Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 628 VOL. Two Kings, at the End of the World

Chapter 628 VOL. Two Kings, at the End of the World

Involved in the inherent enchantment of Iskandar, the environment around everyone has changed drastically. In the endless desert, the heroic army is slowly coming here.

Macedonia's most elite infantry is gathering towards their king.


Darius also let out a roar that shook the sky, and in the boundless yellow sand, the army turned into skeletons broke through the ocean of sand, revealing their bodies.

The bone soldiers are neatly arrayed, and the inferior bone soldiers form a huge battle elephant of death, with soldiers piled up on both sides...

This is the wish of Darius III.

Fight Iskandar again.

Not resigned to failure.

On the contrary, it is the admiration for Iskandar.

No matter in which era or country, the privileged class always obtains privileges because of their outstanding achievements, and because the privileges passed down for generations corrode people's hearts and become depraved.

The same is true of Persia, where Darius was.

The Persian elite [Immortal Army] that feared the world has long been corrupted by the privileges of peaceful times and turned into a worm of society.

Darius III was moved by his heart, and made great efforts to govern and seek reforms, hoping to restore the most prosperous undead army.


That's too late.

Before the wise giant finished everything, a troop from afar came over.

It was a lean team, and it was a powerful team that people couldn't help but want to fight against.

The first person has a strong material desire and a tyranny to conquer everything.

At the same time... There is also this heroism that makes people can't help but be moved by him, eager to fight with him.

So... Darius was very unwilling.

It's nothing to lose to Iskandar... But, if you don't command such a bad army, if you give yourself three or five years more time to rectify the undead army... If you can fight against such a warrior in its heyday... ...what a perfect thing that would be!
Darius was not ashamed of past failures, but on the contrary. It was the greatest regret in his life that he did not have a big army-to-army collision with Iskandar when both sides were the most capable.

When you encounter such an army, how can you be willing to fail because of corruption?

And the heroic spirit gave him a chance.

Iskandar on the opposite side is at his most powerful.

The same is true for the undead army under Darius' command here.

Needless to say, the two kings, who were spreading their forces in the desert, rushed towards each other almost at the same time.

"The enemy is the king of Persia with a thousand horses! Let's ravage it!"


Iskandar swung the short sword in his hand, and the army behind him threw spears for the first round of fire.

The boundless shooting guns turned into a rain of guns, and the sky seemed to be dyed black in an instant.

The bone soldiers raised their big shields, and the rain of guns fell on the shields, making heavy noises.

Just a wave of throwing, Darius' bone cavalry has arrived. The bone knight holding a spear took the lead and rushed to the front row of Wang Zhijun. Instead of attacking, he disrupted the formation and broke through.

Cut into the enemy's camp at the fastest speed, forcing the opponent to stop throwing spears and supporting the friendly army to break through.

At this moment, the Persian King Darius, although he has turned into a berserker, has already integrated the most basic tactical skills into his blood, and his desire to fight Iskandar again has overcome the frenzy in his mind.

In the space of just two breaths, the Bone Knight had already rushed in, and the spear in his hand was poking at the enemy. The Macedonian sergeant drew out his sword and spear to respond. Before they could attack, the Bone Knight continued to break through.

Instead, it was the bone soldiers who quickly approached because they lost the suppression of throwing guns.

Looking from a distance, amidst the smoke and dust, countless figures collided together.

In Iskandar's barrier, all soldiers are servants.

Some are strong and some are weak, the strongest is even stronger than Iskandar.However, there are no Noble Phantasms and class skills.

They are all soldiers who respond to the battlefield by rider, called by their own king.

Darius III's undead army, all soldiers are monstrous.

Immortality was emphasized to the extreme, and he turned into a figure no different from that of the undead, a dead warrior who desperately fought only for the heroic giant king.

Iskandar's Noble Phantasm is the realization of everyone's thoughts, and the fetters of the courtiers jointly built this world.

The treasure of Darius III is a fusion of countless inheritances of the undead army, gathered under the command of the mighty king of Persia, and turned into a concentric beast of disaster.

"Darius!!! Yu is really happy!!! I can fight with your undead army! I can have a hedge against the undead army in your heyday!!! Woohahahahaha!!!"

With a hearty laugh, Iskandar had already mounted a black horse, raised his dagger and rushed towards Darius' war elephant.

The situation of the battle is one-sided.

Although Darius' undead army has a wide variety of troops and is weak in combat effectiveness, they are all strange creatures that have turned into undead creatures. Their actions basically rely on instinct and command. Because of Darius' madness, his command power has not declined at 01:30.

In terms of combat power alone, the soldiers of the king's army are much more powerful than the undead army.


What's really worrying is the back...

The 30-meter-high bone war elephant gallops on the battlefield, and all Macedonian soldiers touched by it, without exception, turn into spirit particles.

Darius' Noble Phantasm, opposite to Iskandar's army.

That is to not consider the strength of the army itself, but to gather them together to highlight the power of the king.The heroic assault of the undead war elephant rushed to kill in the camp of soldiers under the command of the King of Conquerors.

" really deserve to be Darius! He is an opponent that I am proud of!"

After praising Darius, Iskandar waved the weapon in his hand and was about to fight...

Suddenly, his body began to become translucent...

While translucent, it is also accompanied by golden particles...

"Huh?! Why... not enough magic power? Forced transfer? Damn... this is just the opening..."

Before Iskandar the Conqueror could finish his last sentence, the whole world of yellow sand disappeared.

Everything is as if it never existed.

When he came back to his senses, Iskandar saw the peaceful moonlight in his sight.

The bright moon is in the sky, surrounded by peaceful forests.There was a rustling sound in the night wind.

In front of him was a thin boy with parted hair who looked like a child.He was shaking his arms and crying:

"Hey!! Don't stand there stupidly, you, what are you talking about!!"

"Hmm...boy. Are you Yu's master?"

Just the moment he spoke, his mind became clear.

This is Fuyuki, this is Japan.It's... the battlefield of the Holy Grail War.

I am a servant who was summoned and descended as a rider.


The issue is…………

(Before the consciousness came over, why would it be with Darius... No, I don’t want to think about this question for now. Probably, it’s his obsession.)
Iskandar will not know.

The place where the thin master in front of him summoned him was Mount Enzo, the place where Fuyuki's spirit veins were located.

At the same time, it is also the place where the singularity F Fuyuki, Chaldea and his party fought.

In this decisive battle, Darius freed his Noble Phantasm.

It was a sea of ​​skeletons attack that was filled with the will to die, and filled with the belief of "I will fight Iskandar again" that was almost cursed.

There was a slight connection with the polluted spiritual veins and the Holy Grail at that time.

Therefore, at the moment when the [Singularity] he was in was formed, he was drawn by this connection, and before responding to the master's call, he went to meet Darius face to face.

Of course he doesn't know... how much impact his response to the call and the release of the inherent enchantment had.

"Hey, kid... Since you are Yu's master, let's prepare the necessary supplies first. First of all, do you know that there is a bookstore there?"

(End of this chapter)

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