Chapter 551 The Minotaur

That was a heavy ax blow.

The speeding black iron block drives a heavy and sharp wind.

Even if it is just approaching, it will be swept by the strong wind and dragged towards the ax blade by the powerful attraction.

Possessing A++ grade muscle strength, every blow of the battle ax wielded by the bull-headed monster brings a sense of power to smash the earth.

Neither Arturia Lily nor Yagi Xuesai dared to hand over weapons to him easily. Simply, he was not flexible enough. He was so huge that he had two long pole axes. Although the attack power was infinite, they were also very powerful Difficult to deal with these two flexible people.

If you can't defeat the enemy in one go, then you must prioritize the time delay, accumulate a lot of small damage to the opponent, and finally let these small injuries drag him down.

Fortunately, this monster obviously has many traumas on its body, many of which are still fresh and haven't healed much.

This is the so-called protracted war.

Yagi Xuesai gave Artoria Lily a look, sneaked through the horned monster's body, walked around his broad back, turned the red gun in his hand, and stabbed towards his broad back .


But at the same time as he shot, a pale flame exploded in front of him, and Arjuna's arrow exploded right in front of him. The strong wind that erupted forced the young man back, forcing him to take a few steps back.


The golden arrows landed on the deck, making a crisp impact sound.

It was a beautiful arrow.

Beautiful golden lines formed a heart pattern on the top of the arrow, and a beautiful purple gemstone was embedded inside, making the whole arrow look gorgeous and expensive.

Yagi looked at the arrow and suddenly understood that it was Arjuna who helped him block the enemy's sneak attack!

The archer, obviously far away, provided long-distance wide-area firepower suppression, and at the same time noticed that he was attacked by surprise!
The arrow was entwined with powerful magic power, if it really hit him... the consequences would be disastrous.

"Ah? There are people who don't understand the style and make trouble. They really have no sense of beauty."

From the shoulder of the tall horned monster, the petite girl made a cute voice, holding a small golden bow like a toy, no matter how you look at it, it has no power.

If you have to say it, it is reminiscent of Cupid's bow and arrow.

It seemed that she was the one who attacked him just now.

So, is there another person on the shoulder, responsible for guarding the back?

Yagi understood, and was about to regroup and continue the assault, when he saw the monster growl, and turned around with great strides, with the ax in both hands guarding his side. This is a classic fighting technique [Whirlwind] that has appeared in various works.

However, this common skill, used in his hands, is the real [Whirlwind].The two heavy axes swirled, and it was obvious that the wind pressure formed a pressure similar to that of a millstone, almost crushing anything that strayed into the strong wind.

The pirates had already run away, leaving a large space for them to fight, and no one dared to approach.

(The whirlwind used by this behemoth, that is, up or down?)

Of course, Whirlwind also has weaknesses.

The rounding weapon takes the waist and ribcage as the basic attack position, that is, the mid-section attack.

Neither the feet of the lower section nor the head of the upper section have much defense.

So for skilled practitioners, this martial skill is not difficult to deal with.

It's just because the giant's attack power is too strong, and the heavy wind pressure makes it difficult to approach.

Moreover, there was a person sitting on his shoulder, and if he attacked from above, he might be shot down.

Then, there is only...

No, there are no legs left either.

Because, this monster has shackles on its feet.

It is the kind of thing that occasionally appears in ancient martial arts movies. One end of the iron chain binds the feet, and the other end is tied with a solid iron ball. It is used to detain prisoners and prevent them from moving freely.

This thing has no restraint on him at all, and his strange power cannot be sealed by this thing at all.Therefore, as the body spun, the iron ball kept twirling, even slower than the tomahawk in his hand!
Moreover, it should be noted that when the iron ball whirls and flies, the chain is naturally straightened. As his feet alternately swirl, occasionally his feet will get caught on the chain. At this time, the iron ball will spin more rapidly, and the thing to be careful of is the instantaneous acceleration of the iron ball...

Difficult to break through.

Damn it, it would be nice if I could know the real name of this monster...

Just like Siegfried's back, Achilles' ankles, Medusa's fear of mirrors, etc., as long as you know your real name, there is always a way to deal with it.

"Hey, Yagi, what are you doing over there! There seems to be something wrong with the measuring instruments! There was a problem once when you held a banquet on the island before, and now there is a problem again!"

Suddenly, Romani's voice echoed around Yagi.

"What's the problem, I don't have time to analyze it now."

"Holy Grail! The machine analyzes that the Holy Grail is near you, less than 100 meters away!"

holy grail? !
Hearing this, Yagi Xuesai was shocked. He slowed down a step, quickly changed his forward pace to sideways, and rushed to the side for more than ten meters. He turned around and took a panoramic view of the surrounding area. Sure enough, Captain Drake is aiming at himself with a short-barreled musket in both hands. I am afraid he is going to sneak attack?

Because of her sudden change of move, she didn't have time to aim at herself.

Thanks to the analysis last time, Captain Drake has the Holy Grail in his hand. [Holy Grail Reaction] is equal to [Captain Drake's position], so he can escape so sharply.

The strange thing is that Yagi didn't feel like he was being attacked by someone at all. Generally speaking, even if he didn't see it, he would feel flustered when he was aimed at with a weapon.This is the so-called sixth sense.Captain Drake's sense of presence is exceptionally low... It's almost... as if his breath is blocked... Sure enough, something was done by that magician who hasn't shown up yet?

"Tsk, run away. Whose voice is this bad thing!"

Captain Drake was stunned, with an unhappy look on his face.

"Doctor, it was a great help."

"Really?! That would be great!"

"Now I'm fighting against a strong enemy... Can you analyze the spirit foundation?"

"Well, yes."

Da Vinci took over the communication.

"One is the reaction of the level of the gods. It is difficult to deduce the specific gods. The other is probably the Minotaur, the minotaur in Greek mythology."

Da Vinci's intellectual voice explained to him just right.

"don't want……"

The Minotaur, who had been silent all this time, suddenly let out a suppressed voice.

"Don't call me by that name ah ah ah ah ah!"

(End of this chapter)

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