Ruchu smiled speechlessly, and corrected: "No, only you are single, and Nana has a wife."

"Aww!" Qingqing cried loudly, "You bully people!"

Mina laughed and patted her on the shoulder vigorously, "It's okay! You're still young! You can enjoy the feeling of being hit. You see, I have been abused by Chuchu all the time!"

"Hey! Then I have to abuse him for a few more years?" Qingqing cried to death.

"Hahahaha! That's right! Otherwise, you should hurry up and find one!" Mina gloated.

An Ruchu shook her head helplessly. Every time she saw Mina and Qingqing fighting, she felt that they were like children and hadn't grown up at all, "Qingqing, don't listen to her nonsense! It's good to be single, enjoy it Live a free life for a while, and you will always meet good things in the future.”

"Yeah! It's better to be Sister An!" Qingqing leaned over, hugged An Ruchu's waist, and began to act coquettishly.

Mina expressed that she couldn't stand it any longer, and threw her fist over, "Go away! It's the business we agreed upon!"

"Hiss, that's right!" Qingqing let go of An Ruchu while rubbing her head, only then did she think of the business she had agreed upon.

An Ruchu was puzzled, "What's the business?"

"Actually, it's nothing wrong! I just wanted to ask you, do you need our help?" Mina smiled and said, "Of course, we guess that Mo Chen is enough for you, but we thought, maybe we can help Woolen cloth!"

Qingqing raised her head, and said confidently: "Sister An, don't underestimate me! I also have a fan club! As long as you speak, my green vegetables will immediately help you spray white man!"

"Qingcai?" An Ruchu almost spit out water, "Your fan club is called Qingcai?!"

Qingqing nodded, "That's right! Isn't it very down-to-earth and pleasant to hear? I picked it up myself!"

An Ruchu: "..." This name is probably what Qingqing came up with, right? !This is too weird!
"Oh, don't change the topic, what exactly do we need to do?" Qingqing rubbed against An Ruchu with an eager look on her face, really wanting to help An Ruchu.

An Ruchu was very relieved, but she rejected their kindness, "No need, Mo Chen told me not to interfere in this matter, he will handle it himself, let's just wait and see the good show!"

"Look! I just said, she doesn't need ours!" Mina pouted, sour.

Qingqing also sighed, "Sure enough, there is President Mo, so we have nothing to do!"

"Come on you two! That's enough!" An Ruchu rolled her eyes, and then smiled slowly, "This is his plan, let's not make trouble, anyway, Bai Manman can do whatever he wants, and it doesn't do anything to me. It doesn't matter if it hurts or not? The bigger she makes trouble, the bigger the impact, and the worse she falls, we can only win, not lose, so what are we afraid of?"

Mina and Qingqing looked at each other and smiled, excited expressions appeared on their faces, and they began to gear up, "Hey hey hey! That's true! It must be very good to fall down!"

"Even if it's not broken to pieces, it will be covered with bruises." The corners of An Ruchu's lips curled up, and a trace of cunning flitted across the bright red lips.

"Brother, the momentum is almost done now, and the influence is big enough. If you don't make a move, what are you waiting for?" Rong Xiang walked into Mo Chen's office and asked.

Mo Chen was playing with the tablet in his hand, leaning on the sofa, with a leisurely and leisurely look, he was completely different from his usual serious and cold look, with an indescribable charm of laziness.

After hearing Rong Xiang's words, he smiled lightly, as if he was playing a game, with a look of fun on his face, and after a while, he said slowly: "I just want to test Ye Qing's ability. No matter how old she is, I never thought that she would still be able to find so many people to help her."

"So, you're just here to test the waters?" Rong Xiang sat down opposite him, and also raised Erlang's legs, looking foolish.

Mo Chen hummed, continued to point his finger on the tablet, and said, "How do you know the opponent's strength if you don't try? However, it seems that it is almost the same now, Ye Qing only has that little ability, without Mo Min What else can she do?"

"That's true." Rong Xiang lazily put his hands under his head, and let out a sigh of relief, "Thinking of the scene where you will poke them, I feel really looking forward to it!"

The corners of Mo Chen's lips curled up, "I'm looking forward to it too!"

"Then big brother..." Rong Xiang suddenly glanced at Mo Chen, "Does sister-in-law know what I told you?"

Mo Chen shook his head, "I didn't tell her, it happened to be a surprise for her, why not?"

"Tsk tsk!" Rong Xiang smacked his mouth and shook his head frequently, "Brother, you are a veteran in the field of love! There are endless romantic methods!"

Mo Chen glanced at him, "I'm sincere, not a formality, besides, I owe her this."

"Okay! You won." Rong Xiang curled his lips and didn't speak again. Anyway, it was Mo Chen's fault.

"Okay, the amount of forwarding is about the same. Everything is ready, and we can start tonight." Mo Chen suddenly put down the tablet, and then stood up. There is a kind of majesty.

Rong Xiang's eyes lit up, "Okay! I'm always on call!"

"Then tonight..." Mo Chen stood in the backlight, the contours of his facial features were hidden in the light and shadow, and he vaguely saw a cold smile passing by the corner of his lips, "Zero o'clock, let's start the war!"

In a dark and damp basement, there was a stench of corruption everywhere. Under the dim light, one could vaguely see a man lying in front of the computer, typing on the keyboard quickly.

"Dong dong." Suddenly, there was a dull knock on the door.

The man paused for a moment, and glanced sideways at the door, and heard someone whispering outside, "It's me, open the door."

In the darkness, the man's eyes lit up, he stood up quickly, and hurried to open the door, but before opening the door, he stopped again, and tidied up his clothes and hair to make sure that he didn't look so decadent Only then reached out and opened the door.

"Why so long!" A female voice complained dissatisfiedly before walking in. The figure was tall and slender, and the high-heeled shoes hit the ground very clearly.

After closing the door, the man smiled apologetically, "Recently, the wind has been getting tighter, so I've been more cautious, Man Man, don't be angry."

"En." The person who came turned around, revealing a seductive face, it was Bai Manman.

She covered her mouth and nose, looked around, frowned deeply, and showed her disgust unabashedly, "Qin Feng, do you live here? Is this also where people live?"

That's right, now living in the basement, the person who looks like a mouse crossing the street is Qin Feng, the special assistant who was famous by Mo Chen's side back then!Who would have thought that he would degenerate to such an extent that he could only spend his days hiding in such a dark place!

Qin Feng was a little embarrassed, smiled dryly, rubbed his hands together, a little at a loss, and said embarrassingly after a long time: "You also know that after that incident back then, Mo Chen blocked me everywhere. It's not easy."

"All right, all right! Don't tell me how miserable your life is!" Bai Manman interrupted him impatiently, "Do you think my life is easy?!"

Qin Feng lowered his head slightly, and said in a calm voice, "Yes, I know you have suffered, so I will try my best to help you."

"It should be like this." Bai Manman took it for granted, and then said: "Today, the number of retweets has increased a lot. You have done a good job. I am here to hope that you will continue to work harder and make things bigger. Let everyone know An Ruchu's ugly face!"

Qin Feng looked up at her, and frowned in embarrassment, "Manman, I think it might be a bit difficult..."

"You mean you can't do it?!" Bai Manman stared at him fiercely, with sharp eyes, "What did you say when you promised me back then?! Say it's difficult now! If you can't do it, just say it." Just say it straight, I can find someone else!"

Qin Fengfeng was in a hurry, took a step forward, and said anxiously: "Manman, I didn't mean that! You know, even if you let me die, I'm not afraid! It's just that I feel something is wrong."

(End of this chapter)

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