Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 636 Free Exploration

Chapter 636 Free Exploration
Following the traces of magic power, Yagi Xuesai chased all the way to the place where Kenneth might be.

About 1000 meters away from the battlefield, Kenneth stood in an open space, looking up at the sky, with a dignified expression, but also a bit of contemplation.

"Did lancer finish off saber?"

Noticing Yagi's approach, Kenneth asked, his tone did not carry the arrogance of looking down on the world, but it made Yagi a little psychologically subtle.

From the looks of it, he didn't go to see Yagi's fight from the very beginning.

"Sorry, because someone disturbed the situation, so..."

"Hmm. Who's the mess?"

"Rider, real name is Iskandar, or Alexander."


As soon as this follower was mentioned, Kenneth's eyes sharpened suddenly, and the raging anger obviously spurted out from his eyes, and he was about to spurt out, burning Yagi to death.

"The master of the King of Webber Velvet..."

Kenneth almost gritted his teeth and squeezed out the name from between his teeth.


"I just said...why did you steal my holy relic and then disappeared. I thought it was just a prank and revenge...It turned out that I wanted to participate too...At first, when you took out his entry documents, I was still skeptical. It’s not just that he just escaped here... I’m so helpless.”

The more Kenneth spoke, the colder his tone became. Under the moonlight, he seemed as cold as an ice cube.

"Master, excuse me, why do you want to stay in this kind of place alone?"

"Well. Let's talk about it after going back to the hotel."

As Kenneth said, he took Yagi to the hotel where he had packed it.

A magician is, of course, at his best in his workshop.

It's like a person staying in his hometown, with a sense of familiarity like a fish in water.

Moreover, there must be suitable terrain or something.

Kenneth was too lazy to buy a house specifically.

After all, for Kenneth, coming to such a small country in the Far East is to fight the Holy Grail War. To put it bluntly, it is like traveling.

His purpose of participating in the Holy Grail War was not even to obtain the Holy Grail wish.He just feels that his current achievements are all in research, and now he wants to get some martial arts to decorate himself.Come here to defeat other magicians, show off your secret skills, win the respect of all opponents, and return triumphantly.

Will someone buy a house locally while traveling?No, you will only buy it when you settle down.

So he just bought a whole floor of the hotel, and then remodeled the hotel, turning the 30 floors of the hotel into magic workshops, setting up several magic furnaces, and countless evil spirits to guard against them.

It can be said that this is the strongest position Kenneth prepared for himself.

Even compared with the Tohsaka family mansion that has lived in this land for a long time, he is confident that he will not be inferior.

There is Kenneth's most trusted position.

After returning to the top floor of the hotel, Kenneth finally let out a long breath... Shaking his head, he said:

"Lancer, I have something to confirm. You start now, move freely and search for other enemy positions."

"Yes. I see."

Yagi responded, and saw Kenneth walking towards his room with a serious expression.

Even a follower like him can't trust... I'm afraid, it's a very, very important thing, right?
But that has nothing to do with Yagi.Speaking of free exploration...

Of course he has a place to go!

Let's sort out the information.

The Masters I know now are: Tosaka Tokiomi of the Tosaka family, Matou's... probably the eldest son Matou Tsuruno.Then there is Irisviel from the Einzbern family, and Weber Velvet.Adding Kenneth, the magician of the Holy Grail War is almost complete.

In terms of location, the locations of the Matou family and the Tohsaka family are very clear.The castle of the Einzbern family... there are a few places that are very suspicious.

Then, the place I must go to next... of course it is there, right?
Yagi Xuesai smiled slightly, having an idea in his mind.


Before it was late at night, he went to the department store with the idea of ​​"soldiers are expensive and quick".

Should we say that it is truly a civilized city?Until late at night, the clothing floor was still brightly lit and lively.He didn't mind squandering the money, and equipped himself with a set of modern clothes.

Um?Where did you ask him to get the money from?
Ah, how could a villain like him, who doesn't care about other people's feelings, get money in a conventional way!With his servant ability, he can easily obtain cash by using the money-making methods written in the criminal law.

It is also known as the empty door.

After buying a set of clothes suitable for the modern style...Yagi Xuesai took advantage of the night to head towards his destination.

If you are not particularly anxious, it is estimated that it will be almost daytime when we get there.

Of course, if there is a Shinkansen, it will take 3 hours to get there.But there is really no need to spend unnecessary money for this.

After arriving, you can consider taking the Shinkansen to come back.

Is Yagi's goal...

of course…………

As a Japanese, especially as a Japanese otaku, I have to go to the place...

It's rare to come to the singularity Japan that has not been affected at all... Of course there is only one place to go! !
That is………………

Akihabara! !

The famous electric street in Tokyo, Japan!
Although it has now become a street of otaku culture.

Yagi Xuesai arrived at Akihabara after running more than 9 kilometers around 500:[-] in the morning.

Facing the morning light, he walked on the streets of Akihabara, breathing the familiar air, feeling "ah, this is Japan".There is also a feeling of "ah, come alive".Looking at the banners of beautiful girls hanging between the high-rise buildings, you can see people hunting for treasure with great enthusiasm everywhere on the vibrant streets.

I have been to Akihabara quite a few times, but this is the first time I am so excited... After all, this is a time of peace after fighting countless battles and defeating many enemies!It's super rare!

Yagi Xuezhai looked around, only to feel that the scenery he was used to seeing had a kind of extraordinarily beautiful.

"Okay! Hurry up and buy all the new works you want today! There are also new consoles... yes, and a new PSV for Lixiang, and PS3... well, there are a lot of things to buy Ah. There are still too few things in the Chaldea entertainment room. Damn, I want everything..."

Anyway, there is no shortage of money, and Yagi Xuezhai toured around with great interest, and wandered around until the afternoon without knowing it.

Um?Does this have anything to do with the previous analysis?No.It doesn't matter at all.

This dead house just came here to buy games, and it has nothing to do with the Holy Grail War.

Probably the other participants in the Holy Grail War would be pissed off if they knew there was such a bastard?
Big bags and small bags, Yagi bought almost a carload of things.Needless to say, all kinds of games, as well as the treasures in Tiger's Den, he didn't let go of them. The special thin book he bought that can end a story in a dozen pages weighs about a dozen kilograms.Buy all the new works you want to see.

how to say……

What a humble person...

Too real, causing discomfort.

Yagi Xuezhai spent almost a day, and finally satisfied his interest a little bit. He found a restaurant and was preparing to eat. When he was looking at the menu, he suddenly felt as if someone sat down opposite him.

"Ah, sorry, I don't really like sharing tables with people..."

Yagi raised his head to reject the visitor...

"Don't say that, Yagi-senpai!"

Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice, which was too familiar for him to admit his mistake.

"Fujimaru?! Why are you here too?!"

(End of this chapter)

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