Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 498 VOL. Tit for Tat

Chapter 498 VOL. Tit for Tat
The weapons are handed over, the sky-shattering loud noise is accompanied by the impact of the remaining power, the air bursts, the sword blade collides with the gun blade, and the myth and the myth collide.

High-speed offensive and defensive battles.

Accompanied by the dazzling sparks, Yagi Yusai felt more and more that Siegfried was extraordinary.

This man is like a rock.

He is inconspicuous, unassuming, and has no particularly noticeable scent or color. However, as long as you need him, you will definitely feel the heavy sense of stability.

different from myself.

When I was fighting with Okita, Kojiro, and Ushiwakamaru before, they would often break through my defense and the blade fell on me.It's just that my own defense is strong, so I didn't get hurt, and I just dragged the opponent down.

But Siegfried is different.

No matter how fast Yagi's attack was, no matter how he attacked from a strange angle, Siegfried could always turn the blade. He made full use of the length advantage of his great sword, stabbed with a long spear, and blocked across the blade.Sweep with the spear, and raise the blade to block.Turning the spear around, launching a sneak attack from the foot, Siegfried's blade will definitely fall to his foot first.As long as he finds a space, his slash will definitely rush towards him fiercely.

(Defensive that what you mean?)
Yagi Xuesai gave a secret praise in his heart.

From the perspective of Chaldea, this man's battle was inconspicuous.Artoria Alter's black sword looks much more majestic than his magic sword.The identities of Okita Souji and Ushiwakamaru are also confusing.Cu Chulainn can combine rune magic and long spear technology together, Sakata Kintoki can emit lightning, Darius is tall, and can summon a sea of ​​skeletons... Everyone seems to have their own attention-grabbing places .

Among this group of people, Siegfried seemed a bit inconspicuous.

Yagi, too, was deceived by this illusion.

This man, wholeheartedly using the big sword to assist defense, is not simply relying on his own defense.After all, Yagi has also suffered this kind of loss.When fighting Hercules before, the opponent used that exaggerated ax and sword to cut through his proud defense.

It is not enough to blindly believe in the effect of bathing in dragon's blood.

Siegfried even more so.In his hand, the big sword seemed to have completely turned into a shield, no matter how Yagi attacked, he could just push it aside.

(That's great, Your Excellency Siegfried.)
While admiring him more and more in his heart, Yagi stepped forward and quickly backed away, preparing to withdraw and launch an attack from the side.

But Siegfried would not let him go.

Facing such a high-speed follower, his trick is to always keep dealing with it head-on, and always push him into the range of his close combat.

Don't let the opponent take advantage, as long as Yagi tries to get away, he will definitely push forward.

Yagi retreats, Siegfried advances.

Between the two, swords and spears clashed continuously, just to prevent Yagi from easily withdrawing and had to stop and swing his spear to fight back.

Yagi kept touching the ground with his toes, but he never opened the distance.

Is it too tired?
The speed under Yagi's feet was getting slower and slower, Siegfried found the right moment, strode forward, and slashed head-on with his sword again!Yagi hurriedly blocked the shot, and with a bang, he leaned back exaggeratedly, stepped on the ground with all his strength, bent his knees to absorb the impact, and barely blocked it...

The strength of both of them is B+ Siegfried can show such bravery, Yagi has to reflect on whether he has not used his strength at all.

Slashing head-on, Yagi couldn't move under the pressure, and the silver sword fell slowly but firmly to his shoulder!I have no way to withstand this blow at all!
Generally speaking, enemies in anime and comics should start talking at this time, explaining their abilities, or mocking the protagonist, so that the protagonist can inspire fighting spirit or find flaws, anyway, it is similar.

Siegfried didn't speak at all, but just increased the strength in his hand, trying to cut Yagi and the defense together.

He had just bullied three servants who lacked high-level treasures in a similar way before, and was immediately educated by Siegfried in the same way.This is the reincarnation of heaven.

Moreover, at this time, it was too late to draw out the transparent sword to block it.

Yagi gritted his teeth, his heart was beating non-stop, and the magic power surged along the blood vessels to his limbs.

Then... If you want to resolve the predicament, or even turn defeat into victory, then you need...

"Start it for me!"

Yagi Xuesai's eyes widened, magic power poured into his feet, before, he backed away repeatedly, just for this moment.

Under his feet, a continuation track of magic power was dragged out.

I added two strokes with my toes. The original meaningless lines were endowed with special magic power because they formed a special shape...

This is the quintessential part of Nordic magic, the original rune magic.

As long as it is written anywhere, it will have an effect, something similar to the spirit of words.

In the meandering route, hot flames shot up into the sky and exploded from under the two people's feet. The magic power of the flames instantly enveloped the two of them!
This is the technique used by caster Cu Chulainn that Yagi had seen before in Rome.

Draw runes on the ground with your feet to perform magic.Lure the enemy to attack within your own range, and then use the gorgeous rune magic to set up traps to annihilate the enemy.

In Yagi's case, on the contrary, Rune is the auxiliary part.

The flames soared into the sky, enveloping the two of them at once.

This is nothing extraordinary, Yagi has just started to learn Rune, its power is not high, it is just the effect of ordinary flames, it only looks gorgeous.For both of them, they are both bathed in dragon blood, have extremely high defense power, and will not be harmed by flames.


The difference between the two is:
Yagi Xuezhai was completely bathed in dragon blood from head to toe, turning into an invulnerable body.

And Siegfried, from the myth, was once pitted by the leaves, and there is a weakness behind him that has not been bathed in dragon blood.

Even with the power of the flames, even hitting Siegfried's weak point directly couldn't kill him.But it really made Siegfried very uncomfortable.

In the burning flames, Siegfried's facial expression suddenly became painful.

Thanks to his attribute of dragon slayer, Yagi Yusai's attack will be largely exempted by this attribute, otherwise the severe pain from the vest would really mess up Siegfried's moves.

Clenching his teeth, Siegfried pressed down on the big sword harder and harder. The heavy blade had already broken through Yagi's spear, cut on his shoulder, and cut towards Yagi Xuesai's heart inch by inch.

It was he who lost.

Siegfried can still hold on, but he is almost finished.

All of Yagi's abilities depend on this heart.If it hurts, I really...

If you continue to entangle, there will be no heroic beauty.

"I surrender."

Taking the initiative to put away the flame, Yagi Yusai stopped attacking, and Siegfried also put away his sword.

Both of them sat on the ground, panting continuously, it can be seen that both of them were seriously injured just now.

(Confirmed again, I am still far away. Siegfried is really good. In the future, I have to practice a lot...Okay, let’s start with Zhao Yun playing Three Kingdoms Warriors.)
(End of this chapter)

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