Chapter 520 Bad News

After defeating the enemy, immersed in the joy of getting a new ship, Fujimaru Tatsuka happily asked what news the rider had.

This kind of deployment of defeating the enemy and dragging away the warship reminded her of a certain famous sailing game, playing the role of navigator in various sea areas and countries, looking for the proof of the overlord, and controlling the seven seas.Although it is said that different protagonists have different ways of playing, the producer means that there should be different winning schemes such as maritime merchants or exploration.But to be honest, in it, Fujimaru Tachika's favorite thing is to rob other people's merchant ships, and then drag their goods and ships to the port to sell.Use this method to accumulate wealth quickly...

So in the end, no matter who she starts with, she will definitely become obsessed with naval battles in the end, without thinking about the development of the main line.

"It doesn't matter rider! We are in great momentum right now! I won't be shocked by what you say!"

Fujimaru Tachika's tone of voice was filled with a pleasant tone, and the rider Medusa who got the approval lowered her head and said sincerely and calmly:
"Yes. Because the captain, Blood Axe, was defeated, the defensive magic and the magic that used to maintain the ship disappeared. In other words..."

"That is to say?"

Mash suddenly felt a bad premonition.

"Fu? Fufu?!"

Fufu on the inside of the shield screamed uncomfortably.

"I released the treasure on the side of the ship before, but now that I have lost the blessing of magic, the ship is about to sink."

Sure enough, as if to strengthen the persuasiveness of her words, she heard the sharp sound of cracking and cracking on the side of the ship. The hull that was hit by Medusa before had already cracked due to the previous collision, and the shocking black Because the cracks lost the magic blessing, the cracked wooden boards creaked into a ball, and the warship folded in a concave shape towards the center...

Wow!This is going to be a big problem, right? !

"Hello?! This kind of thing should be said earlier!"

As the warship broke, Yagi said anxiously.

"Is there anyone who can't swim!!"

In a panic, Yagi Xuesai hurriedly asked.

Fortunately, both Yagi and Fujimaru Tachika are from the island country, so they can swim naturally.

Although Matthew has no swimming experience, she does have knowledge.Should be able to swim.

For others, everyone is a hero, and they can do things like swimming.

Although Arturia Lily can't swim, she can walk on water.It doesn't matter.

According to her own account, this one seems to be a gift from the elves.

It doesn't matter if Medusa can swim or not.

Because people have Pegasus.


Jeanne silently raised her hand...

"I, um, I've never swam..."

Yup!Forget about her!
There is no legend that Joan was particularly good at swimming.

Moreover, to be honest, she didn't have much chance to swim when she helped with farm work in the early stage and joined the war in the later stage.

Moreover, she was wearing a thick cloak and armor. The cloth became very heavy after absorbing water, and the armor became even heavier.She is like this, she will definitely sink! !
Yagi looked at the armor on her body and said bitterly: "What are you doing! Hurry up and turn the armor into a spirit body! You too, the clothes are super heavy after absorbing water!"

Just when everyone panicked, the collapse of the ship stopped.

At some point, the seawater had turned into ice, and the half-sinking ship fragments were frozen by the seawater, stopping the sinking.

It's Medea!

She, who had been watching this side with indifferent eyes all this time, saw this decline, and quickly expanded her magic control, freezing the broken ship and the sea surface together.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then returned to Blackbeard's flagship, Queen Anne's Revenge, along the same route.

"What a wonderful battle."

Hector applauded the returning men.

The pirates also cheered together, taking advantage of the chaos, many people still shouted please marry me!Such nonsense.

In fact, when we rushed to the Viking ship before, everyone was ready to follow.But how can ordinary pirates keep up with the speed of followers?Has long been thrown away.

Before they had time to board the battlefield, the battlefield was completely shattered.

Where does this make sense?What is there to fight when the battlefield is gone?
However, pirates have always worshiped the strong, so five or six people can solve a warship, this kind of thing is unheard of!
"Hoohoo! That's amazing! Xiao Lixiang~"

Blackbeard smirked and stretched out his hands, wanting to shake hands with Fujimaru Tachika.

Looking at the dirty things under his fingernails, Fujimaru Tatsuka summoned up courage three times, but still failed to overcome the resistance deep in his heart, and smiled awkwardly.

It was Yagi who took the initiative to reach out and hold his hand: "Captain, this is not only due to our credit, it is because of the captain's brilliance and martial arts, just sitting in command can cause miracles! This is the majesty of Captain Blackbeard!"

"Oh ho ho ho ho ho... Yagi-san can really talk, do you really think so? Really think so! Oh, hahaha, really?!"

Although Blackbeard didn't believe it in his heart, he felt comfortable listening to it.The face changes color, it's real joy.

"Of course! Napoleon once said that a sheep led by a lion is far better than a lion led by a sheep, which shows the importance of leaders! Captain!"

His Excellency Napoleon, who was far away in Chaldea, sneezed exaggeratedly, and Miss Boudica on the side showed a embarrassed look: "Pay attention to hygiene in the kitchen, Your Majesty!"

"Ah, sorry, I always feel that someone is nagging me."

Napoleon nodded embarrassedly and continued to chat with her.

Going back to the perspective of the singularity, Yagi’s enthusiastic flattery, not to mention the people of Chaldea, even the crew of the Blackbeard Pirates, everyone felt suspicious: This kid is really out of his mind. Do you really think so, or are you flattering?
They don't believe it themselves.

Annie bent down uncomfortably, clutching her stomach: "Mary, is the one he's talking about black beard?"

"I don't know, but I think I'm a little seasick."

The little Mary lay on the edge of the deck, poked her head out and spat out with a loud wow.

Hector on the side smiled awkwardly, thinking that flattering is not the way to shoot, it's too obvious.

Moreover, Captain, you are still complacent?

I feel more and more that there is something wrong with this ship.

"Then, the wise and mighty Captain, we managed to deal with such a powerful enemy, shouldn't we hold a banquet to celebrate!"

Yagi saw the complacent face on his face and narrowed his eyes slightly, and then he put forward his own idea.

"That's right! I'm the captain of the Queen Anne's Revenge, the world-famous great pirate, Blackbeard! Hahaha, good! Banquet! Everyone prepare for the best banquet! Hurry up!"

(End of this chapter)

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