Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 224 Bai Manman and Ye Qing Are Caught!

Chapter 224 Bai Manman and Ye Qing Are Caught!

Last night, Mo Chen made a good plan. He originally thought that An Ruchu would take the initiative, but he didn't expect it to become a night meeting. The two of them didn't accomplish anything. They really chatted under the quilt until dawn.

Although it was a bit of a pity, Mo Chen still felt very satisfied in his heart. At least, some things that had been hidden in his heart for a long time, those things that were not known to the public, finally found a gap, and told her without reservation.

The reason why there was a misunderstanding in the past was that the two of them didn't know each other well enough, and they liked to keep many things in their hearts. If you don't ask, I won't say it.After a long time, it has become an old account, which cannot be overturned.

So, the two agreed at that time that no matter what happens in the future, they can't hide from each other, and they must be honest with each other!Be sure to make it to the end!
Having received the promise, the two of them fell asleep contentedly near the early hours of the morning. This night, their sleep was sweeter and more peaceful than ever.

When I woke up in the morning, it was already nine o'clock, An Ruchu touched the place beside me, sure enough, as expected, Mo Chen had already got up and went to work.

She was already so rich, but she had never seen Mo Chen slacking off. He got up early every day. As for what time he got up, she really didn't know, because every time she woke up, he would gone.

An Ruchu felt that he had to do a good job of self-criticism. The great CEOs wake up so early and work so hard even when they are so good. On the contrary, after he came here, he completely lived a life like a pig!

Thinking of this, even if she wanted to stay in bed, she felt embarrassed, got up quickly, brushed her teeth and washed her face, changed her clothes, and went downstairs to have breakfast.

"Mommy, you're stuck in bed again!" Momo was already playing games with her tablet, and when she saw An Ruchu just got up, her little eyes looked a little contemptuous, "Daddy went to work early! You slept late Now, the sun is drying my ass!"

An Ruchu went over and pinched his face, "You really have no conscience! If you have a father, you will always bury me, won't you? You will look down on me, won't you? Huh?!"

"Oh! Don't pinch me!" Momo especially doesn't like people touching their head and pinching their face recently. He thinks this is very unmanly, so every time An Ruchu does this, he will be very unhappy, and his eyes will roll to the sky.

An Ruchu laughed, pinched it twice, and then turned to the kitchen to look for something to eat. It happened that Wang Ma was there, cooking a pot of something whose name was unknown. Needless to say, An Ruchu knew it just by looking at it. It must be a supplement for her, or a pill to help her conceive!

Turning around, An Ruchu was about to sneak away, but before she stepped out, Wang Ma's joyful voice came from behind in time, "Young Mistress, you are awake! Just right! I made you something stewed, and you can eat it while it's hot Bar!"

"Uh...haha! Haha!" An Ruchu dripped cold sweat, smiled dryly, and then turned around in embarrassment, "What a coincidence, Mama Wang! You are also in the kitchen! Haha! Haha!"

Wang Ma smiled cheerfully, and instead of greeting her, she directly filled a large bowl full for her, and said with a smile: "Young Mistress, try it, I added sugar, it shouldn't be bitter!"

When An Ruchu saw the black thing in the bowl, the corner of her mouth twitched, "Can I...not drink?"

"No!" Wang Ma refused very simply, looking at her face with a smile, but her will was very firm. No matter how An Ruchu made excuses, she only had one sentence, "You must drink!"

There was really no other way, An Ruchu had no choice but to bite the bullet, brought the bowl over, looked at it, then turned away, discussed with Wang Ma: "Wang Ma, I'll take it out to the living room to drink slowly, okay?"

"Okay, okay! You can drink it!" Wang Ma didn't object anymore, and said with a smile: "You go out and wait, I have prepared other good things for you!"

An Ruchu: "!!!"

She is about to collapse! !Why is there something else? !Isn't this bowl of medicine scary enough? !
For so many days in a row, feeding her these weird things in different ways almost every day, she felt like she was going to become a guinea pig!Will it really be okay to eat like this?
"Young Mistress, go out and wait, I'll be fast!" Wang Ma seemed to be in a very good mood. Even though her legs and feet were handicapped, she was still very agile when she got busy in the kitchen. It could be seen that she was capable and agile at work when she was young.

An Ruchu was also helpless, so she obediently took the medicine and went out, but she didn't have any appetite to drink it when she got up early in the morning, so she put it on the table first, and then turned on the TV, wanting to watch some news or something.

It just so happened that the TV station that was turned on was an entertainment news channel. An Ruchu was not interested in this. She glanced at it and was about to switch the channel. However, with such an inadvertent sweep, she paused and stopped.

wait!Isn't that woman on TV Bai Manman? !How was she taken away by the police? !
An Ruchu quickly turned up his voice, sat on the sofa, and looked at it seriously. Mo Mo also smelled unusual information, and moved to An Ruchu's side, blinking his big eyes and watching very seriously.

In the TV screen, a group of police officers escorted out Bai Manman with disheveled hair. Bai Manman's face was so pale with fright, like a female ghost, struggling frantically, screaming, "Let me go! Why do you arrest me?! Let go of me!" Let go!!! Let go of me!"

Ye Qing followed closely behind and was also detained by the police. She was calmer than Bai Manman, but her face was also very ugly. Facing the media reporters and photographers, they all dodged and covered their faces with their hands, not daring to show their true colors.

But even if she was like this, she couldn't stop the enthusiasm of the media reporters. As soon as they saw her and Bai Manman, they swarmed around and asked questions.

"Ms. Ye Qing, is what the police said just now true? Was that necklace really stolen by you?"

"It is said that the necklace was the national treasure in the case of Antai. May I ask why it is in your hands? Did you know that this is the stolen national treasure?"

"Do you, mother and daughter, know Mr. An Taizhi? Are you the one who framed him and put him in prison?"

"How did you get this necklace? Did An Taizhi give it to you, or did you hide it and plant it on An Taizhi? Could you please answer it? Miss Bai Manman, Ms. Ye Qing!"


I don't know what's going on, there were so many reporters that day, they blocked the door, surrounded by the police and Ye Qing's mother and daughter, no matter how the police tried to stop them, the reporters insisted do interviews.

Facing the reporters' interviews, Ye Qing kept silent, covering his face with his hands the whole time, as if afraid of being recognized.But Bai Manman seemed to be crazy, yelling all the time, swearing all kinds of ugly swear words, and even the policeman was kicked several times.

In the end, the development of the situation was too exaggerated. The police did not expect that an ordinary arrest would attract so many reporters. They had no choice but to invite armed police to maintain the scene.

In this way, the police officers safely escorted Ye Qing and Bai Manman into the police car, and then left.The reporters behind were also unrelenting, drove and chased after him.

That battle is really not ordinary spectacular and exaggerated!It is estimated that the leaders of the country will be similar to this when they go out!

After playing the video, the host explained: "Today, an international supermodel posted a picture of a necklace on the Internet. After relevant experts confirmed, this necklace is the national treasure that disappeared in the Antai case! There was a lot of trouble back then. Everyone thought it was Antai's private possession of the national treasure, but they don't know that the national treasure has reappeared in the world!"

"Moreover, what is even more surprising is that this national treasure is actually in Bai Manman's hands! Then, how did this national treasure come into Bai Manman's hands? Was An Taizhi's case wronged or was it for other reasons? So far , We have received very little information, and we cannot draw a conclusion, so let us wait and see, and wait for the official final result!"

After reading the whole news, An Ruchu held the remote control, her expression was still blank, she couldn't tell what it was, she seemed to be happy, but at the same time, she seemed to be worried or sad, and her mood was complicated.

"Mummy! Bai Manman was finally captured by the police!" Momo was overjoyed, standing on the sofa and jumping up and down, cheering, "The bad guy has been captured! It's great! Mommy, don't you think so? Isn't it great?!"

An Ruchu was in a daze, didn't hear what he said specifically, but nodded absently, "Well, amazing."

Momo paused, and looked suspiciously at An Ruchu, who looked worried, "Mum, what's wrong with you? Are you unhappy?"

"Ah?" An Ruchu came back to her senses, and smiled resentfully, "No! Mommy must be happy! This is her retribution, and I must be happy!"

Mo Mo pouted, and whispered: "But Mummy, you seem to have something on your mind! Is there something on your mind? You can tell me and Daddy, we will help you!"

"Good boy." An Ruchu smiled gratifiedly, and gently patted Momo's head, "Mummy is fine, just a little emotional! You don't have to worry!"

Mo Mo gave her a half-believing look, finally nodded, and said obediently: "Then you remember! If you are unhappy or have something on your mind, you must tell me and Daddy, we will protect you!"

"Got it! It's really long-winded!" An Ruchu smiled angrily.

Momo was unhappy, "Yes, yes! I'm the only one who is talking! I shouldn't care about you, hehe!"

"Hahahahaha..." Seeing him playful, An Ruchu laughed happily, and felt that this son was so cute.

When Wang Ma asked someone to bring things over, she happened to see An Ruchu smiling very happily, so she smiled even more happily, and reminded An Ruchu with a smile, "Young Mistress, come, eat all of these!"

When An Ruchu turned her head, she was dumbfounded when she saw it!Come again!Can she not eat! ! !Wang Ma, you are really enough! !
(End of this chapter)

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