Chapter 550 Handover
Clenching the red gun in his hand, Yagi Xuesai bit his lip and patted Artoria Lily on the shoulder.

"Lily, rush up with me. Let's go directly to the opponent's deck! Force them to engage in close combat. We have the advantage in terms of servants, and force them to fight with us!"


The little girl nodded seriously.

Yagi Xuesai roughly estimated the distance between the two boats, and felt that it was really a bit reluctant to jump across.Looking to the side, I saw Mash's large shield.

"Mash!! Throw us over with a shield!"

Yagi yelled, and pushed Lily along the way, motioning for her to go first.

After all, she was much lighter than himself in terms of weight.

The little female pirate, Mary, saw her passing, and she wanted to follow her, but after thinking about it, she still had to protect the ship, and she was a little entangled.Hector saw this, smiled and said, "Don't be afraid, I'm still on this ship. Go ahead."

"Then please."

Mary nodded, picked up the giant blade that was about the size of her entire body, and chased in the direction Lily left.

Arjuna condensed violent magic power in his hand, and on the big silver bow, the condensed blue flame roared like thunder, and as he let go of his fingers, the blue flame arrows rained down on the opponent's ship.

Mash had already set up the shield.

Although the muscle strength is only C, it is not a big problem to throw a few people away.Especially Lily and Mary are both small and light.Coupled with their respective take-off speeds, boarding the enemy ship is not a big problem.

The two were thrown away one after another, and the next one was Yagi Xuesai.

Medea simply gave up cleaning the water plants, and with a swipe of her hand, a beautiful magic circle unfolded behind her. Her black robe unfolded like a bat's wings, and the dense magic circuits inside exuded rainbow-like brilliance.

Circe saw her show off her power, and he did the same. He spread his eagle wings, and the inside of the feathers was a magic circuit very similar to Medea.

Behind the two of them, translucent glowing magic threads were woven into a wide-area magic circle, and purple magic power rolled in it, converging into a condensed beam cannon.

aim?No need for that kind of thing.

As long as you can attack the opponent's ship.

Don't worry about anything else at all.

With such a big target, it is impossible to miss it.

In the intensive artillery fire, Yagi Xuesai stepped on Mashu's shield, using her strength to throw her away, and took off with all her strength, even Mash was stepped on by his strength and squatted down.

Jumping in the air, Yagi Xuesai picked up the red gun with both hands, aimed at the deck in mid-air, and the magic power poured into the gun crazily, the red magic power was like burning blood.

This is the skill he conceived on the uninhabited island before.

Throwing the spear down was originally used to catch fish in the deep sea.

However, after unlocking the ability of the Noble Phantasm, this idea was put aside.

As the magic power poured in, the gun expanded more and more. On the blade, countless stabs extended out, like a slender tree with countless branches and leaves protruding from it, forming a sharp blade of death.

"Throw! Spear of Tyrannical Deaththorn! (Gae-Bolg-Alternative)"

Immediately, he threw his spear in mid-air.

"Get out of the way!!! Leave it to me!!!"

The strong man Fergus, who was so familiar with Cu Chulainn, ignored that he was still being chased by Altria Lily, turned around and took a step back, the spiral sword in his hand made a roaring sound, aimed at Yagi Yusai in the sky and threw The long gun smashed in the past.

Just as Artoria Lily was about to rush over, she heard the whistling wind in her ears, and felt something was wrong in her heart, she got short and rolled on the ground.

There was a bang, and the heavy sound of the wind cut through the air, and the low sound like an explosion told of the power of this blow.The pitch-black battle ax turned into a heavy storm. Just listening to the sound of the wind and feeling the heavy wind pressure made Arturia Lily shudder in her heart. If she was really hit... I'm afraid it will become two paragraphs .

It was the three-meter-tall monster with horns, and the heavy ax in his hand had just attacked Lily in order to cover Fergus. Although it missed, it did prevent her from pursuing.

No one hindered Fergus, he raised the spiral sword with both hands, and the blade collided with the gun blade thrown by Yagi.

It was a sharp, tooth-piercing sound.It's like scraping a porcelain plate with a metal knife and fork. The sharp sound is just uncomfortable to listen to.

The red and white magic powers cancel each other out, turning into an exaggerated torrent of light, rushing towards the surroundings, and overflowing magic power flows in all directions.

As expected of Cu Chulainn's uncle in mythology, the great Celtic hero, he forcibly blocked the magic spear thrown by Yagi with the magic sword in his hand.

However, that doesn't matter.

This blow is like adding a head.It is of course best to get a few heads.

It doesn't matter if you can't get it.

Thanks to this blow, no one had the energy to prevent Yagi from getting on the boat and fell to the ground. Yagi made a classic five-point landing and rolled on the spot. The red gun in his hand had returned to his hand. He took advantage of the situation Rolling in a low posture, a gun sticks out like a poisonous snake, biting Fergus' ankle...

Fergus' reaction was also extremely fast, and he didn't have time to turn around to defend. He saw the big man quickly raised his foot, took a step back, and stepped on Yagi's spear with the sole of his foot!

A spear is a weapon with a flat blade and a smooth long shaft under the blade.This means that a weapon like a long gun does not have a large attack range, and many places are not weapons in the conventional sense.If used incorrectly, it will be like this.

Yagi's blow was stepped on by him, and he stepped on Yagi's gun with A-level power, Yagi felt as if there was a huge amount of power poured into it...

Yagi yelled violently, and the magic power in his wrist poured into the spear, and from the spear, he thrust out another lightning blow, this time just right, piercing through the sole of Fergus' foot.

"Oh! It hurts!"

Taking advantage of the moment just now, Fergus finally returned to the battle state, loosened his foot, and Yagi quickly drew his gun and pushed back, throwing a gun flower. Before Fergus could say anything, he immediately turned around and pretended to stab , with a lightning-like withdrawal, he slid over to the berserker holding the giant axe.

He knew that a fighter like Fergus would be difficult to deal with.

Not only attributes, but also skills.

From various games, Yagi has learned a crucial routine for fighting bosses:
That is to clean up one by one.Clean up the powerful mobs around the boss one by one, and deal with the most difficult one at the end, grinding him to death.

Whether it is rpg or srpg, it is very easy to use.

Fergus is not an opponent that can be easily defeated, so his target is the monster with the double axes.

It can be seen that his offensive and defensive powers are very strong, but his agility is really not very good, and he is probably not very suitable for sailing.

Yagi Yusai assisted Arturia Lily to pinch the horned monster, while the female pirate Annie picked up a machete and fought with Fergus!
(End of this chapter)

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