Chapter 667

Wearing a black suit, Saber Artoria, who gave off the look of a capable and beautiful boy, was accompanied by a beauty in white clothes, white hair, and red eyes, just like a princess and a deacon who came out of a fairy tale.

The clothes on Irisviel were civilian clothes specially chosen by the Einzbern family so as not to be too conspicuous.But it seems that even the [civilian standard] of the Einzbern family is far higher than the noble standard of ordinary people.

Although the whole set of pure white dress has no decoration, it can be seen from the fabric that it is of great value.

Moreover, when worn on her body, it is particularly temperamental. This kind of aristocratic air revealed in every gesture is not something that can be imitated casually.

Seeing these two together, it was a match made in heaven, a pair of lovers, but unfortunately they were the same gender.Or... it is because the gender is the same that it is more beautiful?
Noticing Yagi's gaze, Irisviel waved lightly at her.

Yagi Xuesai smiled and responded quickly.

The two entered the store and sat across from Yagi Xuezhai. It must be the first time Alice entered this kind of store. Like a curious baby, she looked around with red eyes and curiously put on headphones to listen to music. , Yagi Yusai was not interested in music anyway, so she let her listen to it.

Anyway, it didn't cost any money.

"What are you doing here? L..."

Artoria originally wanted to say lancer, but after thinking about it, there are still ordinary people (shop owners) here, so it is not convenient, so she simply shut up.

"Yagi. Yagi Yusai, you can call me that. Miss Artoria."

Yagi Xuesai repeated his name with a smile, and Arturia whispered it a dozen times in a serious and low voice, finally getting more or less familiar with it.

"What are you doing, Yagi?"

She asked again.

"As you can see, rest. Rest. You just had a big battle, now is the time to relax and prepare for the next battle."

Originally, when he said relax, Saber frowned, and was about to teach him a few words, but when she heard the second half of his sentence, she nodded in agreement.

"I've always been curious about your swordsmanship. Have you... been taught by [me]?"

Artoria originally wanted to make some detours, at least not to ask questions too directly, but she obviously didn't have such a personality, and in the end she couldn't find a good reason, so she could only come over so straight.

"...Yes. Although not too much, I did accept your guidance."

"There are a lot of things mixed in your swordsmanship. Do you have many swordsmanship teachers?"

The topic had already been opened, so she simply continued to ask. As a saber, Artoria was most concerned about this.

Yagi thought about it, and felt that hiding from her didn't make much sense.Simply said.Anyway, with Saber's level, it is probably not difficult to see through his own swordsmanship style.

"Yes. Siegfried, Mordred, and Kojiro and the chief commander also taught me some things."

"Mordred... have you... seen her too..."

Artoria unexpectedly mentioned Mordred with a curious look on her face.

"I'm a little curious, where exactly are you a follower, and why do you interact with heroes from various countries and regions."

Artoria sighed with emotion from the bottom of her heart.

"Well, that's a long story to say."

"Hmm. Indeed. I feel like it would take a long time to explain, sorry. It's too ignorant to ask you, who is also a participant in the Holy Grail War, about genres and techniques. I will only ask the last question: Mordred... How is she over there?"

(Hey... As expected, I still care about it. After all, she is my own daughter!)
Yagi Xuesai thought so in his heart.

In fact, Artoria's attitude towards Mordred is very fair. After all, she is the king, and the king must be fair.Although Mordred thinks highly of herself, compared with the Knights of the Round Table, she really only has martial arts skills, and her etiquette, command ability, and military training skills are all at an ordinary level.She thought that she could inherit the title of King of Knights and rule as the king of Britain, but Artoria firmly believed that she was not the material.


As a fighter, she is still very good.


After all, as her blood relative, Artoria is more or less concerned about her.

In the Holy Grail War, it was not the King of Britain who appeared on the scene, but the familiar who was driven by people.Arturia didn't need to carry Britain, so she could put down a little bit of the king's reserve and ask for news about her.

"She... um... very mischievous, likes to fight and is a battle madman, eats a lot, has a lot of expressions, likes to tease cats, has a temper like a child, gets angry easily... well, she is also a very reliable fighter. Help We are very busy."

Recalling the appearance of Mordred of Chaldea, Yagi Yusai clasped her fingers one by one, and the corners of his mouth curled up involuntarily.Artoria looked at his face quietly, with a serious and serious taste in her blue eyes.Listening to Yagi Yusai's story about Mordred, Artoria nodded as if relieved, her expression softened a little.

"Well. I see."

She nodded and got what she cared about.

"She is an excellent... warrior. As a knight, she may still be lacking, so please take care of her in the future."

This word...

Yagi Xuesai always felt as if he had heard someone say it somewhere...

Ah, isn't it the black Arturia from Chaldea! !Isn't that what she said!

"Ah, about this. I want to ask Ms. Arturia about swordsmanship?!"

"Hehe, do you want to ask your opponent in the Holy Grail War for swordsmanship?"

Artoria smiled, as if she had heard some funny joke.

Yagi Xuesai raised his eyebrows, shrugged his shoulders, and said with a relaxed face: "Others may care, but Miss Artoria will definitely not take the opportunity to blackmail me, right?"

"It's like this. I really want to know how you got that sword. As a lancer, you can show up with the holy sword. But I won't ask too much. I believe in the character selected by that sword. I teach you to no problem."

Arturia changed her posture, supported her head with one hand, turned half of her body, leaned on the table and looked at Yagi.

This action gave Saber, who has always been known for her heroic temperament, a little softer feeling.

"So, what do you want to ask?"

I want to ask too much.

Yagi tried his best to swallow the "how to be invincible" that he almost asked.


Silence, do not know what to say.

There are too many things I want to ask, but I don't know what to ask for a while, no wonder many fighters like to make friends with martial arts, this saves organizational language!
"Oh, what a great song!"

Just when the two were embarrassed, Irisviel's voice reached their ears like a savior, and they both heaved a sigh of relief at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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