Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 403 Rebuilding Connections

Chapter 403 Rebuilding Connections
Bordeaux, provisional headquarters.

Napoleon Bonaparte got a whiteboard from somewhere, and drew a not-so-like sea monster on it with heavy pens.

"This is the basic ability of this sea monster."

Following his words, he clasped his knuckles and knocked hard a few times.

Next to the graphics, many text descriptions are annotated.

That was the information that everyone got when they returned to Bordeaux.

The first is the resilience, which is more exaggerated than the dragon zombie Fafner.

That is a regenerative efficiency that is almost visible to the naked eye.Regeneration begins almost as soon as it is injured.

Compared with the dragon zombie Fafner, the giant sea monster has a huge size and weaker defense. Naturally, the damage caused by the treasure and the attack is more effective.However, because of resilience, these are not problems.

Second, is defense.

To be honest, the defense is not very good, just like before, the advantage is that it is huge and it is difficult to cause fatal damage to it.

Again, it's aggressive.

It can be clearly seen that the power of those tentacles, every time they swing, is equivalent to A++ grade monster power, the powerful power brought by the huge body, and the huge body brings a larger striking area and heavier attack.That is a monster about ten times bigger than the giant dragon Fafner...

The other data are about the standard moving speed, how strong the attack power is, and other basic data.

In order to let people who have not been on the battlefield in person understand what kind of intensity this is, Napoleon described it with as precise data as possible.

That sea monster was very difficult to deal with.'s just too huge.

Moreover, it does not rely on external magic power, it operates based on Caster Gilderre's magic book, and it is a monster attached to the French spiritual vein.

He has been trying to summon this sea monster ever since he was summoned to France. After spending so long, this monster is indeed worthy of the title of strongest.

Who would have thought that the last trump card of the evil dragon army would not be a dragon.

So ironic.

Moreover, it's fine if it's an ordinary monster. Napoleon's treasure will temporarily seal the mystery of fantasy creatures.But the problem is that the scope of action of this treasure is within the territory of France.When everyone returned to Bordeaux, the main reason why the battle line remained intact was this Noble Phantasm.

Because the enemy becomes a normal creature, the bullet is a very deadly weapon.

That is simply the scene of monsters queuing up to die.

However, that monster was very clever, taking advantage of Louis XVI's [Royal Power].As kingship, he interfered with the [Imperial Power] of Napoleon's First Empire to which Napoleon belonged.

There will not be two emperors in one dynasty. Therefore, Napoleon's Noble Phantasm cannot act on this huge monster attached to the Palace of Versailles and the kingship of Louis XVI.

Moreover, to be honest, even if [Reality] can be used to successfully rewrite the attributes of this monster, just that size... If you really get the attributes of reality, I am afraid that you can easily kill the servants who also turned into ordinary people .

Napoleon did have other trump cards, but it took time.Moreover, that trump card can only weaken the sea demon but cannot defeat the enemy.

"Well, what I can think of is to gather all the servants who are good at high-power and wide-area treasures, and let's all work together... What do you think?"

When someone spoke, everyone naturally and subconsciously cast their eyes on him.

It made the speaker himself feel embarrassed.

The man with soft pink hair bowed in embarrassment, touched the back of his head with one hand, and showed an embarrassed expression on his face: "Well, I, I don't know anything about fighting. Say, don't do it if you make a mistake. look at me..."

The person who spoke was Dr. Romani, the interim commander of Chaldea, who succeeded Director Olga Marie and temporarily served as the top person in charge of the Chaldea operation.

However, his nature is as you can see, he is a bit wimpy, very unmanly and soft-style male.

To sum it up in one word, he is the kind of person who is "everything is fine".

However, since he was able to attend this meeting, he could find a problem...

Yes, between Chaldea and the singularity, the barrier that cannot establish communication has been penetrated.

By who?Da Vinci, of course!
Of course, there is also the French caster Paracelsus.These two men were friends of the same era, and both were geniuses.Leonardo da Vinci is an omnipotent person. According to Paracelsus, this is the pioneer of the magic path who discovered the Philosopher's Stone.

With him helping at the singularity, it will be much easier.

This is like a huge maze game, no matter whether you start the game from the entrance or the exit, if you want to finish the game, you must go through the entire maze.But if two people go from the entrance and the other from the exit, and they are also equipped with wireless communication devices, and the two people communicate with each other, it will be much easier to complete the maze.

After the efforts of the two, they finally cracked the anomaly caused by Catherine.

Simply put, it's like...

covered the same.

Let's put it this way, Chaldea observes the singularity and establishes a connection with the singularity, just like using a telescope to look at distant things. Although I didn't go there myself, I can see some from the limited field of vision.

Then, the role of Catherine is a luminous body with huge brightness, almost comparable to the sun.

She has evil magic power, as long as she is still at the singularity point, these huge and chaotic magic power will continue to interfere with Chaldea's detection.

Just like the example just now, if there is an extremely bright sun-like existence, then it will definitely look white in the telescope.

What Paracelsus and Leonardo da Vinci did was to add a filter layer like sunglasses to the glass of the telescope.

As long as Catherine's magical distortion is deciphered and deciphered in reverse, most of the influence of this person's magical power can be bypassed, and the observation of the singularity and the communication with the singularity become possible.

Of course, as long as she is still at the singularity, there will be some problems with the communication quality, simply put, there will be noise.But it's better than not being able to connect!

Thanks to the doctor's non-stressed speech, the atmosphere of the meeting was relaxed for a while.Napoleon smiled casually, and said: "This is a good way. But if you want to roast such a big squid, the firepower requirements are too exaggerated."

As soon as he finished speaking, Qing Ji chuckled, and said to Fujimaru Tachika, who was silent beside him, "Grilled octopus? If Master An Zhen likes it, Qing Ji will definitely bake it for you. Whether it's takoyaki or grilled squid, Qing Ji is very good at it."

However, Fujimaru Tachika just lowered her head, letting the orange hair curtain block her eyes.

Joan coughed dryly, and took the initiative to take over the topic: "But, how many servants like this can Chaldea provide?"

Her eyes looked at Fujimaru Tachika intentionally or unintentionally. For this kind and simple girl, losing a follower, especially losing a reliable elder brother like Arash, must have dealt a huge blow to him.

It's normal for her to be unhappy.

What is needed to get out of heartbreak is not comfort, but time... But now, what is most lacking is time.

"Well, if it's firepower... I do have a few good candidates."

Yagi Yusai's first reaction was Altria Alter, then Mordred, and of course, himself.Siegfried is one of them.Spartacus is actually a good choice, but his Noble Phantasm is a self-destruct attack. Considering that Fujimaru Tachika witnessed Arash's death with his own eyes, Yagi felt that this person must be excluded.

And then ... ... there is no more.

There is Medea who is good at magic attacks, but after asking her, it takes a lot of time to prepare to kill a sea monster with this physique.Impossible to start casually.

When this candidate was mentioned, everyone stopped discussing.

(End of this chapter)

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