Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 254 Ye Qing Is An Ruchu's Mother? !

Chapter 254 Ye Qing Is An Ruchu's Mother? !

Mo Chen suddenly glanced at Mina and motioned for her to go over. Mina was completely confused and pushed the wheelchair over in a foolish way. She carefully pulled the corner of La Mochen's clothes and asked in a low voice, "What's going on?" ?Who is this guy?"

Mo Chen glanced at Su Hang, and said a few words to Mina in a voice that was only audible to each other.

"What?" Mina's eyes widened in shock, she looked at Mo Chen in disbelief, then at Suhang, her mouth was so wide that an egg could be stuffed, she murmured incredulously, "No wonder it looks so like..."

Mo Chen's face was gloomy, and he said another sentence that made people feel cold, "Unfortunately, his blood type doesn't match An An's."

"Ah? What should I do then?" Mina was startled again, anxiously said: "What about An An?!"

Mo Chen lowered his eyes, fell silent, and did not answer her.

Mina was even more confused, looking left and right, one and the other seemed to be preoccupied, only then did she realize that everyone knew about it, only she didn't.

In other words, An Ruchu may not know all that everyone knows, and she may not know as much as she does.

Mina sighed, and the doubts in her heart were quickly covered by worries. Now that the blood types of Suhang do not match and the hospital is gone, what should An Ruchu do?Who else can save her?

The worries of the rest of the people are the same. The biological father's blood types don't match, so they can only look at the biological mother and the child. How old is Momo, it must not be possible, then, they can only count on that woman.

Mo Chen got a little impatient with waiting, so he called to remind him, but the reply was: Ye Qing didn't cooperate and made a big noise.

"Knock her out and carry her here!" Mo Chen gave such a domineering order at that time, no matter what method he used, he must bring Ye Qing here!
Sure enough, within half an hour, Ye Qing was carried to the hospital, at this time, she was still in a coma.

"Why is she here?" Mina saw that such a hated person had come, and almost rushed to fight, but fortunately Xie Ziwen held her back, so she held back.

Mo Chen glanced at Ye Qing coldly, "Wake her up and take her for a blood test."

"She's going for a blood test too? Can she have the same blood type as An An?" Mina was puzzled and looked surprised.

Xie Ziwen glanced at her, sighed silently, and did not answer.Suhang also raised his head, looked at Ye Qing complicatedly, but didn't answer.

Mina was even more confused, why did she feel that everyone knew about it, and she was the only one kept in the dark!
People are all immediate family members who come for the blood test, it makes sense for Su Hang to be the biological father for the blood test, what does Ye Qing, a woman, do here?
Suddenly thought of something, Mina slowly widened her eyes in shock, and was so surprised that she couldn't even speak, "She...she..."

Mo Chen winked and ordered Ye Qing to be taken to a blood test, "What are you waiting for? Why don't you go quickly?"


Ye Qing was quickly carried away, and the scene fell into an eerie silence.But it didn't last long, and there was a noise at the end of the corridor.

"I don't want it! I don't donate blood! Why should I donate blood!" A woman's shadow ran over from the corridor staggeringly, yelling and breaking away from the people who were chasing her.

It was Ye Qing, after she woke up, she found that she was in the hospital and had to take a blood test, she immediately blew up and ran out.

"Don't follow me! Go away!" Ye Qing's hair was disheveled, he couldn't even walk steadily, but he kept running forward while holding onto the wall.

The doctors and nurses who followed were puzzled, so they could only run behind, while persuading her, "Your daughter has lost a lot of blood, and your husband's blood type does not match, and you can save your daughter! Don't you run!"

"Daughter? What daughter?" Ye Qing looked strange, and said to himself: "Is it Manman? Is Manman injured?" When she thought of this, she immediately panicked, stopped, grabbed the doctor's collar and Ask, "Is Manman hurt? Tell me, tell me!"

The doctor was a little confused, and said confusedly: "What is Manman? The patient doesn't seem to be called this, but An Ruchu! Oh, what are you still hesitating about? It's your daughter, and I have to save it no matter what!"

As soon as Ye Qing heard An Ruchu's name, he immediately pushed the doctor away, and burst out laughing, "Hahaha! An Ruchu! An Ruchu finally got retribution! Hahahaha I won't save her! She's dead Best hahahaha!"

The doctor froze for a moment, completely confused about what was going on now, didn't he say that this woman was the patient's mother?Why did he still curse his daughter to die?

"Hahahaha! That's great! It's really great!" Ye Qing laughed happily, her crazy and sharp laughter echoed in the whole corridor, "I should have died long ago! I should have died! Hahahahaha!"

Mo Chen's face was livid, his eyes were like blood fixed on Ye Qing who was laughing wildly, he clenched his fists slowly, and strode forward, wanting to do something.

However, someone was faster than him, everyone felt a figure slipping past, and then heard a loud slap, "Slap!"

In the corridor, it was instantly quiet!Everyone was shocked!

Ye Qing was also stunned, his mouth was still growing, he stared dumbfounded at the furious man in front of him, unable to utter a word.

"Ye Zhuqing! You are not human!" Suhang still raised his hand, his face was furious, his eyes were scarlet and angry, his eyes wished to swallow Ye Qing alive.

"" Ye Qing didn't care about the hot and sore cheeks, his eyes fell on the man in front of him, his eyes were full of disbelief, he never thought that after so many years, they still meet each other.

The rest of the people were also stunned, especially Mina, her jaw almost fell to the ground, she never thought that Ye Qing and Su Hang were old acquaintances, and she never thought that Su Hang was so angry because of An Ruchu, which made her even more angry. An unbelievable thought is... Ye Qing is actually An Ruchu's mother? !
how can that be possible!How could this terrible woman be An Ruchu's mother? !Ye Qing framed An Ruchu again and again, how could he look like a mother?How can there be a mother who treats her daughter like this? !

Do not!impossible!It will not be like this!

Mina couldn't accept it at all, how could such an elegant and kind Chuchu have such a disgusting mother!This unscientific!It's so unfair!

However, it turns out that this is the case.What Suhang was going to say next really taught her a vivid life lesson.

"Ye Zhuqing, don't think that you can deny the past just by changing your name!" Suhang's eyes were bloodshot, and he stared at Ye Qing, every word, as if he was as sad as flesh and blood, "An'an is your daughter !Even if you don’t admit it! But she is! She is the result of our mistakes!”

Ye Qing's eyes trembled, and he shook his head desperately, "No! She's not my daughter! I only have one daughter! I only have one daughter!"

"You..." Su Hang closed his eyes in pain, and sneered, "You are still as obsessed as before! Forget it! You refuse to recognize her, and she may not want a mother like you!"

He suddenly raised his eyes, stared at Ye Qing coldly, and said fiercely: "But! Whether you want to or not today! You have to donate blood to save her! If she can't live! I will let you and your surname Bai's bastards can't survive! You know, I will do what I say!"

Ye Qing was startled, looked at Suhang hastily, but refused to admit defeat, raised his chin forcefully, and said arrogantly: "If you dare to touch me! Then An Ruchu will have no chance of living! Without my blood, See how she lives!"

Suhang looked at her smug face, and smiled slowly, but the smile didn't reach his eyes, with a strange coldness and coldness, "Ye Zhuqing! You think, if you don't want to, I can't think of it." How can I draw your blood? Will you donate blood voluntarily, or will I come in person? Think for yourself!"

"No..." Ye Qing staggered in fright, leaning on the wall and backing away slowly, "No! Even if you are the boss of the underworld, you can't despise the king's law! You can't do this!"

Suhang sneered, "Do you think I will be afraid? If I were afraid, I would not be able to change from a little Luoluo to the status I am today. Ye Zhuqing, you'd better not provoke me!"

Ye Qing's face turned pale, she kept backing away, looked at the doctors and nurses present in panic, and begged, "Doctor! Nurses! Did you hear that? He's going to kill me! He's going to kill me to save that woman! "

The doctor and nurse frowned upon seeing her behavior, and then, as if they hadn't heard her, they turned and walked away.

Before leaving, the doctor said to Mo Chen: "Hurry up and make a decision! The patient can't afford to wait. Now the operation is at a critical juncture and blood is urgently needed. Hurry up!"

"Okay, thank you doctor." Mo Chen nodded, then walked towards Ye Qing who was trembling in the wind, his eyes were gloomy, as if carrying a violent storm, swirling a dangerous aura under low pressure.

Ye Qing looked at Mo Chen in panic, his legs were trembling, "You... what do you want?"

Mo Chen stood still and said expressionlessly: "Bai Manman has been arrested now. If you refuse to save An An, then An An will die because of Bai Manman, and Bai Manman will definitely die too! If you want Bai Manman to die, then Just don't save it!"

"Manman..." Ye Qing shook when he heard that Bai Manman had been arrested, and murmured, "No way, we planned so well, how could we be "

Mo Chen said coldly: "Believe it or not, I will give you a minute to think about it, do you agree or not?!" He glanced at Suhang, then sneered, "Let me remind you again, even if you don't Promise, we also have a way to draw your blood out to save An An's life!"

Ye Qing staggered, leaned against the wall weakly, and slid down slowly, his face full of disbelief, he still still can't believe that his plan failed, and he can't believe how he will be treated.

Mo Chen and Su Hang are not easy to mess with. She believes that if she refuses to agree, they may really drain her blood and save An Ruchu's life!In this way, she doesn't even have room to maneuver!Even Bai Manman will die even worse!
So, she has no choice!Whether she agrees or not, her blood must be given to An Ruchu!

Sitting slumped on the ground for a while, Ye Qing bit his lip, then slowly raised his head, looking at Mo Chen in despair.

She smiled wryly, "I promise you, I will donate blood to save her."

(End of this chapter)

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