Chapter 631 Surveillance
When Irisviel stepped off the plane, the Japanese air made her feel very fresh.

It is fresh in the sense of heart.

From the moment she was born, she stayed in the impenetrable ice fortress of Einzbern, breathing the extremely cold air.

This Holy Grail War was the first time she left her family and came to other countries.

Even if she breathed, it wouldn't hurt. This novel experience made her take a big breath involuntarily.

Seeing her breathing heavily like a child, not far behind her, a blond boy in a black suit showed a gentle smile.

Of course, if you look carefully, you can see a bit of what a woman should have from the handsome facial features and the heroic spirit.Her indistinguishable appearance gave her a kind of cheerfulness like Mulan.

Her blond hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and the servant bowed slightly to her like a bodyguard.

"Irisviel, with all due respect, we should hurry to the castle of the Einzbern family."

"Well, I know."

At the mention of this name, Irisviel's red eyes showed a little lonely expression.

The silver hair also looked dull.

"I understand, Saber. Let's go."


The heroic girl called Saber frowned slightly, feeling that the problem was not simple.

Irisviel occasionally showed such a lonely expression.

"Actually, it's my first time outside. I'm a little too excited. Hehe..."

She obviously looks 23 or [-] years old, but her immature eyes reveal curiosity about everything, making her look as if she is only three or four years old.

Saber secretly condemned herself for being inconsiderate.

Indeed, from the combat point of view, one should quickly hide in a safe fortress, and then go out as a servant to search for the enemy.

However, she ignored... the feelings of the Master.

"Then, it's a rare opportunity, why don't you walk there?"

Saber suggested.

"Hey? Is it okay?"

Although it was a question sentence, it was not difficult to read Alice Viel's excitement from the end of the sentence.

"Well. Since you want to fight in this city, you have to understand it first."

Saber responded with a smile.

(Even if you are attacked, you can handle it with your own level.)
Saber—Arturia Pendragon—had such confidence.

As the legendary King of Knights who wields a holy sword, she has the confidence to repel the provocative servants one by one.

Then, it's up to him to protect her.

Until then, let Irisviel enjoy herself, the joy of walking.Go out and have fun.The joy of walking outside of the family for the first time.


"Oh? Did you choose to walk instead of taking a car? How leisurely you are."

In the distance, Yagi Yusai, who was disguised as a young man who came to the airport for the first time, used his disguised identity to look around majestically. He wrote the farsighted rune, and he can easily search for enemies by [Looking Around] .

From the information he found, Weber Velvet should have come to Fuyuki a week ago, and it would be too time-consuming to check now.

As for the combination of Einzbern's artificial human and the servant Saber, judging from the flight records, they should not arrive at the airport until noon today.

Yagi watched as they showed their passports and came to Japan and walked out of the airport.Then, he refused the black car arranged by the Einzbern family, and started walking on foot.

That is to say...

(Have you started looking for enemies from the moment you came to Fuyuki? What a great confidence.)
Yagi Yusai thought so, and asked Kenneth through the magic channel with the Master:
【Master, I have confirmed the androids of Saber and Einzbern. 】

【very good.Can you beat that saber? 】

【Hard to say. 】

【Then, just follow her.Wait for me to meet up.I'm here to deal with Einzbern's android.You just need to hold on to Saber. 】

【learn. 】

Yagi Yusai ended the newsletter.

If it was an ordinary Servant, he would probably be very angry.

Distrusted by the master, it is considered to be only used to delay time.

But Yagi Xuesai is just right.

He wasn't going to do much for the Holy Grail War.

His purpose is to return to Chaldea.

If the Holy Grail was fake, or in other words, Leif and the others threw it down, then as long as he recovered it, he should be able to return to Chaldea.

If the Holy Grail is real, then make a wish and return to Chaldea.

What a perfect plan.

Thinking of this, Yagi hurriedly followed.

Along the way, Irisviel was just like an ordinary tourist, taking Saber around, looking at the clothes, looking at the jewelry, playing with flowers in the flower shop, and Irisviel's sweet smile kept blooming.

The cruel stage of the Holy Grail War can make her laugh, and Saber herself feels a sense of accomplishment.

In this way, the two of them did not go to the castle chosen by Einzbern at all, but went sightseeing in Fuyuki. As the night fell, pedestrians gradually became rare.

Recently, the cases of serial killers have been repeatedly reported on Fuyuki's TV, causing everyone to seldom come out at night.Watching the night fall, everyone wanted to go home quickly.

As night fell, Yagi Yusai followed them all day long...

However, at least walking on the streets of Fuyuki also gave him a strange feeling.

He even saw the shop opened by his father...

I have indeed heard that my father went to Tokyo because he couldn't get along in his hometown. It seems that he said that his hometown was full of disasters.What happened?Did my father actually live in Fuyuki?Thank you so much for surviving!
Yagi Xuesai thought about some of these things.

Keeping a distance, spying on the two of them, so I couldn't hear what they said.

But observing now, I'm afraid, these two people are just playing, right?
Then... I just need to seize this opportunity... If I sneak attack on that artificial human...

Lowering his body, Yagi Xuesai slightly increased his speed to keep up with the two of them.

The destination of the two was the beach of Fuyuki.

It is a continuous coastline about a hundred miles away from the port.

This is supposed to be private land that is forbidden to enter without permission.But everyone is a servant and a master, so I don't care about such small things.

Irisviel obviously saw the sea for the first time, excitedly took off her shoes, ran to the beach and stepped on the water.

Seeing her smiling like a flower, Yagi Xuesai couldn't help showing an infected smile.

(Unfortunately...if I had met him outside of the Holy Grail War, I would probably have struck up a conversation? But not now. Although I can't beat Artoria, but...the problem of dealing with the android master should be Not much.)
Picking up the red spear, Yagi Xuesai looked around to make sure that no one was looking at him, and rushed over with a quick stride.

The figure galloped like lightning, and the red spear turned into a shining arc of light, cutting towards Irisviel's equally red eyes...

"Don't think about it!"

There was a violent impact force from the blade of the gun, Saber stopped in front of Yagi first, and parried his gun with a sword.

"He attacked without even saying hello, what a rude follower."

"Well, I feel that if you can't even deal with this blow, you don't need me to report your name."

The sneak attack failed, and in order to save face, Yagi could only slap his swollen face and start talking nonsense.

The first battle of the Holy Grail War begins.

(End of this chapter)

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