Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 214 We have never been divorced, we have always been a legal couple!

Chapter 214 We have never been divorced, we have always been a legal couple!
Thinking of Mo Chen's painstakingly prepared big move, An Ruchu became inexplicably excited and nervous, staring at the time on the phone, counting down from second to second.

"Ding!" The phone rang suddenly, An Ruchu was taken aback, glanced at the screen of the phone, and found that it was a link.

An Ruchu blinked, looked at the phone inexplicably, then looked at Mo Chen, and asked, "What is this? Is it something you want to announce?"

"Yeah." Mo Chen smiled slightly, with a confident look on his face, "Open it and have a look."

An Ruchu glanced at him, held the phone and hesitated for a moment, and after a while, opened the link out of curiosity. She saw that she was connecting to Weibo!

Vaguely thinking of something, An Ruchu opened his eyes wide, and stared at the slowly opening page on the phone without blinking. After seeing the Weibo posted at zero o'clock, his hands trembled violently, and his whole body trembled. stunned!
"This...this...what's going on?!" An Ruchu looked at the Weibo on the phone in shock, and was stunned and froze in place.

This Weibo was actually sent by Mo Chen!This is not the point, the point is that the content he released is too shocking!

He simply wrote a sentence on it, "We have never divorced and have always been a legal couple!"

There is also a picture below!There are actually two marriage certificates in the picture!The names of the two are clearly written on it!Post a picture of the two of you!
Who can tell her what's going on? !She and Mo Chen had obviously divorced!Why is there a marriage certificate? !

Could it be that... She and Mo Chen never divorced from the beginning to the end? !Has it always been a legal relationship between husband and wife? !

But how is this possible?She has already signed the divorce agreement!Didn't Mo Chen go through the formalities after taking the agreement? !

She really couldn't figure out why she thought her marriage, which had been divorced for six years, had always been in a continuation state!They have never been divorced! ! !
"How could it be..." An Ruchu's fingers were trembling, she didn't know whether she was shocked or happy, her mind was already in a mess, and she couldn't think at all, "How could this be...we...we have already... divorced."

Mo Chen looked deeply into her eyes, held her hand in his palm, and said with a serious expression: "An An, listen to me, this is what I owe you for several years. Now, I finally will The identity of Mrs. Mo has been returned to you, and it has been announced to the whole world in a fair manner!"

"But..." An Ruchu raised his head and looked at him with a puzzled expression, "But, aren't we divorced? How could this be..."

Mo Chen smiled, his eyes darkened, "Because we didn't get divorced at all, we just signed the agreement, but as long as we don't go through the formalities, we are still husband and wife."

"But..." An Ruchu frowned, "But didn't you really want to divorce me at the time? Why didn't you go through it again? This is very strange!"

Mo Chen sneered suddenly, his eyes turned cold inch by inch, and his tone was filled with hatred, "I never thought of divorcing you! I didn't give you the divorce agreement either!"

"Then..." As if thinking of something, An Ruchu's eyes widened, with a look of shock on his face, "You mean that Qin Feng did all of this?! You don't even know!?"

Mo Chen gritted his teeth and nodded, "Yes! He took my handwriting and asked someone to copy it, and then he asked you to sign it! And then he came to tell me that you wanted a divorce! When I went to you You had already disappeared without a trace! At that time, I also mistakenly thought that it was you who proposed to divorce!"

"Didn't you go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to investigate?" An Ruchu was a little puzzled, even if Qin Feng showed the agreement to Mo Chen, then according to his personality, he would go to investigate!How could he be fooled like this?
Mo Chen narrowed his eyes, and a dangerous light flashed by, "I did check, but the system at that time did show that we were divorced!"

"Then what's going on with us now? So even though we still have a marriage certificate, we are divorced in the system?" An Ruchu was even more confused, the more she thought about it, the more she didn't understand.

Mo Chen explained: "You should know what Qin Feng is studying, right? He is good at IT. At that time, he must have known that I would verify it, so he hacked the system in advance and tampered with our information. But in the current system, when I asked Rong Xiang to check it, it has been restored! I guess that Qin Feng was not completely hacked at that time, and it was repaired after a while! That's why all the bloody things happened. !"

As soon as this was mentioned, he was so angry that he was about to catch fire!At the beginning, he trusted Qin Feng so much and kept him with him all the time, who knew he would do such a thing!He almost lost the love of his life!Simply unforgivable!
Fortunately, these days, he became alert, so Rong Xiang went to investigate, only to find out that the two were not divorced!Always married!Not to mention that An Ruchu was shocked, even he himself found it unbelievable!
"It turned out to be like this!" An Ruchu clenched his fists, and his eyes were burning with anger, "He is so vicious! He can think of such a way! It's too much!"

Only now did she finally understand why Mo Chen wanted to fire Qin Feng!It turns out that all these misunderstandings were caused by Qin Feng!Everything is Qin Feng's frame for Bai Manman!Because of him, she and Mo Chen missed so many years!Tortured for so many years!
Such a person is simply not a pity to die!
But what's even worse is that now he's helping Bai Manman to frame him again!It also used the method of computer hackers, and wanted to repeat the old tricks!

However, this time, he was not so lucky!Neither Mo Chen nor Mo Mo are vegetarians, even if they don't use other hacker powers, they can defeat him with the joint efforts of father and son!
Mo Chen snorted coldly, "Qin Feng, I won't let him go! The pain he inflicted on us because of Bai Manman, I will pay him back thousands of times! Make his life worse than death!"

Biting her lip, looking at his gloomy eyes, An Ruchu knew that he was really angry. She wanted to ask something, but after thinking about it, she still didn't say it.

But Mo Chen knew that she had doubts early in the morning, and said, "Qin Feng and Bai Manman have a deep relationship, and they probably knew each other from a very early age, so he came to work in our company, presumably because of Bai Manman. Between you and me There are many things in the world that have nothing to do with him!"

Hearing what he said, An Ruchu understood in an instant, it seems that this Qin Feng is really devoted to Bai Manman, even if Bai Manman doesn't love him, he is still willing to help her get Mo Chen!
Such a person really doesn't know whether to call him great or pathetic!

"An An, I caused you so much harm in those years. Although it was not my intention, it was still due to my negligence." Mo Chen looked at An Ruchu, his eyes softened, and he took her hand , Seriously said: "An'an, I'm sorry, I owed you once. But in the future, I will definitely compensate you twice!"

An Ruchu's heart warmed up, and she smiled softly, "Fool! You said you misunderstood, how can you blame me?"

"No! That's because of my carelessness that caused such consequences!" Mo Chen shook his head and said word by word: "An An, I will make up for everything I didn't give you before! Weddings, companionship, doting, Pregnancy, childbirth... I will participate in all the processes that I missed! Give you a complete marriage!"

The tip of An Ruchu's nose was sore, her eyes were red, her throat was tight, and she couldn't speak when she was so moved.

God knows how much she cares about those pasts and hurts. Although Mo Chen loves her very much now, every time she thinks that he won't even come to the wedding, thinks of those days and nights spent in empty rooms, thinks of those sarcastic words...she still feels uncomfortable.Whether it's a misunderstanding or some other reason, as long as it's in love, it's an unforgettable imprint.

Now he said that he would return everything, that he would return everything she had lost to himself, how could she not be moved? !
"Okay, today should be a happy day, why are you crying instead?" Mo Chen stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears on her face, and smiled dotingly, "An An, that's great, we are still husband and wife."

An Ruchu's wiped tears welled up again, yes!She and he are still husband and wife!Even after being separated for so many years, the two are still husband and wife!Never parted!
"Silly girl, why do you cry so much?" Mo Chen blamed him, his eyes and smile were gentle and doting, he hugged An Ruchu in his arms, like coaxing a child, gently Authentic: "Okay, okay, don't cry, it's all over. Trust me, leave everything to me, and I will give you a satisfactory answer."

"Hmm..." An Ruchu lay on Mo Chen's body, choked up, unable to say anything.

Mo Chen patted her lightly, and smiled meaningfully, "You keep crying like this, how can you watch a good show? The one who should cry is not you, but someone else!"

An Ruchu paused for a moment, after thinking it over, she slowly got up and wiped away her tears, raised her head, looked into Mo Chen's eyes, and smiled with her lips curled up, revealing a smile as unpredictable as Mo Chen's, " Yes! Now is the time for us to clean them up!"

"An'an, this is just the beginning, and it will be even more exciting in the future."

Mo Chen's Weibo post suddenly at zero o'clock turned the originally quiet night into a frenzy!When netizens saw it, they almost screamed and went crazy!

Who would have thought that Mo Chen and An Ruchu had always been husband and wife!Although he has confessed his love to An Ruchu many times!But the rumors kept saying that he and An Ruchu had divorced, and that anonymous netizen also revealed the divorce agreement at that time!

However, at this time, Mo Chen suddenly broke the news himself, simply and rudely proving his relationship with An Ruchu!Surprise everyone!Give everyone a big shock!

And his move, although he didn't directly point it at anyone, everyone understood that this was his counterattack!It was his most direct slap in the face to that anonymous netizen!Put an end to the rumors directly, blocking the mouths of everyone!

Didn't you say they were divorced?He posted the marriage certificate!Didn't you say that they live together illegally?But they are really legal couples!You can sleep however you like!

The people who had been supporting An Ruchu saw Mo Chen's actions and applauded. Less than a minute after Mo Chen posted on Weibo, they immediately jumped up and counterattacked!
(End of this chapter)

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