Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 634 Shenwei Wheel

Chapter 634 Shenwei Wheel
During Yagi Yusai's one-on-one duel with Saber, he took advantage of his spear being thrown away, and the moment Saber was distracted, he quickly pushed Artoria's forehead with his palm, knocking her vision away, and then Withdrawing his hand, he squeezed his left hand into a fist and punched her in the heart, the magic power shot out along the bone of the fist and sealed her airway, then she heard Saber cough dryly, did not come up in one breath, and coughed up a large mouthful of water mixed with saliva.

At the same time, Yagi took advantage of the opportunity to kick her between her legs... Thanks to her not being a man... It was a man who decided the winner.

In fact, it is said that for women, this position is also quite painful...

Who would have thought that there would be such a lowly fellow among the followers!To attack other people's Achilles' heel without hesitation...

In the end, taking advantage of the moment Saber was interrupted, he turned half of his body on the side of his feet, twisted his waist, and quickly elbowed him!
As the saying goes, it is better to suffer ten punches than one elbow. The joints (elbows or knees) are the most aggressive parts of the human body.

This move is Bajiquan's [Limen Pushing Elbow].Although Yagi has never really learned Bajiquan, he knows this trick.Because this move appeared in a well-known Japanese manga about martial arts, but because of the style of the manga, he stopped reading it after the manga entered the middle and the grandfather who taught the protagonist Bajiquan left.

But thanks to the detailed explanation of Bajiquan in this manga, as well as the illustrations and key points of exerting force, Yagi has indeed learned this trick, although it is specious.

The physique of the servant level, coupled with the essence of Chinese martial arts, combined with the release of magic power, what exploded was a blow that was almost explosive!From Irisviel's point of view, I saw Saber's whole body was plastered on Yagi's elbow like a strip of cloth, and from behind her, a large ball of magical energy exploded exaggeratedly!
Immediately afterwards, Saber was sent flying by Yagi Yusai!

Thanks to Artoria's quick response, when she was attacked, she quickly stepped on Yagi's turned knee, and jumped back with her strength. She was already in a backward jumping state. Yagi didn't hit a solid elbow, and the damage was not great. , but it was indeed very embarrassing, and the whole person flew backward at high speed like a cannonball.

Taking advantage of the situation, Yagi Xuesai made a small jump, slashed his hands in mid-air to catch his long spear, and the magic power was poured in again. The long spear exuded blood-red brilliance, quickly split, branched, and opened countless stabs like a tree crown.

Then, just throw it out!

His eyes locked on the target precisely.

The target, of course - Irisviel!

There is no need to defeat saber.As long as you defeat the master, it's completely OK.

And in Irisviel's eyes, she looked closely at Saber's figure with incomparably concerned eyes...


In mid-air, there was the sound of thunder.

It seems that there are also the roar of cattle and the sound of rumbling wheels.

It seems... and... um... the screams of human beings?

That's the kind you hear a lot in roller coasters.

From the direction of the Fuyuki iron bridge, there was a roaring sound from afar.A beautiful electric arc shone in the gray sky, as if it was getting closer and closer to Yagi.

(Never mind.)
Yagi Xuesai didn't even look at it. As an animation fan, he knew very well that every time something like this happened, if he just turned his head to look, he would definitely miss the target.Never get distracted.

He is not like the villain in those naive animations, because he is paralyzed because he has the chance to win. He can only explain his ability to the enemy at one time, and that is that the enemy has indeed gone to hell.Only then will I explain it to myself in my heart.

With this merciless thought, he threw the spear in his hand viciously!

At the same time, I suddenly noticed in my mind...

My master, is it a bit late to come?Why haven't you come yet?

"Oh la la la la la la la la la!"

With such a heroic roar, the sound of thunder in midair became clearer. Seeing Yagi Yusai throwing the spear, Saber didn't even care about adjusting her landing posture in mid-air, picked up her own golden sword and threw it, and threw it towards Yagi Yusai's spear.

It's not that Artoria is too weak, nor is Yagi Yusai too strong.

It's completely [disparity in information].

Yagi has fought against Altria Alter many times. In order to win her, he also studied her combat mode with Mordred, and also got to know her juvenile body Altria Lily. It can be said that he Almost figured out Artoria.

On the other hand, Artoria's understanding of him was 0, and she had never heard of this person at all.

He called himself Mordred, and Artoria always unconsciously leaned in Mordred's direction for his fighting style, so she was naturally even more uncertain.

The holy sword collided with the magic spear, and the two weapons collided, one was the liberation of the real name, and the other was just a temporary throw, it was clear at a glance which one was stronger and which was weaker.

The holy sword was bounced off by the magic gun, and the magic gun was still thrown at Irisviel.

However, at this moment, a thunderbolt fell in mid-air, and the purple-white lightning instantly blocked Yagi's magic spear. Neutralized by the magic power of the thunderstorm, Yagi's magic gun lost its prestige, and Irisviel scared a cat. Waist, the gun that lost its aim flew past several meters above her head.

Even though it was several meters away, the strong wind still knocked off her pure white hat.A head of silvery long hair spread out.

"Oh!! Heroes who participated in the Holy Grail War! Saber! And lancer! Yu is the King of Conquerors, Iskandar! As a rider, I ask you! Would you like to join me as a reward! General Yu Give you the glory of conquering the end of the world together!"

Accompanied by the sound of rumbling ruts and the sound of some kind of behemoth's breathing, the huge chariot landed steadily on the beach. The giant red-haired man with a height of more than two meters easily let out such a roar. His expression was like that of a child. Purely, he is not joking or provoking, he hopes from the bottom of his heart that these two people belong to him!

Yagi has seen this person before.

In singularity F, the burning Fuyuki, the one who fights against Darius.

It has a golden and red two-color cloak reminiscent of flames, red beard and hair, muscles seem to be agitated directly from the bones, and each piece gives people a rock-like texture.The body is wrapped in carcass, no matter how you look at it, it is a heroic hero.

He was riding on the Mercedes-Benz bullock cart, and the rolling thunder shone from the feet of the double bull chariot. It seemed that this was the skeleton that shot down his magic gun, right?
Yagi's hand opened and closed, and the spear that was knocked into the air turned into a spirit, and condensed again in his hand.

On the diagonal, Saber was thrown into the sea by Yagi's wolf, and when she stood up, she was wet all over, no matter how she looked, she was in a mess.

(End of this chapter)

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