Chapter 666

After breakfast, Yagi Yusai urged El-Melloi II to talk to him about the Holy Grail War.

After all, because of the arrival of Yagi Xuesai, many things are different from the original situation.

According to El-Melloi II, the Holy Grail must not be allowed to descend in this Holy Grail War.

The condition for the Holy Grail is that there are only two servants left.

The Fuyuki Holy Grail War is divided into 3 main parts.

In the first part, the Great Holy Grail accumulates 60 years of magic power from the spiritual veins.

In the second part, choose the master, summon the servants, and then fight each other.

In the third part, the souls and magic power of the defeated followers will return to the Great Holy Grail.When the defeated reaches 5 people, the Holy Grail will have enough magic power to descend.

However, since the Holy Grail has deteriorated, it must not be allowed to descend.

This is the judgment of El Mello II.

Therefore, it is necessary to preserve at least 3 cavalry servants in this Holy Grail War.

Archer, assassin confirmed to leave.

The whereabouts of Berserker and rider are unknown.

There are no enemies left in the Holy Grail War.

The more difficult thing is not the berserker, but the rider.

But what he said, it seems that he should be able to communicate through language, so it's OK.

It's no wonder that he was such a villain and happy before, who made him feel that he has the chance to win now?
Saber is so chivalrous, she will definitely not betray without saying a word, even if she really wants to go to war, she must hand in the letter of war neatly, and she will not come over without saying a word.

In this way, 3 followers are preserved!

However, it doesn't matter.

Yagi Yusai looked at Fujimaru Tateka who was drinking hot milk happily, and Matou Sakura who was at a loss, feeling warm feelings in his heart.

I don't know if it was the previous experience that made him feel that there was a particularly cordial feeling.

Very kind to see children.

Especially after seeing the bear kid Mordred, I prefer this kind of obedient, sensible, quiet little girl.

"Eat it, eat it, it won't taste good when it's cold."

As he spoke, Yagi Xuesai forced the knife and fork into her hands, urging her to eat.

Matou Ying didn't say a word, she didn't know what she was thinking while clutching the knife and fork.

As a last resort, Yagi Yusai left the seat, took her hands from behind her, cut off a small hamburger meat, and stuffed it into her mouth with a fork.

The child's immature lips were touched by the hot gravy, and she subconsciously let out an ah. Taking the opportunity, Yagi stuffed a piece of hamburger meat into her mouth.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but after taking the first bite, her whole mental outlook has recovered a bit.

Sure enough, people depend on food, and everyone will do this when there are delicious things!
But Yagi Xuezhai also knows that his cooking skills are far from reaching the realm of the gods.

At least, when people eat the food he cooks, there won't be a pink background and a band blowing and blowing, and there won't be clothes bursting suddenly.My own level as a chef is still far behind.

"Hey, you obviously wanted me to talk about the Holy Grail War, but you don't look like you want to talk about this topic at all. Forget it, now we have the advantage, as long as we find Berserker and defeat it, the layout is over. [No Stability factors] just get rid of it.”

"What about the rider?"

Hearing Yagi Yusai ask this, El-Melloi II closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and finally shook his head silently: "We don't need to consume excess power. Avoid it if you can."

"Understood. Then, I'll go for a walk in the street later."

Yagi Xuesai said this out of nowhere.

"Well, the uncertain factors must be eliminated as soon as possible. Go."

For some reason, Yagi didn't say anything, but El-Melloi II nodded and said this to him as if he knew everything.

"Then, if necessary, use Command Seals to call me back immediately."

After saying this, Yagi Xuesai took the initiative to go out to search for the enemy.

There are actually two uncertain factors in this Holy Grail War.

In addition to berserker, there is another one...

That mysterious assassin, the man in the hood.

But judging from what he meant, the target should be Yagi Xuesai.

Conversely, as long as I go around, I can lure him out, right?


Of course, this is in name only.

What actually is the reason?Of course, it is to enjoy the rare feeling of being able to walk on the long-lost streets in Japan!

Fujimaru Tachika also thought the same thing.After breakfast, she also planned to take El-Melloi II and Joan of Arc to the streets for a casual stroll, but she was not as fast as Yagi, and he was one step ahead of her.

Leaving Kenneth's magic studio, Yagi Xuesai stretched his waist, bathed in the long-lost sunshine, breathed the long-lost air, feeling refreshed.

Two days ago he was walking on the streets of Fuyuki like this, but at that time he had many things on his mind, especially how he met Tachika Fujimaru, he was really not in the mood to appreciate the air or something.

In other words... the mood is so depressed and I still don't forget to go to Akihabara, this person's sickness is hopeless.

The streets of Fuyuki are different from the Japan he imagined.

No matter where it is, there is a different feeling.After all, this was Fuyuki more than ten years ago, which was different from the Japanese metropolis he knew.

Passing by a tape store, he suddenly felt a little emotional, and his feet stopped at the door.

This is a rare shop.

Especially in the era of Yagi Yusai, CDs and network data have long replaced tapes as the new carrier of music.

Only in Fuyuki City, which was not particularly developed ten years ago, did he see the tape as a music carrier for the first time.

Walking in, there is a smell of poor air circulation in the store.

There are two players fixed in the corner for trial listening. They are very old models. Needless to say, Yagi knows that the sound must be out of shape.After all, even ten years ago, magnetic tape was too old a thing.

There were no people in this store, and even when he walked in, the boss didn't even greet him, which showed how desolate this store was.

On each tape, there are pictures of the singers, and the song list on the back. Yagi Xuesai looked at them and found that they were all stars he didn't know.

He randomly found a tape with pictures of European and American actresses, sat in the corner, stuffed the tape in, and put on his earphones.Hearing a slightly hoarse female voice, it was a fast-paced song, a bit similar to rock, but different.

Yagi Xuesai listened to the music, but he didn't know why he listened.He was not the kind of person who loves music.

can only be interpreted as...

It's a little sentimental.

Looking at the miniature of the past days, I will feel a little sentimental, and there is a feeling of... like a dream.

He shook his head quickly, focusing on the earphones.

Listening to the melody, he suddenly had a strange impulse...

Accompanied by the rhythm of the music, he swiped two jabs, followed by a swinging punch.Facing the air, beat enemies that don't exist.

The rhythm of the music... He couldn't help but want to express his inner depression.

Violence is often the best means of catharsis.

Just for this moment, I hope I can let go of everything, don't care about the world, don't care about human reason, just indulge in my own world, stay in this miniature of the past, and live quietly.

(I... am not such a sentimental person.)
He complained about himself in the depths of his heart, and closed his fists.

Suddenly, he noticed that the sunlight cast by the window next to him had obvious shadows.Taking a look, it turned out that a blonde woman was looking at him through the glass with interesting eyes.

It's Saber Artoria.

(End of this chapter)

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