Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 253 I Am Her Father

Chapter 253 I Am Her Father
City Hospital.

Mo Chen hurriedly walked towards the emergency room. In the corridor outside the door, there was a middle-aged man in casual clothes standing at the door, pacing anxiously.

"Suhang." Mo Chen strode over and called to the man in front of him.

Hearing the voice, Su Hang turned around and saw that it was Mo Chen, and nodded symbolically, "You are here, An An is in rescue."

"Well, what did the doctor say?" Mo Chen walked up to him and stood side by side, looking at the lights above the operating room, his brows frowned.

Suhang sighed silently, with guilt and remorse on his face, "The head was severely injured, and she lost a lot of blood. When we arrived, she was already in a coma. If she didn't arrive in time, her life would be in danger."

Mo Chen's eyes narrowed, and the muscles around his cheeks gradually tightened. He said coldly, "Where are those people?"

"Already captured by the police." Suhang said in a deep voice, "Fortunately, Bai Manman didn't have the guts to actually install explosives. If not, we wouldn't be able to live."

Mo Chen snorted coldly, and said sarcastically: "As far as her virtue is concerned, she wouldn't dare! It's just that there are Ye Qing and Mo Min behind her, so we have to be more careful!"

"Well, fortunately, you tracked down the specific location of that phone, otherwise, I really couldn't find it." Su Hang praised from the bottom of his heart.

Mo Chen narrowed his eyes, and said in a deep voice: "No, it's not me, I can only find the place where she answered the phone with Bai Manman's mobile phone, but she lost it later, and we can only find the place where she called last time .It was An An...she was in the video and gave me a hint."

Originally, he took Bai Manman's new number provided by Mina in order to find out the specific location, and he knew Bai Manman well, and he knew that she would definitely go to An Ruchu to show off after she answered the call. In this way, he You can then find the specific location of An Ruchu.

But I didn't expect that Bai Manman was so good at learning that he threw it away after finishing the fight.Therefore, the location he found can only be the location of the last call, not the specific location where An Ruchu was detained.

However, that place happened to be not far from An Ruchu, so it was okay to spend more time.However, this time is a bit long, he has to delay until he finds An Ruchu before he can start talking to Bai Manman.

However, an unexpected thing happened. An Ruchu knew early on that there would be an opportunity to talk to him, so she quietly gestured with her fingers and quietly conveyed the message to him.

And all of this, Bai Manman didn't know about it, she thought that An Ruchu was really meditating, that An Ruchu only looked at Mo Chen so excitedly and affectionately when she saw Mo Chen, she didn't know, everything An Ruchu did is to convey the information of the specific location.

In fact, An Ruchu just needs to be patient and wait for his people to rescue her, then she can be saved.There is no need to resist in such a fierce way!
But he knew that it was because of her affection and integrity, she didn't want to be threatened by Bai Manman, and she didn't want Bai Manman to touch him, that's why she broke up like this.

Closing his eyes, Mo Chen calmed down the turmoil in his heart slowly, and briefly told Suhang about this matter. After hearing this, Suhang also had a complicated expression, looking at the door of the operating room, wondering what he was thinking.

"Ye Qing...Bai Manman..." After a while, Suhang suddenly opened his mouth. He narrowed his eyes slightly. For such a refined and refined person, anger and cruelty also filled his eyes. He gritted his teeth and said: " I will never condone it!"

Mo Chen said: "Whether it's the kidnapping case this time or An Taizhi's case before, they won't be able to escape, don't worry!"

Suhang turned back, took a deep look at Mo Chen, and said in a deep voice, "Thank you."

"Thank you? I'm her husband, I should." Mo Chen glanced at Suhang, and said meaningfully: "It's you, think about how to explain all this to her."

Suhang was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head, and after a long while said quietly: "Well, I will."

Mo Chen looked at him, a gratified smile appeared on the corner of his lips, he began to see that fate began to favor that poor woman!

The two were speechless for a while, sitting on the chairs in the corridor, waiting silently.

The operation lasted for a long time, and Mo Chen couldn't sit still anymore. He would walk up and down the door from time to time, and when he saw doctors and nurses coming out, he would catch him and ask a few words.

Every time the answer is very hasty, it is said that the patient is seriously injured and is still being rescued.

Every time Mo Chen listened to it, his heart hung up. He knew she was injured, but he didn't know that she was injured so badly. It had been more than two hours, and the operation was not over yet!What did those people do to her!
Later, a doctor explained, "The patient was not only seriously injured, but also had a severe brain injury. Blood clots pressed blood vessels and nerves, so the operation became very difficult."

"Severe injury?" Mo Chen was startled, "What heavy injury?"

He only knew that she always had headaches from time to time, and he also heard that she had been injured when she was a child, so she forgot some things, but he didn't know how badly she was injured!I didn't even think that there would be danger to my life!

Suhang's face became even uglier. He couldn't suppress the anxiety and anger in his heart. He grabbed the doctor and asked urgently, "What's going on?! How could she have such a serious old injury!"

The doctor looked helpless, "You ask me, how do I know how she was injured? Anyway, our diagnosis is that she was hit by a heavy object. As for the specific reason, you, as her family members, should know better than us."

Su Hang's heart sank, he clenched his teeth, and did not speak.

The doctor sighed, and then said: "It's useless to talk about it now. The problem right now is that the patient is bleeding too much, and the blood bank is running out of blood. Which of you is her immediate family member and needs a blood transfusion."

Mo Chen turned his head and looked at Su Hang expectantly. Su Hang raised his head slowly, looked at the doctor, and said word by word: "I am... her father."

"Well, you go for a blood test first." The doctor nodded and added, "Your blood type may not be suitable, so let other family members come too! Just in case."

Mo Chen's eyes flickered for a moment, then he nodded, "Okay! I will notify her mother to come over."

Suhang glanced at Mo Chen in astonishment, Mo Chen gave him a look, then he nodded and followed a little nurse to the blood test.

Seeing Su Hang approaching, Mo Chen took out his mobile phone, made a call, and asked, "Where is Ye Qing now?"

"Ye Qing is still at home, probably waiting for news from Bai Manman! We have been monitoring, still waiting for your order, and haven't called the police yet."

Mo Chen said solemnly: "Don't hand over the evidence yet, bring her to the city hospital to see me."

"Go to the hospital? What to do? Shouldn't we hand in the evidence now? That's our hard work..."

"I told you to bring her here! I can still let her go!" Mo Chen said coldly.

Although the person on the other side was reluctant, he could only obey, "Okay, I'll give the order now."

"Well, as soon as possible, she can't wait that long." After Mo Chen finished speaking quickly, he hung up the phone, looked at the light in the operating room in front of him, and his eyes darkened.

Mo Min leaned lazily on the sofa, and after listening to his subordinates report on the current situation, his eyes narrowed slowly, with a sinister look on his face.

"What should we do now? Bai Manman has already been arrested, and Ye Qing is also in Mo Chen's hands. I'm afraid they will expose us." The subordinate looked at his face and said deliberatively.

Mo Min raised one corner of his lips, and gave a short sneer, "Do you think that pair of brainless mother and daughter can pull me into the water? They did all of this by themselves, and I just provided some help." , what does it have to do with me?"

"Then what do you mean...?"

Mo Min smiled coldly, and his eyes flashed, "Clean up everything that needs to be cleaned up, and don't let them catch anything related to us." He smiled, "We have nothing to do with them, so of course we don't have anything to do with them." It's none of our business. If possible, we can also help my dear elder brother and sister-in-law, and send them to a dead end!"

The subordinate was slightly taken aback, and then smiled, "The president is still thoughtful, so I'll do it now!"

When the subordinate turned to go out, Mo Min suddenly stopped him. The subordinate was puzzled and turned around and asked, "President, what else can I order?"

"Keep an eye on Mo Chen and Su Hang, these two big heads together are also a threat to us!" Mo Min gritted his teeth and said viciously.

"Yes! This subordinate understands!" The subordinate bowed, then bowed carefully and backed out.

On the sofa, Mo Min picked up a glass of red wine, took a sip, and smiled faintly, hiding an invisible conspiracy.

Knowing that An Ruchu was injured, Xie Ziwen and Mina came here in wheelchairs regardless of their own injuries.

When Mo Chen saw them, he just nodded symbolically and didn't speak, his face was gloomy as if a downpour was about to come.

Suhang also sat on the side in a slumped manner, with his head lowered, looking annoyed and sad, and indifferent to the arrival of others.

Mina looked at Mo Chen, then at this middle-aged man who had never met before, a little dazed, "Who will tell me what's going on now?"

Xie Ziwen's eyes fell on Su Hang's body, his expression changed, as if he already knew something, his eyes were complicated.

"You also know?" Mina looked at Xie Ziwen, feeling something was wrong, and asked, "Who is this person? Do you know him?"

Xie Ziwen withdrew his gaze, hummed sullenly, "I've seen it."

Mina stared at Suhang for a few more times. The middle-aged man didn't gain weight. On the contrary, he kept it very well. He was dressed in casual sportswear and looked very energetic. He exuded an indescribably handsome and refined look. Feel.

Moreover, the more she looked at it, the more she felt that this person's facial features were very familiar, and she always felt that she had seen it somewhere.

"This is..." Mina frowned, and a strange idea sprouted in her heart, but she felt that this was absurd, so she hesitated for a while, and then she didn't say it.

(End of this chapter)

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