Billionaire ex-wife is too hot

Chapter 255 The operation went well

Chapter 255 The operation went well

Hearing Ye Qing let go, Mina let out a long breath, at any rate, An Ruchu can finally be saved.

"You're not too stupid." Mo Chen didn't show any expression, he smiled jokingly, and then gave his subordinate a wink, the subordinate didn't dare to neglect, so he quickly mentioned Ye Qing and went for the test.

Suhang breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at Mo Chen gratefully, "Thank you."

"You have already thanked me. I said that An An is my wife, so I should be." Mo Chen glanced at Su Hang indifferently, turned around and sat down on the chair with his trouser pockets in his pocket.

Mina looked left and right, and she could smell gossip everywhere. She had long been occupied by doubts, and she knew that everyone here knew the truth, so she wanted to inquire about it.

Xie Ziwen grabbed her in time, gave her a wink, and said in a low voice, "We'll talk about this later, don't make any trouble."

Mina curled her lips, and knew that it was not appropriate to ask now, so she had to let it go.Anyway, these things have to be confessed after all, so just wait and see!
The group were speechless, waiting at the door for Ye Qing to come back from the test, the result was very positive, her blood type just matched An Ruchu's.

Even though Ye Qing's face was ugly and she was reluctant, but because of the threats from Mo Chen and Suhang, she could only obediently draw blood.

After the blood was drawn, it was taken in and the operation continued. Everything went smoothly. After waiting for another hour, An Ruchu came out safely.

Mo Chen's tense nerves finally relaxed, and he breathed a sigh of relief in a place where no one else could see.

Fortunately, he was not late again, and fortunately, she was saved.

For other doubts, wait for her to recover before explaining!

Mo Mo waited at home for a long time, but before Mo Chen and An Ruchu came home, he became anxious. He called Mo Chen and An Ruchu a few times, but it all showed that the phone was turned off.

He suddenly had a bad premonition, hurriedly pulled Wang Ma, and said urgently: "Grandma, my father and mother haven't come back for so long, and the phone can't be reached. Let's go to the hospital to see, okay?"

Although Wang Ma was also anxious, but thinking of Mo Chen's instructions before leaving the house, she refused, "The young master said he would be back soon, so don't worry."

How could Mo Mo not be in a hurry, he had a bad premonition from last night to this morning, as if something happened, so no matter how Wang Ma persuaded him, he firmly stated that he must go to the hospital.

Wang Ma was in a dilemma, Mo Chen's order on the one hand, and Mo Mo's pitiful begging on the other. After thinking about it, she became more and more entangled. No matter what she did, she was not human.

With a bitter face, she said embarrassingly: "Young master, don't embarrass me anymore. You know the master's temper. He said he won't let you go out. We definitely can't let you go out. It's not safe outside now. Let's Just wait at home!"

Seeing Momo's disappointed expression, she added: "You have to trust the young master, he will not lie to you, and nothing will happen to you. He and the young mistress should be really busy in the hospital, so they came back a little late. Don't worry too much, young master."

Mo Mo looked at her pitifully, his mouth was pursed, and his expression was unwilling, "But I'm just worried..."

"Okay, young master, let's have dinner first! I believe the young master and the young mistress will be back soon. If you run out now, the young master and the young mistress just come back, wouldn't they be able to see you?" Wang Ma smiled. Laughing, coaxing: "In that case, they will worry about you too! So, just wait at home!"

Momo thought for a while, and it was indeed the same reason, so he reluctantly nodded, "Okay then! I'll wait at home first, but you also need to ask someone to go to the hospital to see if Mommy and Daddy are still there. There."

"Okay, okay! I will send someone to take a look, don't worry!" Wang Ma finally breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

Mo Mo was worried, and insisted on personally watching Wang Ma and sending someone to go. Wang Ma smiled helplessly, and followed his wishes, called the security guard over, and in front of Mo Mo, personally ordered and explained. The bodyguards must find Mo Chen and bring the words to him.

The bodyguard went there immediately after receiving the order, Mo Mo felt relieved and his face softened a little.

"So you can rest assured, right?" Wang Ma said with a smile, "Let's go have dinner first!"

Mo Mo nodded absent-mindedly, and followed Wang Ma to the dining room for dinner, but he still seemed a little worried, didn't say a word, and didn't have much energy, he just took a few mouthfuls and refused to eat any more.

Wang Ma had no choice but to ask him to eat more, but seeing his appearance, she decided to forget it and followed him.

Mo Mo ate some casually, talked to Wang Ma, and went upstairs to read a book by himself.Seeing that little figure gradually disappearing down the stairs, Wang Ma suddenly felt a little sad for some reason.

Such a big and luxurious house makes that figure so small and lonely!

Wang Ma thought for a while, and began to feel a little worried, so she went to the living room to get the landline and made a call, "Hi, I'm Wang Ma! I want to ask if the young master is in the hospital?"

It seemed that something was said over there, Wang Ma's body was shocked suddenly, a look of astonishment appeared on her face, and she didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

After a few strange hiccups on the other end of the phone, Wang Ma slowly came back to her senses, and said slowly, "Uh, oh, I... I'm here. I understand, over there, I'll leave it to you."

After hanging up the phone quickly, Wang Ma patted her heart, and she was stunned for a while with lingering fear. After a few minutes, she looked towards the stairs on the second floor and sighed softly.

The operation lasted eight hours and it was finally over!

As soon as the lights in the operating room went out, Mo Chen was the first to rush up, grabbed a doctor and asked anxiously: "Doctor! How is the doctor now? How is my wife?"

"Doctor, how is my daughter? Did the operation go well?" Suhang also caught a doctor, and asked nervously, "Doctor! Doctor!"

Mina and Xie Ziwen had limited legs and could only follow behind with their wheelchairs. They also stretched their necks, eager to know what was going on inside.

Ye Qing was the only one standing behind, her face was ashen, her eyes were full of fierce resentment, she stared at the operation door, her teeth clenched tightly.

The doctor was surrounded by people at once, and his expression remained unchanged. He probably realized that he was surprised. He stretched out his hand and pressed down very calmly, signaling for everyone to be quiet, and then said: "Don't worry, everyone. The operation went well. The patient's brain The blood clot has cleared and is not life-threatening."

Only then did the hearts of the people relax, and immediately, the door of the operating room was opened from the inside, and the nurses pushed An Ruchu out.

Mo Chen was the first to rush over, grabbed the edge of the bed, and stared deeply at An Ruchu who was on the bed. The woman in a coma was so weak, her face was as white as paper, and her head was covered with thick hair. The bandage, bloodshot can still be seen vaguely.

"An'an..." Mo Chen's nose was sore, his throat suddenly tightened, and he was almost speechless. He wanted to hold An Ruchu's hand, but when he saw the needle on the back of her hand, he was afraid of hurting her, so he held the hand carefully. I took it back.

Su Hang was also beside him, looking at the fragile person on the bed like a porcelain doll, his eyes turned red, he was choked up, but he couldn't say a word.

This was the first time he met her, and also the first time he saw her at such a close distance. He never expected that such a scene would happen.

There is no touching feeling of father and daughter meeting each other, no joy of reunion after a long absence, only endless sadness and helplessness.

The doctors and nurses were a little impatient when they saw so many people crowding around, "Get out of the way! The patient is going back to the ward. If you have anything to do, just go back to the ward and talk. Don't be blocked here."

Mo Chen and Su Hang are also powerful figures on weekdays, but when facing the little nurse, they are also obedient and obedient, without any temper at all.

In order to let An Ruchu get better self-cultivation and care, Mo Chen specially arranged a suite in a senior ward, right next to Mina.

A group of people followed and went to the ward together, Ye Qing saw that no one was paying attention, and quietly backed away, wanting to run away as soon as he turned around.

"Ye Qing, where do you want to go?" However, she only turned halfway around before being called out by Mo Chen, the sound was like a spell, and she was immediately frozen in place.

Immediately, the bodyguards surrounded Ye Qing and surrounded Ye Qing tightly.

Ye Qing gritted his teeth, turned around suddenly, and roared violently, "Mo Chen, what on earth are you thinking! I have already sacrificed so much of my blood to save her, what do you want from me? Don't you still want me?" Do you want to put me under house arrest?"

A doctor suddenly turned around and shouted seriously: "Don't make noise here! What do you think this is? A vegetable market? If you want to make noise, go out, don't disturb the patient's rest!"

Mo Chen narrowed his eyes, his face turned cold, and he shot a sharp look at the bodyguards, "What are you still doing? Pull it down first!"

"I don't want it! Why are you arresting me!" Ye Qing was not willing, struggling desperately in the hands of the bodyguards and screaming, Mo Chen's face became even more ugly, the bodyguards were very witty, and covered Ye Qing's mouth immediately, without saying a word Say it and drag it down.

It was quiet in the corridor.

An Ruchu was sent back to the ward smoothly. Mo Chen specially hired someone to look after him around the clock, and he himself stayed by the side closely, even if he didn't miss a glance.

Mina and Xie Ziwen looked at it and went back to their own ward. In the end, only Suhang remained in the ward. He looked at An Ruchu on the hospital bed with complicated eyes.

"Don't feel guilty, the days ahead are still long, and you can still make up for it." Although Mo Chen turned his back to him, he seemed to be able to see his thoughts, and suddenly said softly: "An An has suffered a lot, I Hope, you can give her a good explanation."

When speaking, Mo Chen's hand gently held An Ruchu's fingers, his gaze was affectionate and focused, as if he couldn't get enough of it.

Suhang seemed to be thinking about something, and nodded slowly, "I will give her an explanation, including this matter, and I will also give her a satisfactory ending."

While speaking, he turned around and walked towards the door. When he was about to go out to the door, he added another sentence, "I leave it to you here. I think it's time to finish some things." left.

Mo Chen looked at An Ruchu's pale face, and smiled softly, "An An, did you hear that? From now on, there will be another person who will protect you, and you will never be bullied again."

(End of this chapter)

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