Chapter 635

"Ahhhhh! Rider!!!! What have you done!!! Say your real name to the enemy as soon as you come up, and suddenly charge over here! Wow... Big stupid..."

The split youth who was riding in the same chariot almost cried out to the muscular Conqueror Iskandar beside him.

He is Iskandar's master, Weber Velvet.Originally a member of the El-Mello classroom in the clock tower, director Kenneth tore up the thesis he carefully prepared on the spot. With embarrassment and youthful spirit, he took it away and should have sent it to Kenneth The holy relic summoned Iskandar to participate in the Holy Grail War.

In the end, who would have thought that this stupid big man summoned by himself would not be able to command well at all!

Among other things, seeing this scene of two people fighting, of course they are going to reap the benefits! No matter which one loses, lancer or saber, the other will surely decline!At least the mana is not enough!Wouldn't it be beautiful to wait for work with leisure? !Why did it suddenly rush over!
And looking at the meaning just now, Lancer is about to finish Saber's master, and the Holy Grail War will soon eliminate a master, what a great thing this is!why...


Using a nasal voice to express his dissatisfaction with his master's unsatisfactory remarks, His Excellency the King of Conquerors raised his finger and flicked on his head.

Originally, this was supposed to be a gesture of intimacy, but because of the King Conqueror's muscular problems, Weber was thrown flying all at once, and exaggeratedly hit the guardrail of the bullock cart.

What a pity...

Originally, I wanted to preach to him, but now is obviously not the time.

"Saber, and lancer, I ask you, although fate wants us to fight for the Holy Grail together, but you are willing to dedicate the Holy Grail to Yu and join Yu's command as a reward! Yu will regard you as friends! The world conqueror Joy to share with you!"


Hearing such bold words, Saber showed a bluntly unhappy look on her face.

"Did you interrupt my duel with Lancer just to make such jokes?"

Mentioning this duel, Artoria felt more mixed feelings in her heart.

No matter who this lancer is, he is definitely Artoria's biggest enemy.

Although the combat power is weaker than Artoria's and her skills are not proficient enough, however, this person has many and complicated ways, can do almost everything, and knows Artoria's attack mode very well, her swordsmanship is almost They were all seen through by Yagi, and the fight was very uncomfortable.

Unless he liberates the holy sword and kills him in one go...

But the problem is that after using her treasure, she will fall into short-term powerlessness due to lack of magic power.

In the early days of the Holy Grail War, this time of weakness was fatal.

Just now, Yagi Yusai almost killed Irisviel. Indeed, it was thanks to the intrusion of the King of Conquerors that she survived...


Saber narrowed her eyes and didn't continue talking.

The sense of honor made her throat choke.

"Wow, I should ask you the other way around! Are you willing to dedicate the Holy Grail to my father!"

Anyway, Yagi Xuesai had already pretended to be Mordred, so he simply pretended to the end.Considering Mordred's style, it feels like she would say that.

After hearing Yagi's words, Artoria was taken aback, looking at him, wondering what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd.

"—Then, my Lord Mordred will take all these treasures into his pocket!"

Yagi Xuesai made a frivolous laughing expression, turned the spear in his hand, and held it on his shoulder.

Iskandar looked at the two of them, and his tone softened a little: "Well, the salary is negotiable?"

"Do not make jokes!"

Artoria yelled angrily.

"Let's just say that I am also the king of Britain. No matter how old you are, I have no reason to be a vassal to you."

"I want to take the throne from that knight king, why do I have to give up my throne!"

Iskandar pouted, with an expression of "then there is no need to discuss it".

"Okay, then, let's start a chaotic battle! Although a little anxious..."

Look at the meaning of the king of conquest, it is to fight.

Yagi Yusai was not prepared to fight him.

He's seen it before.

The power of the chariot of the god thunder.

I have also seen that almost miraculous inherent enchantment.

He didn't want to experience a treasure that could counter Darius' undead army.

From the point of view of melee, King Conqueror has too much advantage.

At that time, once the treasure is opened, all the people in the melee will be included in the enchantment, and then the victory is guaranteed!


Yagi Yusai noticed the existence of Weber, however, considering the temperament of his master...

It was impossible for him to remain silent.

That is to say...

Is he in trouble?
So, should I retreat first?
Anyway, at the beginning, I saw that Einzbern's androids were relatively fragile, so I prepared to sneak attack.If you can't sneak attack now, you shouldn't love to fight.

In this sense, he is more suitable for assassin than lancer.

[Master's situation is a bit chaotic, I am going to retreat first, and look for opportunities later. 】

However, Kenneth could not be contacted through spiritual communication...

Sure enough, something happened to him?

Yagi Xuesai casually retracted the gun.

"No more fights. Today I just say hello to you, father. From now on, we will have a long life. Before you fight with me, don't die in the hands of a small character! Father———"

Yagi Yukisai laughed, jumped and disappeared into the night sky.

Neither Artoria nor the King of Conquerors Iskandar stopped him.

Saber raised her sword and faced the King of Conquerors, who seemed to have a troubled expression on his face.

He originally thought that Saber was about to leave the stage soon, and he should come over to recruit her and Yagi before she left the stage, but in the end...


"Forget it... It seems that today is not a day for fighting... The duel between Saber and you will be next time. I will prepare the best stage! This kind of small scene is not suitable for our identities as kings. Then... ...But absolutely don’t run away, Saber!”

Iskandar said those words, flicked the rein, and drove away in the bullock cart.

Only Saber and Irisviel were left looking at each other...

No one understood why there was a fight all of a sudden, why there was no one there all of a sudden?

What the hell was the Conqueror here for?

However, there is only one thing, Arturia understands.

"I'm sorry... Irisviel, for putting you in danger. It's all my fault."

Arturia knelt down on one knee towards her, and Irisviel hurriedly said: "No, no, don't think so, Saber, the Holy Grail War is always accompanied by great danger. I'm already mentally prepared. However, Saber...that person... is really your son? Mordred?"

"Sorry...Aliceviel...I don't know either. She always wears a shouldn't be. Mordred is a woman, and she has the same appearance as me."

"Hey?! She's also a woman! Well, then, according to the legend, she is the child of you and your sister Morgan! Could it be that Morgan is actually your elder brother?"

"No... she is indeed a sister."

"Huh?! Can two women give birth to a woman?"

"Uh... Irisviel?"

Sensing that her emotions seemed to be subtly rising, Irisviel, whose heart of gossip was blazing, made Arturia smile bitterly: "Anyway, let's move to the castle first. We need to make a good plan for the battle ahead." .”

(End of this chapter)

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