Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 627 VOL. The Storm King of Destruction

Chapter 627 VOL. The Storm King of Destruction
Today Chaldea broke out into a roaring bang every day.

Of course, because there are so many servants with unique personalities and distinctive personalities gathered, many of them are natural enemies, so Chaldea often makes such rioting sounds.

Today, however, is a little different...

To say why...

Because it was Darius III who made a fuss in the control room today.

Without Alexander present, the dark, rock-like Darius roared in the control room, as if he was about to say something.

Whether Romani or Da Vinci, no one knows what he wants to express.

Gao Wen and Ah Zhou stared at him from left to right, making sure that he would not do evil things.

As the master, Fujimaru Tatsuka tried hard to negotiate with him.

"That...could it be... Darius, are you eager to fight?"

Hearing this, Darius suddenly fell silent, purring like a large dog eager for a walk.

"So . . . to France? Or Rome?"

Darius swung his battle ax and pointed the tip of the ax at the virtual Earth-like Chaldeas. At this point, it happened to be the location of Japan.

"You mean... Fuyuki?"


Darius made an unidentified sound.

", he seems to want to go to Fuyuki..."

"Ah...singularity, how about going? I think it would be more dangerous for him to stay in Chaldea if he doesn't go."

So, without knowing why, Fujimaru Tachika took Darius Reiko and transferred.

Darius had always been a berserker who was as quiet as a rock. Except for the battle and when he met Alexander, he was always quiet, staying in the corner of the room, not saying a word for a whole day.

It is really rare for him to ask to play so actively.

Yagi Xuesai and Mash followed, accompanied by Gao Wen and Arjuna.

Because there is no certainty what to fight, these personnel are enough.

By the way, Yagi Xuezhai always felt that Gao Wen cast some kind of eager eyes on him.

In Fuyuki's singularity, the blazing fire still burns the city that has long been reduced to ashes, and the remains of death roam everywhere.

Countless undead turned into various ghosts or skeletons, walking on the abandoned streets.

Darius swung his tomahawk, and the heavy attack chopped the ruins of the real estate and the enemy together.The strong wind swirls, almost obliterating everything.

The heroic rock-like giant is like a moving storm. Wherever he goes, no grass will grow, and he will destroy everything. It feels like a berserker!
"He... seems to be looking for something?"

It was Gao Wen who spoke.Wearing silver-white armor, the knight with a handsome face and dazzling blond hair seems to have come straight out of a knight novel, and is the most suitable appearance for a knight in people's minds.

"Ugh, it would be great if there was something to communicate with Berserker."

Fujimaru Tatsuka said with a headache.

Darius' running has a general direction.It is Yuanzang Mountain.

That is, in the singularity point F, the place where everyone finally fought the final battle with the enemy.

As if to respond to Darius, when the group arrived at the top of Mount Enzo, where the spiritual veins with the greatest magic power gathered, there was a loud thunderclap in the sky of Fuyuki.

In the sky, the dazzling silvery white tore apart the pitch-black sky.


Fujimaru Tachika looked at the sky suspiciously.I don't know what kind of weather it is, but it's probably not raining, right?Why is there a sudden thunder?

"It's a follower..."

After Ah Zhou finished speaking, Mash immediately picked up the shield and stood in front of Fujimaru Tatsuka, Yagi Yusai quietly hid the transparent holy sword by his hand, and tightly grasped the red gun.Gawain held the holy sword and stood in front of Mash's shield, while Arjuna took a big step back and stood at the end of the line, while protecting Fujimaru Tateka in the middle.

Needless to say, everyone acted out of the idea of ​​protecting the Master, so tacitly understood that no words were needed.

From the sky, on the majestic chariot driven by two galloping bulls, a muscular man in a red cloak was letting out a bold laugh and falling from the sky.There was a thunderstorm around him, and he rushed towards the crowd as if he was the god of thunder.Before the person arrived, the voice came first:

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh!!! Isn't this Yu's old enemy, Darius III! Is it you who called Yu, yearned for Yu, and challenged Yu here? Wahahahahaha."

With such a bold laugh, the bullock cart in the sky crashed to the ground, and the surrounding building ruins were crushed into powder by the thunder.

The majestic muscular man jumped down from the seat. He was very tall, but Darius was taller. Compared with Darius, this muscular man looked like a child.

"Hmm...this that's how it is. Is it you in the third pursuit battle? So it's like that, eager for Yu, shouting to fight Yu again...fufu, what a rigid guy."

Talking to himself, the muscular man came to some kind of understanding.

Unexpectedly, although Darius was growling in warning, he had no intention of fighting, as if he was waiting for the opponent to draw his sword.

"You... oh, you are the Master of Darius... It seems that not all of them are. Hahaha, I won't ask too much about the specific reasons. Very good. It seems that there are a few of them who are worth a thousand horses Heroes. My name is Iskandar! A servant who appears as a rider! The king of conquest! Let me ask you, are you willing to come under Yu's command and conquer to the end of the world together?"

Iskandar let out a hearty laugh.

This name is not widely known.

Because, compared to Iskandar, the name Alexander is more in line with the common sense of the public.

Yes, Iskandar and Alexander, are the same person.


No one answered, Iskandar was stunned, curled his lips, shrugged his shoulders, and said with a bitter face: "I don't even ask about the salary, but there is no need to talk about it."


Darius was a berserker after all, no matter how he restrained his urge to kill, there was always a limit.

The golden battle axes in both arms slashed towards Iskandar.The strong man jumped to the side, dodging the blow.The ground was cut to pieces by Darius' blow, and the golden-green flames blazed from his battle axe.

"Well... are you so attached to Yu... Darius. Good! For Yu, it's a pity that I can't have a once-in-a-lifetime decisive battle with you! We who have become heroic spirits can now give full play to our strengths. Do your best! Hey! Over there! If you don’t want to be involved, you’d better stay away.”

Fujimaru Tachika shook her head, although she was protected by Matthew, she still said firmly:

"I am the Master of Darius. It is my duty to witness his battle."

"Oh. That's it. Looks weak, but is actually so strong and sensible? Very good! Yu admires you very much. Then, Yu Neng doesn't have much time to show up here. Just bet everything here! Darius III! As long as you are still above Yu Qianjin's domineering! Yu will always trample you to death! This is what you long for... the wish that was not fulfilled in life, right!!!"

Iskandar waved his arms, and saw a gorgeous magic power suddenly unfolding under his feet. He was obviously a rider, but with the magic power comparable to that of a caster, he built a position extremely quickly...

No, it's not building's

In the scorching desert, even the air is hot and fresh.

The scorching sky of Fuyuki was shrouded in endless blue, and the earth turned into a desert.

Everyone seemed to be teleported to a special place in an instant.

Of course, in reality, it is not [the person] who moves.Instead, the 【Landscape】moved.

It was this man who moved the landscape out.

This is an intrinsic barrier, the same as Archer Emiya's Noble Phantasm.

This is Iskandar's mental landscape.

It is also his strongest treasure.

"Assemble again!! Warriors who yearn for the end together! The ruts carved here are our honor! King's Army Power (Ionioi-Hetairoi)!"

(End of this chapter)

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