Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 222 An Ruchu is the granddaughter of a sinner!

Chapter 222 An Ruchu is the granddaughter of a sinner!
That day, An Ruchu woke up very late as usual, and Mo Chen had already gone to work. She habitually lay in bed for a while, and then took out her mobile phone to check Weibo.

It doesn't matter this time, the main thing is that she found herself in the headlines again - An Ruchu is the granddaughter of a sinner! !
An Ruchu was stunned for a moment, thinking that she hadn't woken up to see the flowers, rubbed her eyes, checked again, and found that she was indeed talking about herself!

She clicked in, and found that the amount of forwarding was already huge, and they were all from Bai Manman's Weibo!

"It's her again?!" The first time An Ruchu saw this name, her first reaction was that she was haunted!No matter how I hit her, she seemed unable to die, and kept making troubles, just like flies!Hate it so much!
Looking carefully at the original text of Bai Manman's Weibo, An Ruchu's eyes widened in astonishment, and it read: "Hehe! It doesn't matter how much you scold me, but I still want to reveal the true face of An Ruchu today! What kind of noble person do you think she is? She is just the granddaughter of a smuggler!!! Do you still remember An Taizhi? It was he who hid the national treasure unearthed in the Western Han Dynasty! In the end, he committed suicide in fear of crime! An Ruchu is his granddaughter! How good is it? The blood of criminals is also shed!"

The following also specifically lists the news of An Taizhi's arrest and imprisonment and his death in prison. It is written in great detail, and every word and every word is critical of An Taizhi's crimes!The words are sharp and ruthless!
Bai Manman just wanted to use this to discredit An Ruchu!Since it was said in the news many years ago that An Taizhi was a criminal, then An Ruchu is also a descendant of a criminal, and he also carries a crime!It's not good enough for Mo Chen! ! !
Moreover, the most important thing is that although An Taizhi was imprisoned many years ago, he did not hand in the national treasure, and he did not hand in the national treasure until his death!As for what that national treasure was, no one knew what it was except for a few main characters at the time.So, so far, it is still a mystery!
The police have also been looking for the national treasure that was lost among the people. Just imagine, if the police knew that An Ruchu was An Taizhi's granddaughter, would they let her go easily?Of course, An Ruchu will hand it over to her!
In this way, no matter how An Ruchu defended, no one would believe that she didn't know!Naturally, the disaster of prison is indispensable!
Thinking of this, An Ruchu was so angry that her fingers were trembling, the anger in her chest was getting hotter and hotter, and she couldn't control it at all!

She had never seen such a shameless person!It's fine if Bai Manman framed her once or twice!But how many times is this the first time? !Why is Bai Manman so unwilling to give up!It is to use such despicable means to harm people!

She finally understood!Some people, you don't have to pity her at all!Because that would be an excuse for her to intensify her efforts!Will continue to think of ways to plant and frame!
The best way to face this kind of person is to step on her hard and never let her turn over!Otherwise, there will be endless troubles!
An Ruchu gritted her teeth, tried her best to suppress her anger, and lay down on the bed for a while, trying to clear her mind and find a way to deal with it.

However, at this time, the phone rang. An Ruchu was a little annoyed, and took it over to check, but it was Mo Chen calling.

"Hello, Achen." She took a deep breath before connecting the phone, trying to keep her tone as steady as possible.

Mo Chen said: "An'an, don't panic, I already have a countermeasure for this matter, Bai Manman can't take advantage of it."

" knew about this early on?"

"Well, it can be said that I set a trap. I have done so much to make Bai Manman fall into the bait."

An Ruchu breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time she was a little annoyed, "Why didn't you tell me? You made me worry for nothing!"

"Didn't I tell you that?" Mo Chen smiled, "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one can do anything to you, leave everything to me! Wife!"

The cry of "wife" made An Ruchu slightly stunned, something flowed through her heart, it was warm and reassuring.She nodded slowly, smiled gratifiedly and said, "Well, I believe you."

"Okay, it's still early, you can sleep for a while, I'll go to work first, and you will see the good news soon." After Mo Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

An Ruchu's face was full of happiness and peace of mind, and he rolled lazily on the bed, but couldn't fall asleep, so he simply got up from the bed.

She felt that she couldn't be idle, and she should do something!Since Bai Manman is not afraid of death so much, let the horse come here!Anyway, she also has a lot of information about Bai Manman in her hand, doesn't she like to break the news?Then give it a try, who has more material! ! !

In just one hour after Bai Manman broke the news, the number of retweets has reached hundreds of millions. Believe it or not, netizens are very concerned about this explosive news!I hope that An Ruchu can stand up and explain it!

Things have developed to this point, no one can hide anymore, because Mo Chen and An Ruchu have been in the limelight recently, every little thing will be infinitely magnified, and it will become the headlines, even if you want to hide, you can't hide.

For this reason, both Mina and Qingqing specifically called to express their concerns. Speaking of which, An Ruchu's life experience is basically unknown to no one, including these two good friends, who are just guesses and have not been verified. When this news broke out, everyone was very worried.

An Ruchu was very calm. When the two of them called, she happened to be squeezing juice. Hearing how worried they were, she comforted her in turn: "Don't worry! Bai Manman is going to die, we can't stop us, can we?" ?”

Although Mina and Qingqing didn't know what her plans were, they were relieved to see her so calm!Anyway, with Mo Chen around, why should I worry about these issues?
Afterwards, those stubborn old men also called and comforted An Ruchu for a long time, and specifically told her not to worry, they would do their best to help!
An Ruchu felt very relieved by so many people's concern. She used to feel that she was a marginalized person abandoned by the world, but now, she finally had the rare warmth in this world.

Not wanting to worry those old people, she told them what Mo Chen said, telling them not to worry, just wait and watch the show with peace of mind.

Those old stubborn people have been in contact with Mo Chen a lot recently, and they like it very much now. They heard that Mo Chen had arrangements, so they didn't worry immediately, and said to An Ruchu with a smile, "Xiao Mo is a good boy! You have to be good." what!"

The corner of An Ruchu's mouth twitched, the dignified president will become Xiao Mo in your mouth, is this really good?How can you embarrass those thousands of women who are infatuated with Mo Chen?
The last call was made by Gu Qingcheng from abroad. Seeing his call, An Ruchu froze for a moment, but did not answer it right away.

Ever since she and Mo Chen announced that there was no divorce, Gu Qingcheng avoided her more thoroughly. He used to travel frequently on business, but now he is almost always abroad and rarely comes back.

This call should be the first call Gu Qingcheng made after she and Mo Chen announced their relationship.Presumably, he also received the news, right?
Pursing her lips, An Ruchu calmed herself down, and then slowly picked up the phone, "Hello, Qingcheng."

On the other end of the phone, seeing her answering the phone, Gu Qingcheng seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, "Ru Chu... are you okay?"

"Well, I'm fine." An Ruchu smiled lightly, trying not to sound so blunt, "What about you? Are you okay abroad?"

Gu Qingcheng also smiled, her voice was as gentle as ever, "Well, I'm fine. I called today, just to see..."

"Qingcheng, I know you are also because of that news." An Ruchu interrupted him, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm fine, Bai Manman is just a clown, Mo Chen will deal with her."

After saying this, An Ruchu felt a little regretful. For Gu Qingcheng to hear what she said, it must be a disguised injury, right?
"Qingcheng, I..." She wanted to say something to make up for it, but Gu Qingcheng didn't let her continue. He pretended to be innocent and smiled, with a relieved tone, "Yes! You have Mo Chen by your side, he must I won't let you be bullied, then I can rest assured."

An Ruchu was a little embarrassed, smiled embarrassingly, and didn't know how to answer this sentence.

"Okay, it's good to know that you're fine." Gu Qingcheng heaved a long sigh of relief, and laughed easily, "Then I'll go to work first!"

"Ahhhh..." An Ruchu was stunned for a moment, and answered a few words foolishly, but before she had time to say what she was going to say, she hung up the phone.

Holding the phone, An Ruchu was in a daze, with complicated emotions, and couldn't tell what it was like, but always felt a little uncomfortable.

"Mummy!!" She was just thinking about it, when Momo's excited voice suddenly sounded, and when she turned her head, she saw Momo running over with a tablet, "Mommy! Mommy, hurry up!" Look! Daddy fought back! It's amazing!"

A trace of agitation flashed across An Ruchu's face, and he quickly took Mo Mo's tablet, scanned it quickly, and his expression became relaxed.

Mo Chen is indeed Mo Chen, and his style of doing things is as vigorous and swift as he himself, without any sloppiness at all. After Bai Manman made such fierce news, he saw the right time, and started to fight back when the discussion was the most lively!

The first counterattack, he said on Weibo: "Bai Manman is so ridiculous when he was young! Last time you pretended to be my savior. I haven't pursued your charges. Now you are doing well, and you still have to chase after him. To slander my lover like this!! Is there any convincing words for a person like you?"

This time, no symbolic evidence was given, it only showed Mo Chen's attitude, and it also led the majority of netizens to become suspicious of Bai Manman's statement. In addition to what happened last time, everyone will definitely have a skeptical attitude.This time, it can be regarded as planting the seeds of doubt, paving the way for the future!
Afterwards, some people deliberately went back and dug up a lot of news about An Taizhi, and came back with a lot of doubts, proving that An Taizhi was not convicted at the time, but the police suspected that he had hidden the national treasure, and he was old and sick, and he had no time to prove himself. He died innocently, so An Taizhi is not a criminal at all.

This statement has won the support of An Taizhi's fans!They all stood up to ask for an explanation for An Ruchu!Among them, there are those old stubborn ones, as well as Mo Chen's special assistant Xie Ziwen!

The situation is changing little by little, and the focus of everyone's attention is no longer An Ruchu, but whether the case back then is true or not?What is that national treasure?Where are you now?

When the discussion was at its most intense, an insider back then, that is, a historian who participated in the archeology back then, stood up and said, "The national treasure mentioned back then was actually a bit exaggerated. During the past few years, it was just a dowry of a royal princess!"

For this reason, the historian also specially sent out a rubbing map, which is a silver necklace inlaid with countless large and small red agates, which is very delicate and elegant.

When everyone saw it, they were in an uproar. Isn't this necklace the one that Bai Manman took out as evidence a while ago? !

(End of this chapter)

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