Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 630 The Orthodox Holy Grail War

Chapter 630 The Orthodox Holy Grail War

(I am a servant of Chaldea, and I will be summoned... I am afraid that it is not only because the Seat of Heroes has no concept of time.)
In the early morning of the next day, Yagi Xuesai thought about it and quickly flipped through the materials in his hand.

This is the secret he uses to sift through the data.

Instead of picking out the things you need for the first time, you can scan [all the things that seem to be useful] at a glance and pick them out.

Then, choose what you need from these seemingly useful things.

Narrow down step by step.

Thanks to this method, he has now gone through a whole month's worth of information.

(The thing that best proves my conjecture is that I still have the memory of Chaldea. In other words, instead of answering the call from the Seat of Heroes, I respond to the summon from Chaldea... No, before that, why is Fuyuki singularity Will there be Iskandar who should not have appeared? According to the common sense I have acquired, I am now in Fuyuki more than ten years ago, the beginning of the Holy Grail War. In other words... Was I involved? How was it involved? Iskandar was an accident? Because it was an accident, when I was recalled by the Holy Grail, was I also recalled because I was in the enchantment? So did Tachika Fujimaru come along with him? ?)
Thinking of her, Yagi Xuesai's heart suddenly tightened.

(Hey, stop joking, in this fierce confrontation, do you still have to be distracted to protect someone?)

He shook his head, sighed, scattered the materials randomly, and finally circled five materials that might have problems, and picked them up.

"Huh? Lancer, why are you still in the workshop?"

Early in the morning, the slightly sharp and haughty voice of Master Kenneth could be heard.In the clock tower where talents are born in large numbers, Kenneth is also a powerful magician known for his talent and talent.Moreover, it is the so-called [noble school] magician who values ​​the origin the most.It is advocated that magicians are nobles, and they must be elegant and noble while ensuring excellence.

Yagi Xuesai had heard about Kenneth by accident.

After all, the reason why he was able to enter Chaldea was thanks to his previous study of magic in El-Melloi's classroom, and then the people of Chaldea took a fancy to his quality and summoned him to the sleazy Antarctica.In El-Melloi's classroom, El-Melloi II, who was in charge of the lecture, would show a sad expression and his tone would become extremely heavy when he mentioned Kenneth occasionally.

Kenneth El-Mello Archibald, the original instructor in the El-Mello classroom.He is also the ninth generation head of the family, the young monarch of the Clock Tower, who ranks second in color, no matter how you look at it, he is the elite of the elite.

This kind of super elite must look down on lazy followers.

Seeing that Yagi Xuezhai was still in the hotel early in the morning, instead of going out to search for the enemy, Kenneth clearly showed dissatisfaction on his face.

Yagi Xuesai quickly smiled and said, "Master, I have prepared breakfast and coffee for you."

"Well. Very careful. But—I summoned you, not for such trivial matters, you should understand?"

Kenneth was holding a coffee cup, and he could tell a good coffee just by smelling it.

After all, this is the coffee he prepared himself, and of course it is of the highest quality.

Yagi was so troubled by him, knowing that he was secretly angry because he did not produce the corresponding results, so he quickly took out the materials in his hand.

"Speaking of which, you went out once yesterday, and you spent the whole day looking through documents here. What is this?"

"Return to Master, here is the list of passengers at Fuyuki Airport and passenger records of passenger ships within this month."


Kenneth took a sip of his coffee and made a confused noise.

He is asking: so what?
As a magician, he didn't quite understand why Yagi Xuesai wanted to flip through this thing.But judging from his expression, I'm afraid he thinks this thing can make him more comfortable.In other words, is this related to the Holy Grail War?
Kenneth thought so, and continued to wait for his next words.

"I believe that even magicians will not come to Fuyuki with flying magic or submarine diving magic. That is to say, they mainly come to Fuyuki by plane and passenger ship."

After Yagi Xuesai finished speaking, he took out the five-point information he had found earlier.

"Here are the foreign passengers I selected, who are most likely to be the master of the Holy Grail War."

Kenneth snorted and glanced casually.

Yagi knew that this little information was not enough to impress him.

"For example, this person, I am sure, she is a servant of the Holy Grail War. Servant, saber."

Yagi Xuesai picked out one.

The girl with blond hair is showing a calm and determined expression, and everyone is so serious in the ID photo.

This woman can't be wrong... Yagi has seen this face too many times.

Anyway, it's either Arturia or Okita Souji, or Okita Souji or Joan of Arc.As for the employment agency, it is probably Saber.After all, there should be no ruler in this normal Holy Grail War.

"Oh. Any proof?"

"...No. Intuition."

"Oh, intuition...why so intuitive?"

"Because... because she and Miss Einzbern boarded the plane at the same time, and they were seated next to each other. Moreover, both passports were issued by the same agency. I don't think this is a pure coincidence."

Yagi Xuezhai had an idea, and said quickly.

Among the information he called up, these two people were called up first.

One was Saber Artoria whom he had seen so much that he didn't want to see her again.The other is the artificial human of the Einzbern family who caused the red pupil.

"Well. Qualified. I hate incompetent, weak and useless guys. Although your methods are rough and you don't have any aristocratic temperament, I will recognize you as an exception for this ability. As expected of a follower from the future, your acting style So modern."

Kenneth praised him inexplicably and started to eat breakfast.

Almost at the end of the conversation between the two, Solau came out of the room rubbing his flowing red hair, his eyes were sleepy, and Kenneth's expression softened when he heard the door open.

Yagi Xuesai smiled awkwardly and stopped disturbing these two people.

It is not enough to find the identity of the visitor, but also to find out where they are using this identity.

However, the scope has been narrowed considerably.

Like Kenneth, living in a hotel?Or do you live somewhere else?

Anyway, the ones that should be collected now are those units that are equipped with cameras.

In this era, the exaggerated situation of national surveillance has not yet reached, but many shops have already started to use it.You only need to confirm the approximate range of advance to guess the destination.

As long as the whereabouts of these people are accurately grasped, then, together with the Tohsaka family who has been residing in Japan and the Maqili family with the pseudonym Matou, it is considered that they have grasped the positions of half of the opponents in the Holy Grail War.

As long as you know the location, how to deal with them is much easier.

such as……

(Just release the holy sword directly and blow up the house together.)
With this dangerous thought in mind, Yagi Yusai was about to leave.Suddenly I heard Kenneth make a sharp hmm!sound.

"What's the matter, Master?"

"It's that's how it is..."

Kenneth stared at the materials selected by Yagi Yusai on the table.

A black-haired middle-section teenager is looking at the camera with a serious expression.

Yagi glanced at the name: Weber Velvet.

Because this boy came from England, Yagi listed him as a suspicious object.

"Wei Bo...I also said what are you doing to steal my holy relic...I see, you want to participate in person...Stupid guy...Then let me teach you well, this is not a child's fault Family game!"

(End of this chapter)

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