Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 248 Ann!I will definitely find you!

Chapter 248 Ann!I will definitely find you!
An Ruchu paused, looked sideways, and saw Bai Manman walking out in a low-cut tight red dress with a twist, the crisp sound of high heels was very clear in the huge space.

"It's you!" An Ruchu stopped, stared at Bai Manman, gritted his teeth and said, "I'm here, can you let me go?"

Bai Manman twisted her waist and walked over enchantingly. She put her fingers on her lips and smiled softly, "What's the hurry? Since we're here, let's chat together, okay?"

"We have nothing to talk about! You promised me before, trade me for her." An Ruchu stared at her angrily, "You can't go back on your word!"

"No...don't..." A weak female voice came from the front, intermittently, "Chuchu...don't, don't trust go, go quickly..."

Hearing this voice, An Ruchu raised his head suddenly, and seeing the blood-stained Mina in front of him, his heart seemed to be scorched by a red-hot iron, and the pain continued.

She bit her lips tightly, not letting her tears flow down, and said in a hoarse and depressed voice: "Bai Manman! How could you treat her like this! You can come at me for anything you have, why do you want to hurt my friend!?"

Bai Manman glanced at Mina disdainfully, and laughed jokingly, "I said I would trade you for her, but I didn't say it was wrong for her! I think you misunderstood it, right?" She smiled strangely for a few moments. With a gloomy and strange light in his eyes, he looked like a monster in hell, "Besides, all of this is because of you, you are the one who caused her trouble! No wonder I!"

"Bai Manman!" An Ruchu let out a low growl, staring at Bai Manman's villainous face with red eyes, angrily said: "You let her go! Take me for her, you let her go now!"

Bai Manman took a deep look at An Ruchu, and smiled, "An Ruchu! Why are you so naive? Do you think you have come to your door, so what qualifications do you have to negotiate terms with me?"

"You!" An Ruchu was startled, and already had a bad premonition in her heart, "You want to go back on your word?!"

Bai Manman glanced at her contemptuously, and said in a very disdainful tone: "You still don't understand? An Ruchu, why are you so stupid! Do you think I might let her go? Since you're here, why don't you understand?" Don't even think about going out! Both of you, don't even think about running away!"

"You..." An Ruchu was startled, with a look of shock, mixed with remorse and anger.

Mina suddenly broke out and shouted at the top of her lungs, "Chu Chu! Run! Leave me alone, run!"

An Ruchu was startled, and looked up at Mina, who yelled at her with disheveled hair, "Why are you still standing there! Go! Go!"

Looking at Mina reluctantly, seeing her firm and urgent gaze, An Ruchu was cruel, gritted her teeth, turned around and ran out.

Bai Manman was not in a hurry, she clapped her hands slowly, and a few burly men suddenly appeared beside her. The corners of her lips curled up, revealing a sinister smile, and she shouted coldly: "Catch her! Don't let her Ran!"

Mo Chen rushed to the hospital very quickly, but at this time there was no masked man beside him. He was dressed in a suit of hostility, and the hospital and nurses looked at him and retreated to the sides silently. , holding his breath and watching him striding past, not even daring to let out a breath.

All the way was smooth, and Mo Chen walked to Xie Ziwen's ward without saying a word. At this time, there were nurses in the ward giving Xie Ziwen an IV. When he turned his head and saw Mo Chen's dark face, he was startled, which directly caused his hands to tremble. The needle accidentally stuck on Xie Ziwen's wrist.

"Hiss..." Xie Ziwen gasped, and wanted to ask the nurse what was going on, but when he looked up, he saw Mo Chen standing at the door with a serious face.

He was taken aback, "Why are you back?"

The nurse was very frightened, and it took a while to react, and kept apologizing to Xie Ziwen, almost crying, while wiping the blood on his hands with cotton.

"It's okay, you go out first!" Xie Ziwen gently took her hand back, and pushed the nurse away. The nurse was trembling, and looked at Xie Ziwen several times tentatively. After getting confirmation, she retreated cautiously .

Seeing that there was no one else in the ward, Mo Chen walked to the bed with a heavy expression on his face.Xie Ziwen knew at a glance that something bad had happened, and asked anxiously, "What? What happened?"

"An'an is missing!" Mo Chen said bluntly.

Xie Ziwen was startled, his pale face became even more bloodless, he opened his mouth in shock, "How could it be...Susu her, isn't she protected? Why..."

"Did she come to see you this morning?" Mo Chen's face sank like water, his unfathomable eyes were locked tightly.

Xie Ziwen shook his head, "I don't know, I woke up this afternoon. As for whether she came this morning, I really don't know, and the attending doctor and nurse didn't tell me."

Mo Chen frowned, and thought flashed across his face. Xie Ziwen was anxious, and asked: "What's going on? Susu she...was she taken away by Ye Qing and Bai Manman's vicious mother and daughter?" ?”

"This matter has nothing to do with Mo Min!" Mo Chen's eyes tightened, and a sullen look appeared on his cold face. He glanced at Xie Ziwen coldly, and said coldly: "You take a rest, I'll go find him." she!"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly turned around and strode towards the door. Just as he was at the door, Xie Ziwen suddenly stopped him, "President Mo, please find her!"

Mo Chen straightened his back, and his tone was firm and decisive, he said: "I will definitely!"

This time, he went straight out the door after speaking. His slender and tall figure looked cold and decisive, like a sword drawn out of its sheath, with a tyrannical and domineering aura that was overwhelming!

Mo Chen came out of the hospital, made a phone call, and went directly to the company. When he returned to the CEO's office, there were already people inside.

"Say! What's going on?!" Mo Chen's eyes swept coldly as soon as he entered the door, and his voice was as cold as the ice sword of Nine Winters, so cold to the bone.

Those in charge in black suits couldn't bear his aggressive aura, and lowered their heads one after another, not daring to show their air.

Mo Chen stopped beside them, his eyes froze, he glanced coldly, and suddenly shouted angrily, "Speak! You're all dumb!"

It was as if a cold piece of iron had been thrown at him, the hearts of those people twitched, they couldn't help trembling, and their legs were weakening.

"Boss...President, this time... this time, the young mistress deliberately threw us away..." Someone tremblingly took a look at Mo Chen's eerie expression, then quickly lowered his head in fright, and whispered.

Mo Chen's eyes narrowed, and he stared at the speaker, "What did you say? Did she do it on purpose?"

"Yes, yes, President!" The man raised his head, pulled the others together, and said together: "This time, it is indeed the young mistress who left us on purpose."

"Tell me!" Mo Chen pointed at the nearest person, and said coldly, "Tell me everything in detail!"

"Yes...yes!" The person pointed at said with great pressure, tremblingly: "The thing is like this, today the young mistress suddenly said that she was going to go out to the hospital to see Xie Ziwen, we didn't dare to stop us, we could only follow behind , the front has been normal, and the young lady has indeed entered the hospital, we all saw it with our own eyes."

Mo Chen stared, "Then what?! With so many of you looking at her, will she fly away?"

"This... this is indeed our negligence." The man continued: "At that time, the young lady went up, we waited in the garage, and some people followed her up. Then a nurse came down soon, wearing a mask, we I couldn't see her face clearly, and then I didn't pay much attention to it, so she drove away in a white Hyundai."

At this point, Mo Chen already understood the matter. He didn't need to ask any more. That nurse must be An Ruchu. She quietly changed clothes with someone else, drove another car, and just disappeared under the noses of so many people. !
And the reason why An Ruchu wanted to get rid of the protection of so many people must be threatened by others, so she must not do so.At this time, the only person who can threaten her is Bai Manman!
The disappearance of Mina before was definitely caused by Bai Manman and Ye Qing. They took advantage of An Ruchu's feelings for Mina and used Mina as a bait to lure An Ruchu over!

During this period, Bai Manman definitely couldn't let An Ruchu call the police or take someone there, so they would help prepare some things, help An Ruchu get rid of all protection, and then go find them smoothly!

Thinking of this, Mo Chen's eyes trembled, and a trace of panic passed through his calm and calm heart. He suddenly raised his head, looked at the few people present solemnly, and said sharply: "Everyone, listen to me! What method do you use! You must find out the whereabouts of that Hyundai car! You must find her!"

His eyes darkened, like the cold sky of a cold night, dark and frightening, "If you can't find her! You don't want to come back either!"

Several people stood upright solemnly, and said in unison: "Yes! We will definitely not let the president down!"

Mo Chen pursed his lips, slowly clenched his fists, and a murderous look flashed in his deep eyes.When those people saw it, they were terrified, and quickly lowered their heads, as if fleeing.

In the spacious and bright office, Mo Chen was the only one left. He clenched his fists, his deep facial features were unpredictable in the light and shadow, and there was an oppressive and cold air lingering all over his body.

He looked at the busy traffic outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, his eyes were frozen inch by inch, and even his heart was covered with a layer of uneasiness, which made him feel irritable and disgusted.

He has never tried this kind of worry and anxiety, even if she left back then, he was only sad, not regretful and worried like he is now.

If he had come back earlier, even if only a few hours earlier, maybe he could have stopped her and prevented all this from happening.

However, he happened to miss it. He came back, but she was missing.

Regret and anger surged up all at once, destroying his composure with an overwhelming posture, he let out an irritable growl, and suddenly punched hard on the glass of the floor-to-ceiling window.

"An'an! I will definitely find you! I will!"

(End of this chapter)

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