Chapter 519 Near Death Blow

The unprotected chest of Eric the Berserker Blood Ax collided with Yagi's holy sword.

From the common sense of ordinary people, a human chest is not as good as a sword.

Although King Blood Ax is a follower, his Yagi's sword is not ordinary. The sword pierced his heart, and the transparent blade pierced a big hole in his heart.


Blood Ax King Eric let out a mournful roar, even if he was a berserker, he would be dead if he was pierced by this blow.


Yagi concentrated on his feet, retreated at a high speed, and the red sword swung by the blood ax almost slashed at his feet!Eric the Bloodaxe is still alive!

(Will the battle continue? I'm used to it.)
Even if he received a mortal injury, he could still drag his body and linger on.For some specific followers, the battle continuation is too helpful.

One is a follower who possesses a powerful Noble Phantasm, who can endure death to release the Noble Phantasm.

One is a berserker like Blood Axe, who goes berserk on the verge of death and will cause great trouble to the surroundings.

There is another kind, that is, a servant who has the ability to heal his own injuries, continues the battle to avoid death, and uses his ability to restore damage.

The Blood Ax King swung his arm with all his strength, and the Blood Ax chased Yagi continuously. It was obviously such a cumbersome big axe, but under his powerful wrist, it chased at high speed like an ordinary sword.

The battlefield was very chaotic, and Yagi Yusai was surrounded by Viking warriors fighting with everyone.

Arturia Lily swung her sword and dealt with four warriors holding giant axes at the same time.

Rider Medusa flexibly walks among these strong men.

The safety of Fujimaru Tachika is all handed over to Mash.

Although the attack power of the command flag rolled up by Joan is very problematic, there is no problem at all with the ax used to block these brave warriors.

From time to time, Arjuna's long-distance arrows were also in the sky to assist him.

The chaotic battle situation around him made it impossible for Yagi to escape as freely as he did during training.

Twice in a row he had bumped into the back of a Viking warrior while retreating.

The chain mail hurt his back.

Under the guarantee of the continuation of the battle, King Blood Ax kept swinging his battle ax and chasing Yagi.

Yagi thought for a while, if it is from the perspective of efficiency, he should drag him and consume his magic power until the magic power of the ability to continue the battle is exhausted.Then he will die.


He gripped the gun tightly in his hand.

(I have been taught by so many people, it would be too unheroic to fail here!)
The solid touch from the gun gave him a solid feeling.Stopping the pace of retreat, Yagi lowered the spear with both hands, and assumed a posture of assault.

It was about to rush towards the ax of King Blood Axe.


Medusa noticed his action, waved the chain in her hand, and aimed at the throat of the Viking warrior opposite.

With Medusa's exquisite control, the chain perfectly wrapped around the opponent's neck, but did not stab him to death. Viking warriors were originally full of blood. past.In his eyes, this little girl is too thin, how can she resist her own strength?

However, under his tug, the little girl opposite did not move at all!

Between the two wrestling, a chain was constructed between Yagi and Eric the Bloodaxe.


Yagi Xuesai immediately understood what she meant, galloped in two steps, tapped his toes, jumped up lightly, and stepped towards the chain!

Stepping on Beng's straight chain, the feeling of this foothold is really not good.However, no matter whether it is comfortable or not, as long as it can be used as a foothold.

Taking this place as a foothold in the air, Yagi Yusai's magic power radiated from his feet, and he jumped again in mid-air!

Blood Ax also noticed the chain, swung his battle ax high, swung the ax one step ahead, and slashed towards the non-existent track in the sky.

It was to seal Yagi's jumping route!


Cut out!
Is Yagi taking off late?Or is he too fast?
Do not!
The timing of his jump was perfect, and theoretically, he should have been hit by Bloodaxe's blow.

However, Yagi was not hit.

Because, he didn't take off in the [up] direction at all.

He stepped on the chain with one foot, taking advantage of the bad touch of the chain, and on the other heel, he pressed the chain with the top of his foot, and it was the latter that he poured out with magic power.The whole movement is like an upside-down golden hook in football cartoons!
Because of this special movement, he didn't fly upwards, but fell to the ground counterclockwise like a clock.The back made close contact with the deck, and using the reverse thrust of the impact, he poured his magic power into the spear, and took advantage of the moment of rebound to throw the spear out!

The red gun hit Blood Ax King's chest, and under the infusion of magic power, the strong impact directly cut off his ribs and penetrated deeply into his body.

He had already received fatal injuries and relied on fighting to continue his life, but now he received a new strong injury, and the magic power of fighting continued began to disintegrate, and finally disappeared.

Dominated by death, King Blood Ax widened his eyes unwillingly, probably because he couldn't believe it no matter what, he had already died in battle.

Yagi turned around and got up, rushed up, grasped the gun in one hand and the sword in the other, and pulled them out directly.

From the wound, countless golden particles disintegrated the unwilling body of Blood Axe.

"Huh... I won."

Yagi Xuesai breathed a sigh of relief.

The heart in his chest was still beating non-stop, and his wrists were also trembling.

This was the first time he had completely defeated a follower in a real sense.

Although Arturia Lily intervened in the middle, and Arjuna also gave assistance, but...

It's okay!This can be regarded as the first time!Defeat the enemy with your own strength for the first time!And it's a berserker!And it's the kind of orthodox berserker with great power - the kind of Qing Ji is not considered an orthodox berserker.

Excited, reminiscing about the battle just now, the blood surged up, it seemed that something was muttering in his throat, and he almost burst through his teeth and roared out.

It is such a joyful thing to completely defeat the enemy with one's own strength.

Yagi suddenly understood why Mordred liked fighting so much.This stuff is so fun!

With the death of King Bloodaxe, the surrounding Viking warriors gradually began to disappear. Sure enough, it was the same as Chaldea's speculated data.

These pirates are similar to [Undead].It's not the same.

What should I say...

Yes, like, the white gas around the dry ice.Both dry ice and white gas are carbon dioxide.But the shape is different.The latter follows the former.

Be it Bloodaxe or Blackbeard, these [Captain]-level servants will summon [Sailor]-level undead at this singularity.

Because the captain died, it was as if the dry ice had been taken away, and all the undead beside him disappeared.

Only one large ship remained.

Great!Although no one knows how to drive a boat, it's definitely better than nothing!
It doesn't matter if you ask Medea to reform it, or ask Blackbeard to give you a few crew members, it's fine!

"Master, I have some bad news."

Suddenly, rider's calm voice came over.

(End of this chapter)

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