Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 247 Mo Chen is Coming

Chapter 247 Mo Chen is Back

Mo Chen was pinching the phone, with obvious blue veins protruding from his slender and delicate hands, he cast down his eyes, and said seriously: "Well, I made a lot of calls before the plane last night but no one answered, but today it reminded me to turn off the phone. gone."

"Maybe it's out of battery!" The man in the mask suggested, "Why don't you call back and have a look."

"Yeah." Mo Chen nodded slightly, made a phone call at home, and walked towards the black Bentley at the door. The man in the mask looked at his back, took out his phone from his pocket, and quickly pressed his finger on the screen. A few numbers, but when he was about to dial out, he suddenly stopped.

Gritting his teeth, the man in the mask took a deep breath, put his phone away again, and strode after him.

At this time, Mo Chen had already finished making the phone call, his expression was a little strange, and there was worry and gloom between his brows.The man in the mask frowned and asked, "What's wrong? Are you not at home?"

Mo Chen's face was sullen, and the situation in his eyes changed, "Well, she's not in the hospital either, she went out early in the morning. Maybe something happened to her."

"How could it be?!" The man in the mask was taken aback, his eyes showed a look of astonishment, "So many people followed her, what could happen?"

Mo Chen frowned, and said thoughtfully: "In order to avoid pursuit, I have been inconvenient to use my mobile phone these days, and I haven't contacted her. I guess, something must have happened these few days."

When he first arrived in the United States, he was targeted and hunted down all the time.In order not to expose his tracks, he didn't even use his mobile phone.He is also completely ignorant of everything in the country.

The man in the mask was startled, then seemed to have thought of something, took out his mobile phone, and immediately dialed the number that he wanted to make but didn't dare to make just now, but it showed that it was turned off.

"Mina is also turned off!" The masked man looked at Mo Chen in astonishment and nervousness, "Something may have happened to them."

Mo Chen glanced at him, said in a low voice, "Get in the car", the two got in the car, and rushed out quickly.

"Master! Master is back!" The black Bentley stopped at the entrance of the villa, and the servants rushed to tell each other happily, as if a great happy event was ushered in.

When Wang Ma received the news, she staggered out with a cane, and when she saw Mo Chen approaching, she immediately laughed, "Master, you are finally back! Young Mistress and Young Master miss you very much!"

Mo Chen nodded, looked around, and frowned. Wang Ma seemed to know what was on his mind, and said proactively, "The young master is still reading in the study upstairs! Young mistress...Young mistress, she..."

As soon as An Ruchu was mentioned, Wang Ma hesitated. She carefully looked at Mo Chen's expression, ", have you found the young mistress? She said, she said she went to the hospital to see Xie Ziwen."

Mo Chen looked at her, his eyes changed, and then he said in a calm tone: "Well, I got in touch with her, and she said she won't be back so soon, and she has to take care of Xie Ziwen."

"Ah, that's it!" Wang Ma didn't have any doubts, she believed Mo Chen's words, and said with a smile, "Young Mistress is really kind, she has such a noble status, yet she still takes care of others!"

Mo Chen hummed, turned his head towards the direction of the car and nodded slightly, then walked inside, "Mo Mo is in the study?"

"That's right! Young master is reading the book you gave me before going abroad, and I've almost finished it!" Wang Ma replied.

"I'll go and have a look, Mama Wang, take a break and don't run back and forth." Mo Chen reminded a few words kindly, Mama Wang was so happy that she narrowed her eyes when she smiled, "Okay, young master It's been so long since I saw you, I'm sure I'll be very happy!"

"Well, I'll go and see him first." Mo Chen winked at the servant next to him, and the servant supported Wang Ma conspicuously, and walked into the room.

Mo Chen didn't even change his shoes, and went straight to the study on the second floor. The door of the study was closed, and in front of the tall bookshelf, there was a small figure lying on the snow-white blanket, looking at the book in his hand with relish.

Stepping lightly, Mo Chen slowly opened the door and walked in. Looking at the small limp body, he felt that his exhausted and thrilling mood these days was instantly relieved.

"Mo Mo." He opened his lips and called out in a soft and deep voice, "Daddy is back."

The small figure on the ground was startled suddenly, and suddenly turned around, seeing the tall and straight figure in front of him, a flash of surprise flashed across his watery eyes, "Daddy! You're back!"

Mo Mo let out a cry of joy, quickly got up from the ground, threw himself into Mo Chen's arms like a ball of cotton, and said in a coquettish, soft and cute voice, "I miss you so much! You finally I'm home!"

Feeling the soft and real presence in his arms, and listening to the crisp and soft call, Mo Chen felt his heart was about to melt, and there was a trace of warmth on his tense face.

"Well, I'm back, Mo Mo." He slowly hugged the little man in his arms, a smile appeared on the corner of his lips, "It's Daddy's fault, because some things were delayed, so it was a little late."

Mo Mo lay in his arms, and said in a muffled voice, "Yes! Mommy and I miss you very much!" Speaking of An Ruchu, he suddenly exclaimed, "Yes, Mommy has gone out , does she know that you are back? If she knows that you are back, she will be very happy!"

Mo Chen's eyes flickered for a moment, and then he nodded, "Well, I told her, but she is taking care of Xie Ziwen in the hospital now, and she won't come back so soon, Daddy will pick her up later, before leaving , I want to talk to you first."

"I'm fine!" Mo Mo said with a smile: "Just go and pick up Mummy first! It's so dangerous outside now, it's really unsafe for Mummy to run out! Just like Little Mom Mina, run It disappeared when I went out, and I haven't found it until now! Mommy was almost hit by a car because of this incident, and Uncle Xie Ziwen was injured because of this."

Regarding all that Mo Mo said, Mo Chen already knew through his subordinates on the way home, so he acted very calmly, "I know, don't worry! I will find your little mother."

"Well, I believe in Daddy!" Mo Mo nodded heavily, his face full of innocence.

Mo Chen rubbed Mo Mo's hair, and said softly: "Well, good boy Mo Mo, Daddy will go out to pick up your mummy later, it may be later, you don't have to wait for us, go to bed early when you're sleepy, I understand ?"

"Okay!" Mo Mo nodded sharply, his whole face was smudged with a smile, it was red and very cute.

Mo Chen glanced at his innocent smile, his eyes darkened for a moment, he let go of Mo Mo, and said: "Then Daddy is gone, you have to remember, don't run around, obediently wait for us to come back at home, do you know?"

"Don't worry, Daddy! I'm not going anywhere, I'm just reading at home!" Mo Mo laughed.

Mo Chen nodded in satisfaction, glanced at the time on the phone, hugged Mo Mo, then turned and walked out of the study.

"Daddy, you and Mommy have to come back early! I'll be waiting for you at home!" Momo's clear and innocent voice came from behind.

Mo Chen's back froze, his fingers slowly clenched into fists, he gritted his teeth, quickened his pace, and walked downstairs.

When the servants saw that he was about to go out, they were a little strange, but they didn't dare to say anything. When Mo Chen walked to the door, he suddenly turned his head and said coldly: "I'm going to pick up the young mistress. You should tell Wang Ma not to let her come back." Worry, and also, take care of the young master, don't let him go out."

"Yes, master!" The servants bowed slightly and answered neatly.

Mo Chen glanced at it before going out and getting into the car, started the engine, searched the ground, and left quickly.

"Where are we going?" asked the masked man in the car.

Mo Chen stared ahead, and said in a cold tone, "Go to the hospital first."

An Ruchu drove the car to the front of the abandoned warehouse in the western suburbs, surrounded by weeds, and when he got out of the muddy path he drove in, he was surrounded by weeds and thorns almost as tall as a person, and the big dilapidated warehouse was hidden during.

After getting out of the car, An Ruchu looked at the huge dilapidated warehouse in front of him, and frowned deeply.

This place is so big, so old, so remote, and so far away from the city, no matter what happens, no one will really find out.

The bottom of my heart became inexplicably tense, An Ruchu clenched her fists, trying her best to control the panic in her heart.

No, no mess!Don't be afraid!Don't panic!
She is here to save Mina, no matter what, she can't retreat!There must be no fear!Be sure to keep calm at all times and take the opportunity to escape!
At this time, the phone rang, and An Ruchu was taken aback for a moment before realizing that it was the ringtone of a new phone. Bai Manman was afraid that her phone would be tracked, so she secretly asked someone to give her an old phone with a button. Available for phone calls.

No need to look at the number, An Ruchu knew that this call was from Bai Manman.

Gritting her teeth, she pressed the answer button and said straight to the point: "I'm here, where are you? I want to see Mina!"

"Very good, you did a great job, you actually got rid of those followers." Bai Manman said with a smile: "You want to see Mina? It's very simple, you just come in through the first door on the left side of the warehouse , go straight to the end, and then you will be able to find me."

An Ruchu took a deep breath, and said patiently, "Okay, I'll look for you in the past, but you have to keep your promise and let Nana go!"

"Naturally! You can see her when you come here." Bai Manman chuckled.

"Okay, I'll go now." An Ruchu hung up the phone after finishing speaking. Now, she has no other choice. Regardless of whether Bai Manman will go back on his word, she still wants to go to Mina and fight for it. fight.

Following Bai Manman's instructions, An Ruchu walked along the left side of the warehouse. After walking for about five or six minutes, he found the small rusty door.

An Ruchu looked at the dark place inside, and her heart jumped suddenly, feeling inexplicably uneasy and apprehensive.

However, she didn't hesitate for too long, gritted her teeth, and walked in bravely. The inside was empty, and the smell of cold and decay came to her nostrils.

An Ruchu covered her mouth and nose, and walked straight inside. In the empty warehouse, there was only the sound of her heavy heartbeat and crisp footsteps intertwined, making the scalp numb in such a quiet way.

In less than 2 minutes, it finally came to the end. In the dim light, a slender and fragile figure could be vaguely seen crumbling.

"Nana!" An Ruchu's eyes widened, she exclaimed, and rushed over.

At this time, a person came out from the side, she smiled softly, "An Ruchu, you are finally here."

(End of this chapter)

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