Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 404 Change Your Thinking

Chapter 404 Change Your Thinking
The servants of Chaldea do not lack wide-area attack methods.

However, it is almost impossible to destroy this huge sea monster.

Except for Siegfried, everyone's treasures will consume a lot of mana. When the treasure is opened, if they can't be killed with one blow, then everyone can really only watch the sea monster recover.

There is only one last command spell left...

To be honest, everyone is not sure about that.

Just like the boss in an RPG game, it has so much HP that it is almost impossible to kill it in one round.

"Then, since you can't complete the highest-level Requiem—how about starting with the lower-difficulty pieces first?"

It was Mozart who suddenly spoke. This man is not very good at reading the atmosphere. Moreover, he has an artist's sensibility, and he always feels that he can't get along with this serious atmosphere.

"Let me translate. This guy said: If you can't kill the entire sea monster in one go, can you weaken it little by little to the point where it can be eliminated with one blow?"

On one side, the old Dion explained to him with a chuckle.Mozart raised his eyebrows, pouted his lips, and looked unhappy: "Although what you said is correct, it is not beautiful at all. This description."

"What is beautiful, everyone can understand is the key."

Old Dion gave him a gouged look, shrugged and smiled.

Seeing that the two had a tendency to become more and more violent, Queen Mary hurriedly acted as a peacemaker, smiling and persuading the two to sit down.

"Well, it's a good way. If it's Mozart's treasure, after weakening the enemy, add French artillery and French musketeers to reduce the enemy's size, and defeat the enemy with the last blow. It's also a good way."

Napoleon nodded, agreeing with this point of view.

"Speaking of which, Napoleon-chan, your Noble Phantasm cannot normally take effect on that sea monster because it is based on the attribute of [royal power] and separates its own [existence] from the singularity France, right? Well, if you think about it How can we counteract this effect?"

It was Da Vinci who spoke.Probably only she would call Napoleon Napoleon Sauce.

Napoleon laughed and said, "Although I look young, I'm actually an adult. You can't call me sauce."

"Is the point here?!"

Matthew finally couldn't help complaining, Napoleon showed a childlike smile, shrugged easily, and took it easy.

"If the influence of royal power is stripped away, then a specific method is required. Then, I will try to calculate the relevant formula. But I don't know if it will be successful, so please don't treat this as a routine method."

As if he was very interested in this topic, Paracelsus' eyes flashed a look of interest, and he took the initiative to take over the responsibility.

He's the type who loves to explore the unknown.Curiosity is extremely strong, it can be said that he is a typical scholar-type follower.

"So, do you have anything else to discuss? If not, let's temporarily disband."

Napoleon smiled casually and wanted to end the meeting.Yagi Xuesai was surprised and asked, "Wait a minute—what strategy are we going to use?"

"Huh? Yagi-kun, don't you understand? What does that little guy mean?"

Oda Nobunaga, who had been silent for a long time, rested his chin on his hands, and looked serious about listening to the class. He stood up, waved his small hand, and pointed his index finger at Yagi's chest, with an expression of how stupid you are.She snapped her fingers, strode over, and slapped her hands hard on the board full of everyone's miscellaneous opinions, making a loud bang.

"Of course, use them all, let's use them together!"


The servants of Chaldea, who are good at wide-area Noble Phantasms, were exchanged from the summoning circle to France, the singularity.

Altria Alter, who is not inferior to any Servant in terms of Noble Phantasm power.Mordred, a rebellious knight who thought he would never lose to his father.By the way, Mordred always wears that helmet when he and Altria Alter are together, as if worried about the embarrassment of seeing each other.

Then there's Siegfried.Although this huge sea demon does not have dragon attributes, his treasure has a huge range, and its power is not bad, and its magic power consumption is low, so it can be fired continuously.It is used to clean up the large number of sea monster tentacles, and it has a miraculous effect in reducing the physical strength and number of sea monsters.

Diarmuid also volunteered.According to him, he still has a little fate with this giant sea monster.Holding red and yellow double guns, he can cut off the enemy's magic power and cause irreversible damage, so he does have considerable advantages.If the yellow gun can block the regeneration ability of the sea monster, and the red gun can destroy the magic core of the sea monster, then it is not impossible to defeat it.

Finally, there is another extremely heavyweight follower that no one thought of.

Roman god, Romulus.With his mind settled, he took the initiative to respond to Chaldea's call and came to Chaldea. Because he didn't greet anyone, many people didn't even know that there was such a follower in Chaldea...

In the control room at that time, Nero was making a fuss, and insisted on going to the singularity to help Tachika Fujimaru, but when the god ancestor Romulus appeared on the stage, she became quiet.As the saying goes, one thing is one thing, and the only one who can shut up this arrogant and domineering emperor is this great ancestor.

Of course, there is also Oda Nobunaga who stayed in France during this period of time and has begun to regard himself as the head coach of the French artillery.

Her treasure can deploy a large number of guns, and when the time comes, a round of salvo can also greatly reduce the size of the huge sea monster.

According to Paracelsus' observations, within the body of this giant sea monster, there are two sources of magical power that react violently.

One is located on the top of the head and the other is located on the lower abdomen. It is estimated that one is Guildrey and the other is Louis XVI.

Upon hearing that her husband was inside the huge monster, Queen Mary almost fainted on the spot. Her face was pale, but thanks to Dion who had been supporting her shoulders, she managed to stand still.

In this way, the final battle began quietly.


"Wait a minute! Is there anyone there! I said ahhh! Can you hear me!!! Hey!!!"

It seemed that in a certain room in Bordeaux, there was a woman's wailing mixed with crying.

That, it's an doesn't seem right, does it?Ah ha ha……

"Little paparazzi!!! Snake girl!!! Wow! Please come to someone! Anyone can..."

"I said... is someone shouting?"

Yagi Yusai's voice.

"This voice, ah, paparazzi!! It's me! It's me!"


Elizabeth looked out the door expectantly, with tears in her eyes.

After a long silence...

"Ah, it looks like I heard it wrong. I always thought it would be troublesome, but I must have heard it wrong. It doesn't exist!"

"Wow, don't go! Please don't go, woooooo!"

In this way, out of helplessness, Yagi Xuesai had no choice but to open the taboo door that no one was willing to open, and met Elizabeth, who had been locked here for a long time and was ignored by no one.

(End of this chapter)

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