Chapter 671 Unfair Duel
On the streets of Fuyuki, Yagi Yusai in blue and the knight in black mist were fighting in chaos.

Yagi Xuesai has a pistol and a sword in one hand. He is not very good at attacking with two hands.Using this method is not for the sake of being handsome - and no one is looking at him, so what's the use of being handsome?

It's just simple, it's rare to come across such a good sandbag, so I use it to hone my immature skills.

When the enemy doesn't hurt him no matter how he hits him, he has many choices on how to fight the enemy.

The servants of Chaldea, who are either not warlike or keen on fighting, basically have Noble Phantasms above C rank.

It was the first time that Yagi Xuesai went to fight someone under the premise of absolute advantage.

Very cool.

At the beginning, I still felt that the other party obtained infinite weapons through cheating.

Now look at it, I am the one who opened the plug-in!88 yuan a month, the kind with its own invincible effect!
No matter how you hit it, you won't get hurt!

Wouldn't it be possible to train him well?

Yagi Xuesai swung the red spear and the golden sword intertwined, and Jin and Hong used consecutive attacks, and now he had no defense at all.Because no matter what the black knight uses as a weapon, it is only equivalent to a D-rank Noble Phantasm.Can't even break his skin.

The knight of the black knight does not die with bare hands. If he gets a [treasure], then the treasure will fall into his grasp at the original level, but if it is not a treasure, no matter what it is, it is only equivalent to a D-level treasure.

It can't hurt him at all.

If the Master of the Berserker is observing this battle, then maybe there is still a chance to fight.

Maybe, he will let the Berserker seal other treasures to release the black magic sword he holds.

That magic sword has an A++ level, and it also has the attribute of slaying dragons. It can be said that it is perfect for restraining Yagi Yusai who has dragon attributes.

However, nothing if.

For a layman like Matou Kariya, who had a low level of magical literacy and forcibly relied on engraving worms to drive his followers, he couldn't bear the consumption of two consecutive wars.

If he hadn't used the Command Seal, the Berserker should have disappeared with him.

Even if it is a command spell, its power is limited. With the unrestrained use of magic power like a berserker, it probably won't last long, right?

Not to mention this, the Berserker himself is a knight who cannot think normally because of his madness. In his own words, he will never think of sealing his other treasures to release the magic sword.

Otherwise, with his level, after releasing the magic sword, Yagi will die.

But now, Yagi Xuesai repeatedly used him to prove the two-gun technique he learned from Diarmuid.

In mythology, Diarmuid did not use two guns.He has two guns, two swords and one sword, and every time he goes to the battlefield, he also carries a sword and a gun instead of two guns or two swords.

In other words, Yagi Xuesai's current fighting style is like Diarmuid in the myth.

As the left and right hands attack alternately, Yagi Xuesai gradually began to adapt to how to coordinate the gun with the sword in one hand, and how to make good use of the different attack distances of the two weapons.

The more you play, the easier it is.

Looking at the black knight again, he snatched two kebab meat cleavers from nowhere, the kind of long meat cleavers with round tops, and the two knives slashed towards Yagi vigorously.

The moves were exquisite, and the coordination of both hands was flawless. The sharp butcher knife drew a silver path and cut on Yagi's arm.

If it was an ordinary person, his arm would probably have been cut off long ago.The fleshy flower was splashed with blood, probably the whole arm was gone.

However, Yagi's skin and flesh were strong, almost like armor. No matter how powerful the black knight's sword skills were, the weapon would not be able to damage his flesh and flesh.

On the contrary, it was Yagi who pressed hard.

In the beginning, because of the technical gap, Yagi was always pressed and beaten by him. Now, Yagi gradually became familiar with the combat method, and it became more and more back and forth. It is estimated that after an hour of fighting, he basically figured out the routine of the combination of guns and swords. We can really fight this guy.

However, judging from the magic power of the berserker, it might not be able to withstand such a consumption of magic power.

In the fierce confrontation between the two, Yagi Yukisai became more and more happy to display his skills, just to become more proficient.

Now he found that the black knight is really a good sandbag.

Because he can always pick up all kinds of weird weapons to fight you, that is to say, if you fight with him alone, not only will you not get hurt, but you can also experience how your own weapons can fight against all kinds of weapons. Weapon confrontation is simply the best sandbag.

"Lancer! Sorry for being late!"

I don't know how long it took before Saber brought Irisviel back.

The dignified voice of the female knight made Yagi turn his head.

"Hey, didn't I tell you to take Master with you..."

As he spoke, the black knight swung the fire ax in his hand and slashed at his throat, cutting off his voice.


"...Take the master and leave quickly? Why did you bring it back?"

Completely ignoring that the fire ax was chopped on the throat, Yagi Yusai asked slightly accusingly.

"Uh... well, we were sniped by assassins. It's safer to take Irisviel with you. You... don't seem to need help very much, do you?"

Artoria looked at Yagi Yusai's state and couldn't help mumbling.

She has already seen that Yagi Xuesai does not need assistance at all, and will not be injured at all, all he needs to do is continue to consume him.

"I see, do you have special armor? Then, how about this..."

Cleverly hiding his body in the shadow of the building, the man in the hood pulled away the puller in his hand, and threw a dark can into the crowd. There was a light chirp, and then quickly , White smoke enveloped the battlefield!
Smoke bombs!
Artoria saw this very modern weapon and knew that it must be the assassin again!Hurry up to protect Irisviel, cover her to lie down, and be careful of the enemy's sneak attack from the dark.

However, nothing of the sort happened.

There was only a bang as if something had landed on the ground.

Yagi Yusai almost instinctively sensed a hint of danger. Originally, he was going to attack the black knight at a sudden pace, but he changed his move temporarily and took a step aside...

Thanks to this step, there was a chirping sound, and the blue-purple magic light beam cut the smoke screen like a sharp blade. Yagi Yusai's side ribs were rubbed, and a large piece of flesh and blood was lost. The wound was burned at the same time as it was torn open. Jiao, no blood came out.

In the smoke that was torn apart by this blow, in the pure white world, the dark figure of the black knight looked particularly ferocious.

In his hand was a brutal rifle.Almost as long as his whole body.

The caliber is very large, it looks like a cannon...

It was a murder weapon called an anti-materiel rifle.The model is Barrett M82A1, a sniper rifle used by many countries in the world.

And looking at the appearance, I am afraid that many modifications have been added, right?It should be specially improved so that it can also exert its effect on servants.

There is no doubt that this weapon and the smoke bomb just now belong to the same person.

That mysterious hooded assassin.

To kill with a knife?Or to fish in troubled waters?I do not know.

Yagi only knows one thing...

I can't continue playing like this!If you get hit by that thing, something will really happen!
(End of this chapter)

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