Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 223 I Will Protect Mommy!

Chapter 223 I Will Protect Mommy!
Qin Feng and Ye Qing sat on the side, their faces were also very ugly, they didn't know how to comfort Bai Manman, because no one expected the situation to develop to this point!

All of this seems to be Bai Manman's initiative to launch an attack, but in fact, calm down and think about it, everything is just a trick set up by Mo Chen early in the morning, in order to lure Bai Manman into a trap step by step!

"No! I can't lose!" Bai Manman sat on the ground, crying and yelling, throwing everything he saw, breaking down emotionally, and yelling like crazy, "I won't lose to An Like that slut in the beginning! No way! Ah!!!!"

"Manman! Calm down!" Ye Qing rushed over, trying his best to calm her down, but Bai Manman couldn't listen to her at this moment, her mind was full of those insults, it was all due to the love between Mo Chen and An Ruchu She felt like she was about to explode!Going crazy!
"Let me go! I'm going to kill that bitch An Ruchu!!! I'm going to kill her!" Bai Manman didn't know where the strength came from, and pushed Ye Qing away viciously, wanting to be disheveled. run outside.

Ye Qing shouted, "Qin Feng! Stop her!!"

Qin Feng blocked the door early in the morning, and refused to let Bai Manman out. Bai Manman was so angry that he was going crazy, he jumped on him, bit his mouth, and cursed, "Bastard! I'm a fool! Get out of the way!!! It's all my fault!" You! You ruined my good deed!!! You let me out! I'm going to kill that woman!!!"

His arm was bitten to a bloody mess, Qin Feng just frowned and didn't let out a cry of pain, he was like a wall, no matter how Bai Manman slapped him, he wouldn't move.

"Wow! Why?! Why are you stopping me! I'm going to kill her! Kill her!!!" After struggling and crying, Bai Manman was finally exhausted, crying and slipping off Qin Feng's body, powerlessly Slumped on the ground.

Qin Feng gritted his teeth, with pain on his face, and stretched out his hand to help her up, but he stretched out his hand in mid-air, but still froze.

"Manman, don't be like this, it's not the end yet, we still have a chance." His lips moved, and in the end he could only say such words, the so-called opportunity, even he couldn't see it, it was just comfort .

He had already noticed something was wrong a long time ago. According to Mo Chen's character and power, he would have been wiped out by Mo Chen when he posted those unfavorable information on the Internet, but Mo Chen didn't. On the contrary, it is deliberately encouraged.

So much so that later, once Mo Chen sent out any news, the number of people who paid attention to it was especially special!The impact is also very large!There is no way to suppress it!
There are so many things that look like Bai Manman took the initiative to pick food, but in fact, all of this is clearly set up by Mo Chen, he led Bai Manman into a trap step by step!Step by step into the abyss!

This man is so ruthless!As long as it's not someone he cares about!He will definitely be able to play you to death!

If this time, Bai Manman was willing to listen to his own words and stop earlier, he might not have reached this point.But, after all, it was too late!

Bai Manman sat on the ground, crying and laughing, "Opportunity?! I'm already like this, everyone knows my past, can I still meet people? Can I still stand up?!"

"Manman!" Ye Qing went over, squatted on the ground, wiped off the tears on her face, stared into her eyes, and said word by word: "Don't worry, Manman, with mom here, nothing will happen to you! "

Bai Manman raised his head, looked at Ye Qing's determined expression with blurred eyes, his mouth was flattened, and he threw himself into Ye Qing's arms crying, "Mom! You must save me! You must help me with this Back!"

"Don't worry! It's okay! Mom still has another plan! Although this time there may be no other way, but leave the rest to me!" Ye Qing narrowed his eyes, and a ruthless look flickered between his brows.

Bai Manman nodded, finally stopped crying, leaned wearily into Ye Qing's arms, and calmed down.

Seeing that she finally calmed down, Qin Feng also heaved a sigh of relief, his tense nerves relaxed, he looked at Ye Qing and said: "If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

"Well, I'll call you over if I have something to do." Ye Qing took a deep look at Qin Feng and nodded. However, just as Qin Feng was about to go out, she added, "There are rumors on the Internet that there are people like that. It's all fake, don't believe it, Manman...needs you."

"En." Qin Feng glanced at Bai Manman in Ye Qing's arms, pursed his lips, and answered sullenly, without saying anything, turned around and left.

Ye Qing stared at his leaving back, frowning deeply.

"Daddy, you are amazing! You're amazing!" During dinner at night, Mo Mo stared at Mo Chen with stars in his eyes, full of praise, "It's really amazing! I don't even have the face to see anyone!"

Mo Chen smiled kindly, "That's her retribution, she has done so many things that hurt you and your mommy, I will never let her go lightly!"

"Yeah! That's for sure! She's dead!" Momo nodded hurriedly, and when he mentioned the things before, he was also itchy with anger.

Mo Chen smiled, then looked at An Ruchu, and said, "This time, your mommy is also very good. Finally, she is no longer a little white rabbit, and she knows how to fight back."

An Ruchu was still thinking about something, but when she heard Mo Chen calling her, she raised her head in a daze, with a confused expression on her face, "Ah? What's the matter? What were you talking about just now?"

Mo Mo pouted, "Mommy, you were distracted just now! You didn't listen to us carefully!"

"Eh..." An Ruchu was a little embarrassed, and explained: "Mummy was just thinking about something, so she didn't pay attention. Don't be angry, okay? Hmm?"

Mo Chen rubbed Mo Mo's head, and said with a smile: "Mo Mo was just joking, you really apologized to him! We just praised you for doing a good job this time, and gave Bai Manman a hard slap in the face! "

"Oh, you're talking about this!" An Ruchu nodded. Speaking of this incident was really a coincidence, and she discovered it by accident at that time. Useful, I didn't expect it to come in handy this time!

"I was also pushed into a hurry, who made Bai Manman so disgusting!" She said: "I didn't bother to argue with her before, if she didn't pin all those things on me, I wouldn't use such a way to fight back!"

"But I think you've done a good job!" Mo Chen said with a gratified smile, "You're just too soft-hearted. Some people don't know what to do. If you don't be ruthless, people will think you're easy to bully."

An Ruchu nodded, expressing agreement, "Yes! So didn't I fight back this time? The result is not bad, isn't it?"

"No! It's not enough!" Mo Chen shook his head, and smiled secretly, "Bai Manman is just ruined now, and it is far from enough to relieve my anger! The sewage she wants to plant on you, I will also pour it on you." go back!"

An Ruchu looked at him and asked, "Then what do you want to do? Could it be that you want to plant him back?"

"She has committed a lot of crimes, do you need me to frame her?" Mo Chen smiled deeply, "If I pick any crime, she will bear it. This time, we will pick the closest one."

Neither An Ruchu nor Mo Mo understood, they stared at him with puzzled faces, waiting for his answer.

But Mo Chen refused to speak directly, and said in secret: "Just wait for tomorrow's news! The police will talk to her."

"Alright then! Let's just wait for the good news from Daddy!" Mo Mo smiled, and obediently stopped asking. Anyway, he didn't care about the process, as long as he saw that bad woman got bad news.

An Ruchu took a deep look at Mo Chen, as if she had already guessed something, and didn't ask any further questions, but said: "No matter what, I hope she will get the punishment she deserves! I don't want to see her again!"

"Well, don't worry, I will bury her slowly and little by little!" Mo Chen said, "Similarly, I also hope that you will be more ruthless in the future, and don't always be bullied by others, even if one day I am not by your side , you can also protect yourselves."

"Don't worry, Daddy! I will protect Mommy!" Mo Mo raised his head, clenched his fist, and waved it fiercely.

Both Mo Chen and An Ruchu couldn't help laughing. Even though they were still children, they always regarded themselves as little adults. They really didn't know what to be comforted by, but thought it was better to be funny.

"Okay, okay, Momo is the best. When he grows up, he can protect Mommy." An Ruchu patted Momo's head and smiled happily. With such a son, what else is she not satisfied with?
Mo Mo smiled smugly, revealing a sweet smile, he looked at Mo Chen, then at An Ruchu, his smile became brighter.

Under the crystal light, the figures of a family of three having dinner are reflected on the wall, enjoying the joy and harmony.

After eating, Wang Ma took Mo Mo to take a bath, there was no need for An Ruchu to worry about it, she knew that Wang Ma was racing against time to create opportunities for Mo Chen!I wish she and Mo Chen could make humans as soon as I have time!

Mo Chen also cherishes the opportunity to be with her very much, as long as there is no one at home, he will definitely take the opportunity to kiss, touch, or directly drag her to the bed to have a toss.

An Ruchu knew that he had waited for too long and finally got together, so she cherished it very much, and she herself enjoyed the time with Mo Chen very much, the two had misunderstood so much in the past, and they were not sweet However, now that the opportunity is rare, it will naturally be a little bit crooked.

After more than a month of hard work, she finally got used to doing that with Mo Chen. From being afraid at the beginning, it gradually turned into enjoyment, and from being shy at the beginning, she gradually let go.

Mo Chen was very pleased with her change, so he made a request that night, "I'm so tired to clean up Bai Manman recently! An An, why don't you be on top tonight? You move, um ?”

"What did you say?" An Ruchu just came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, when she heard Mo Chen's sudden words, her face blushed immediately, "I...I don't want it!"

Mo Chen lazily leaned on the bed, the bath towel only blocked the key parts, the mermaid line under the abdomen was clear and delicate, meandering all the way, and finally hidden in the white bath towel, people couldn't help but want to lift it to see what happened.

With a thud, An Ruchu couldn't help swallowing. She always knew that Mo Chen was in good shape, but every time she was too embarrassed to look carefully, looking at it like this today really made people nosebleed!Too manly!

"Since you want to see it, come here and watch it openly. What are you doing standing so far away?" Mo Chen hooked his lips and smiled charmingly, his deep eyes were rippling and seductive.

(End of this chapter)

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