Chapter 633 Conspiracy
This seaside battle was Yagi's idea.

Kenneth wanted him to show results, so he proposed this battle.

It is true that Kenneth is a genius, but even geniuses have their own limitations.For example, Hawking is a genius, but I have never heard of him making any achievements in sports.Einstein was also a genius, but I have never heard that he had smooth sailing when he traded in stocks.Generally speaking, geniuses are omnipotent only in their field.

There are too few universal geniuses like Da Vinci.

Kenneth is one of those... academic magicians.That is to say, let him do research, he is better than anyone else, he is better than anyone else, he will not make mistakes, and he will use the rationality he is proud of to compose countless erudite and profound articles to overwhelm the other party.

However, at the level of combat, it is not so good at it.

Think too simply.

How should I put it... a bit like a child, revealing his inner thoughts too easily.

Therefore, when he heard the battle plan proposed by Yagi, he was not particularly willing to use it at first.After all, this made it seem like he was the kind of weak person who had to play tricks to win, or that he was not as good as his followers... How could such a thing be accepted by a proud magician like him?
However, one sentence from Yagi Xuesai made him change his mind:

"Master... I think, compared to ordinary victories, complete victory is a more suitable way of victory for you!"

"Oh! Yes! Lancer! Complete victory!"

"As the monarch of the clock tower, it is natural to win the Holy Grail War perfectly than anyone else. This trick is not for you to win, but to make your victory even more brilliant!"

"Well... since you are so confident, then, let's try it."

Therefore, the proud Kenneth will cooperate with him.

In fact, it is easier to communicate with this kind of high-ranking and powerful person who values ​​face too much.

Yagi's plan was not complicated.

To put it bluntly, let Kenneth deal with the enemy master, and deal with the servants himself, it's that simple.

However, there is one more important point:
It is to confuse others by saying [Use the command spell to order and release the Noble Phantasm].

Let them start to think: Is this person's Noble Phantasm must be released with a command spell, or is it purely a mystery, but why is it a mystery?
Of course, in fact, no Command Seals are needed to release this Noble Phantasm, it's just a matter of shouting out loud.

Yagi heard from Kenneth that one of the masters of this Holy Grail War is Tohsaka Tokiomi of the Tohsaka family. He is the kind of cautious person who should think a lot.Can paralyze his thinking.

Moreover, there is a bigger purpose... that is to use the gimmick of Yagi's release of the treasure to make Arturia focus on herself, and then take the opportunity, Kenneth will appear on the stage, and the release of magic will build a one-on-one arena.

Then, it was the duel between Kenneth and Irisviel.

If you win.Then the most troublesome opponent will be solved at once.

If he didn't win—of course, Kenneth's magic combat strength can be expected, but he must think of someone disrupting the situation.

He chose Saber as his opponent, and just now a prank plot flashed in his mind like lightning, and he announced loudly that he was Mordred, just to announce to the other masters who watched the battle [his real name is Mordred 】.

Moreover, it was announced at the same time that Saber's real name was King Arthur.

If you don't win, then you can also expose Saber's real name to other masters, so that everyone can study countermeasures.

In the Holy Grail War, it is easy to be targeted by revealing the real name.

Considering that Arturia is the red dragon of Britain, I am afraid that the master who knows this should prepare the dress for dragon slaying, right?
In a special battle like the Holy Grail War, intelligence warfare can be said to be the top priority.

As for myself, I kept my real name very well. If anyone wants to deal with himself as he dealt with Mordred, then hehehehe.

This person can really come up with bad ideas when he uses his brain.

The red gun blade was released, and Yagi Yusai made a sinister expression, accelerated at his feet, and rushed towards Artoria, just like before.

(Isn't it an Anti-Army Anti-City Noble Phantasm, but an Anti-People Noble Phantasm?)

Arturia thought about it, and swung her sword to block it.

However, there is no sense of touch.

When the blade was about to touch the blade of the gun, I saw that the red spear was divided into a Y shape like a branch. Because the blade of the gun was divided into two, Saber's attack happened to be cut. Spear, the scattered spears quickly bypassed Saber's transparent sword, and formed a spear at the back to stab her heart.

Arturia panicked, the magic power in her hand was strong, and the strong wind wrapped around the transparent sword was released rapidly, the raging blade-like strong wind transmitted the violent power to Yagi's spear, and he could not hold the gun alone. Steady, the tiger's mouth was loosened, and the spear was blown away by Saber's blow!
(good chance!)
"Wake up! Lancer!"

Artoria took advantage of the situation and strode forward, and the golden sword in her hand poked towards Yagi's heart!

Artoria suddenly felt that her field of vision was shifted, and Yagi Yusai's figure had disappeared.

Before I knew it, I had raised my head to look at the sky.

Immediately afterwards, there was severe pain in his chest and between his legs.

Then, a stronger force hit her lower abdomen, knocking her into the air!
She still can't understand what method Yagi Xuesai used...

That's...a fist.

From the moment he threw away the spear, it was Yagi's battle plan.

Most people would think it was an opportunity when they saw Lancer holding a spear and the spear was picked up, right?

There are also servants like me who won't be disadvantaged in unarmed combat.

Thanks to Teacher Chiron for his devil training.

Although he has only just started to learn Pancrasin, it has already begun to take shape.

In fact, Pancrasin is very similar to boxing. It can be understood as a special boxing sport with no rules, allowing attacks on the lower body and allowing kicks.

Boxing is the easiest of all martial arts to learn.Because of this, many people don't even consider it a martial art.This easy-to-learn martial art is very suitable for beginners like Yagi.

He already had the background of a follower, and now that Chiron taught him the tricks of attacking, he was able to master it with ease.


"Damn it! It's not here! Is it over there?!"

About 2000 meters away from the main battlefield is the port of Fuyuki.

In the dead of night, it should be a time when everything is still.

Using a large number of stacked containers to block the figure, a man in a suit with long black hair and an unhappy expression stood next to the orange-haired girl. The two were at a loss, waiting for an opponent who would never come.

"What's the matter... Teacher Kong Ming?"

"It's different from what I know about the Holy Grail War! Let's go, Master! Let's go and see! Damn...why is there such a deviation?!"

(End of this chapter)

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