Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 497 VOL. The Dragon and the Dragon Slayer

Chapter 497 VOL. The Dragon and the Dragon Slayer

Yagi Xuesai didn't even know when he woke up.

Waking up and staying in the infirmary, Niijima Yae looked at herself with indifferent eyes.Yagi Xuezhai raised her hand in a very sensible way, without her going on: "I understand! The little one, I'm going to get out of here."

Quickly changed clothes and ran away.

However, he couldn't remember why he came to the infirmary.

I seemed to be learning something from Mr. Skaha before, and then I didn't know what happened, so I fainted.

What happened in the middle, he didn't know.

I felt that my whole body seemed to be quite energetic.

It seems that there is endless energy in the whole body.

Could it be that this is the so-called setting of double experience after going offline at the hotel?
A meme of a famous online game couldn't help popping up in his mind.

As he moved his body, he began to think, with his current ability, who should he ask for a try?

To be honest, using your own defense power to bounce off all the enemy's attacks is very cool.

But it didn't help me improve myself.

After all, everyone in Chaldea will not really release the Noble Phantasm to fight to the death, and the enemy is not at the level of Chaldea's servants.

During this period of time, he has learned a lot of miscellaneous things, and now he always feels that he understands a little bit, but he doesn't seem to understand it very well.In a state of ignorance.


"So, do you want to fight me?"

In the Chaldean training room, Siegfried bowed his head, the swordsman with long white hair was as docile as a large dog.

He has the ability to slay dragons, which can cause huge damage to servants with dragon attributes like Yagi Xuesai.It can be said that it is theoretically impossible for Yagi to defeat him.

"Yes! Please simulate a battle with me."

Yagi Xuesai said with a sincere and serious tone, his gaze was like a torch.

Siegfried paused, he was the worst at dealing with such people.

With his personality, he will not refuse other people's requests.

Now that he had said everything, Siegfried naturally drew the great sword behind him.

Having played several mock battles with Yagi, both of them know each other's level.

Siegfried has a more complete defense [Dragon Blood Armor].Yagi Xuesai has more flexible mobility [Magic Power Release - Shuichi].Siegfried's swordsmanship is steady and steady, with the demeanor of a master.Yagi Xuesai's fighting skills come from many followers, and there are many styles.Siegfried has a fatal weakness, once the vest is touched, he will die.Yagi Xuesai has dragon attributes and will be beaten by Siegfried.

These two people can be said to be evenly matched.

Judging from the ability panel, both of them have B+ muscle strength, and their agility and durability are comparable. Relatively speaking, Siegfried's durability is stronger, and Yagi's agility is stronger. Magic power is meaningless in this situation.If the treasure is not liberated, it is not far behind.

Isn't this a classic plot in shounen manga!Fight against evenly matched opponents, then learn experience, and then become stronger.

Yagi nodded vigorously while thinking, urging Siegfried to prepare for battle.

He didn't use his transparent holy sword, but still held the spear that Scathach gave him.

His train of thought is very clear: Scathach is a famous gun expert, so he must be right to learn from her.As far as Jian is concerned, there is no one who is particularly suitable to be his teacher.It would be the best if he could summon King Arthur himself.But now I can't force that much.

What's more, his own sword has a transparent attribute, which can be used to intimidate people.In fact, he has done so many times.

At that time, when people see that he is holding a spear in his hand, and the spear is still a treasure, who can guess that this is a saber?When the time comes to the point where the battle is in full swing, he throws the gun away, draws out the sword and strikes, and then says: "You think I'm a lancer?! Wrong! I'm a saber!"

It would be even better if my seiyuu was Zi Yasuhito.

Siegfried didn't have so many thoughts, he stepped forward with a big stride, and hit Yagi head-on with the big sword in his hand from top to bottom.

Yagi's foot stepped a little, and he walked towards Siegfried, passing by, Yagi's figure turned around in mid-air like lightning, and stabbed out with the red gun in his hand.


The tip of the gun pierced Siegfried's heart, making a strange sound. The red gun blade couldn't even pierce his skin, as if it was not flesh and blood, but steel or something.

It turned out that when he turned around in mid-air just now, Siegfried also turned around and blocked the tip of the gun with his chest.

At the same time, because of the slash, his sword fell to the ground, and as he turned around, he slammed Yagi's spear hard with a bottom-up slash.

There was a crisp bang, and the huge force was directly transmitted to Yagi's hand through the gun body. Almost instantly, the thumb lost all feeling.The impact of the huge force directly made his hands numb, and when he loosened his grip, the spear was completely thrown away.

Siegfried just finished swinging his sword, and he didn't stop. He knew that he was inferior to this junior in terms of agility, so he simply followed the movement of swinging the sword, taking two steps on one side of his shoulder and two steps under his feet, and bumped up with one shoulder from the side.

He was already tall, and with the metal armor on his shoulders, it would definitely not be a joke to bump into him.

Yagi Xuesai knew how powerful he was, but he was in the state of being smashed with his weapon, so he could only step back continuously.

The two of them pushed one side of the shoulder all the way, and the other retreated back and forth again and again, pulling apart one after the other and galloping quickly.

With a little strength in his hands, how could Yagi have the strength to stop?With a wave of his right hand, the transparent blade came into his hand, and with a flat stab, the strong wind on the blade was released, and the strong wind of the tornado raged away against Siegfried, although the damage to him was negligible, but , the wind resistance is different.

Taking advantage of him being blocked by the strong wind, Yagi jumped back with a big step, opened the distance, dematerialized the holy sword, and clenched the spear with both hands.

In a match just now, although the two were evenly matched, it was clear at a glance who was more embarrassed.

Yagi finally realized first-hand how aggrieved he was when he fought against three Japanese swordsmen.

Combat becomes delicate when the other side can take a beating without getting hurt.

Really frustrating.

However, Siegfried will not wait for him.

He has a serious personality, and once he has received the training of simulated warfare, he will definitely aim to defeat the opponent and will not show mercy.

Like a tank, Siegfried charged towards Yagi with his big sword lying beside him.Yagi cheered up and took a sharp breath, the magic power from his heart flowed through his body in an instant, and the spear pierced towards Siegfried's blade.

Accompanied by the sound of heavy metal clashing, red and silver tracers hovered between the two, and the flying blades turned into sharp traces, and with each impact, hot sparks were wiped out.

(End of this chapter)

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