Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 213 Mo Chen is about to make a big move!

Chapter 213 Mo Chen is about to make a big move!
"What's wrong?" Bai Manman stared at him, and said coldly: "Haven't we been going well? Now we are about to succeed, but you say something is wrong?!" She smiled coldly, with contempt in her eyes, " I think you are afraid, right?"

Qin Feng said anxiously: "Man Man! That's not what I mean! I just think that everything is going too smoothly, and something is wrong! According to Mo Chen's character and power, how could he not control it? Instead, the situation got out of control!"

After a pause, he gritted his teeth and continued: "So, I suspect this might be a trap! Otherwise, Mo Chen couldn't have done nothing."

"Impossible!" Bai Manman stared and said angrily, "Why can't you think that everyone is on my side? I am the victim! Everyone should support me! Also! What about you?" So are you sure that Mo Chen didn't say anything because he was partial to me?!"

She raised her face slightly, with nostalgia for the past in her eyes, "No matter what I did before, he would indulge me! This time it must be the same! He still misses my kindness to him, and he still has feelings for me! That's why he didn't say anything! Not like you said!"

Qin Feng looked at her like this, a trace of pain flashed in his eyes, he opened his mouth to say something, but Bai Manman got ahead, she stared at him coldly, and said word by word: "This time! I don't care Are you willing! I want you to help me hype it up! The bigger the trouble, the better! I want to watch An Ruchu criticize me! I want to return to Mo Chen's side!"

"Manman..." Qin Feng opened his mouth, full of bitterness, what he wanted to say, after seeing her eyes, he couldn't say it anymore.

After a while, he gritted his teeth and nodded slowly, "Okay! I will try my best to help you! Don't worry!"

With his words, Bai Manman's expression softened a little, "Well, I'll leave this matter to you! Be sure to make a big fuss! Make sure that An Ruchu is ruined!"

"Okay! I know how to do it." Qin Feng nodded with a complicated expression.

Bai Manman glanced at him, frowned, covered his mouth and nose again, "Well, I have something to do, so I'm leaving first." After she finished speaking, she couldn't wait to leave.

"Manman, are you leaving?" Qin Feng chased after him, with an urgent expression on his face, "Aren't you going to stay a little longer?"

Bai Manman turned his head and glanced at him, then frowned in disgust, "It's a good place for me to come here, but you still want me to stay a little longer? Do you think I'm someone who stays in this kind of place? "

"Then..." Qin Feng's outstretched hand froze for a moment, and then slowly put it down. He lowered his eyes in frustration, and said weakly and bitterly: "Yes! You are a big star, how can you stay here What? Hehe, I was stupid, you go! Act like I didn’t say anything.”

Bai Manman glanced at him, but didn't respond, he hummed, turned around and left.

With a "bang", the door was slammed shut, and Qin Feng slowly raised his head, a trace of unbearable pain flashed across his eyes.

Is this person still the caring little girl I met back then?Why, the years have changed her like this?

After work in the evening, Mo Chen didn't ask An Ruchu, and directly robbed An Ruchu at the door. He was so domineering and handsome, and the female employees of CK Group were so envious, they screamed again and again.

When An Ruchu was sitting in the car, she felt that she still hadn't recovered. As soon as she went out, she saw a car suddenly appearing in front of her, and then someone directly stuffed her into the car. By the time she realized it, everyone was already on the road.

"You, you! You're really scaring me to death!" An Ruchu patted her heart, still terrified, almost thought that Ye Qing and Bai Manman sent someone to arrest her!

Mo Chen laughed, "I wanted to give you a surprise, but I didn't expect to give you a fright."

"Originally!" An Ruchu gave him an angry look, but her face was sweet, "Why didn't you tell me in advance? I also agreed with Momo to have dinner together tonight."

"I've already told him, Mina and Rong Xiang will come to accompany him later, don't worry." Mo Chen smiled, something flashed in his eyes.

An Ruchu twitched her lips, dare to say that this is a long-planned conspiracy!
Mo Chen smiled without saying a word, kept a secret, and didn't tell her where she was going. After half an hour, he arrived at the destination.

"Here we are, let's get out of the car!" Mo Chen stopped the car, and then looked at An Ruchu with a smile. An Ruchu looked outside, stunned and stunned.

" did you come here?" An Ruchu looked at the restaurant outside stupidly, but didn't react for a long time.

This is not anywhere else, it is the Tang Dynasty!It was the place Mo Chen always brought her here before!It's also where they first met!

Mo Chen got out of the car, walked around to the other side, and opened the car door for her in a gentlemanly manner, "Get down! I've made arrangements for tonight! You're satisfied."

"Ugh." An Ruchu passed her hand up in a daze, got out of the car, and entered the restaurant together amidst Mo Chen's haunting.

Mo Chen had already reserved a private room early in the morning, and as soon as the two entered, a waiter brought them in.An Ruchu took it for granted that the so-called arrangement he just referred to meant the arrangement for a date tonight, but never thought about anything else.

The dishes were also ordered early in the morning. As soon as the two of them were seated, the dishes started to be served. Needless to say, they were all An Ruchu's favorite dishes, and they all tasted light and delicious.

An Ruchu looked at Mo Chen, her heart was filled with touch and warmth, who said this man was cold-blooded and heartless?Who said he doesn't understand romance and love?

He only looks cold on the surface, but he doesn't know how hot, gentle, and considerate he is in his heart. He has thought about everything, without any mistakes or omissions.

"What are you looking at?" Mo Chen put all the picked out crab meat into An Ruchu's bowl, seeing her looking straight at him, he couldn't help joking, "Do you think I'm more beautiful and delicious? Huh? "

An Ruchu blushed, quickly looked away, and lowered her head to eat crab meat, "No! You're not as good-looking as Momo!"

"Hahahaha! That's natural!" Mo Chen was not jealous, he was very happy when he heard An Ruchu praise Momo, and he smiled very proudly, "Momo must be handsome like me, take a look at Weibo So many fans on the Internet love him!"

Facing this hyunzi madman, An Ruchu said that he was really speechless, "Didn't you say that Mo Mo was rude at the beginning, and you wanted to find his parents to beat him up? Now? Are you still going to beat him up?"

"I didn't know at that time!" Mo Chen said this, his expression was a little guilty, he looked at An Ruchu, "If I could have recognized you earlier, then you wouldn't have to suffer so much!"

An Ruchu said: "I deliberately kept it from you at that time, of course you didn't know."

"No!" Mo Chen shook his head, "Actually, Mo Mo has been secretly in touch with me. When I was hospitalized, he visited me quietly and chatted with me a lot on the Internet, but I never knew that he was Our child. It was my fault that my child was right in front of me and I didn't know it and nearly killed him! It's all my fault!"

Seeing him talking at first, An Ru became more and more excited, put the bowl and chopsticks aside, and held his hand, "There is no absolute right or wrong in things. If there are mistakes, then we all have them. But now things have passed for so long , why mention it again? Don't you have a good life now?"

Speaking of which, she really didn't know that Mo Mo had secretly visited Mo Chen, nor did she know that they worked together as a hacker. At first, she thought that the relationship between the two father and son was so good because they reunited after a long absence. Looking at it today, that is Because they had a relationship foundation very early, they are father and son, and they are also confidants.

Maybe she used to blame Mo Chen too, but now seeing what Mo Chen has done, she can't blame him at all.Regardless of the past, she just wants to look to the future and cherish every moment of being together, that's all.

"En! You're right! Don't be stuck in the past, but look forward." Mo Chen withdrew his thoughts, held An Ruchu's hand instead, and nodded heavily, "Don't worry, I will give it to you soon. An account."

An Ruchu smiled, "So do you have any important announcement tonight? This is the place where we met for the first time!"

"You'll find out later! I guarantee you will be satisfied!" Mo Chen smiled with deep meaning on his face.

An Ruchu curled his lips, and didn't bother to ask anymore. Anyway, he was used to keeping secrets, and he wouldn't say anything after asking. Why not treat it as a mysterious surprise and wait patiently?
Next, the two of them really didn't mention what will happen tonight, they just kept chatting about the past, talking about their first meeting, their marriage, their first time, and many more We used to get along bit by bit.

Although those memories are not very good, and the hurt may account for the majority, but for two people who love each other, the past is a precious story, and it is not easy to be together. kind of memory.

An Ruchu almost cried while talking, and then was amused by Mo Chen. After a meal, she didn't eat much, but she was all chatting.

We chatted until after eleven o'clock. Many people in the restaurant had already eaten and left, but they didn't intend to leave this private room. The more they talked, the more excited they became. From the past to the future, including how many children they will have , When will the birth be finalized.

As he was talking, seeing that it would be twelve o'clock in a few minutes, Mo Chen suddenly stopped and looked at An Ruchu seriously, "An An, the future we drew together just now will come true, but now , I have something very important to tell you!"

"Ah? What's the matter?" An Ruchu was stunned for a moment. She didn't know why what she said just now was good, but suddenly she stopped talking, and it was so mysterious that people couldn't figure it out. "What are you going to say?"

Mo Chen looked at the time, "There is one minute left, you will find out later."

An Ruchu took a serious look at him, knowing in her heart that she was finally going to make a bigger move!He's been beating around the bush for so long, and finally he's about to explode!

(End of this chapter)

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