Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 672 The Frantic Disaster of War

Chapter 672 The Frantic Disaster of War

Having received a weapon capable of injuring a follower from an assassin who didn't know the details, the berserker has now turned into a moving calamity, and Yagi Yusai feels more and more that he didn't have the first time to feed him before. It was a very wrong decision to deal with him.

The black knight picked up the Barrett rifle with both hands, hugged it by his waist, and pulled the trigger fiercely. The rapidly concentrated magic power turned into a sword-like brilliance, and stabbed towards Artoria.

The powerful recoil of the Barrett rifle, even if Berserker possesses A-level wrist strength, cannot completely resist it. It is obvious that his upper body leans back exaggeratedly, and then, a sharp beam sword is ejected from the muzzle of the gun, forcing Arturia had no choice but to take Irisviel to escape, and picked up her body, as if carrying a bucket or a bag of flour, and flew, Saber's body quickly flew along the walls on both sides.

And in this way, it will be hard for the buildings pierced by the blade of light. Accompanied by the sizzling sound of the reinforced concrete being instantly melted by magic power, the screams of human beings can be clearly heard from the pouring real estate.

Artoria originally wanted to save people, but she really didn't have the time to spare. She was being chased by the berserkers, and now she really had no time to spare.

Yagi didn't hesitate, the red gun in his hand flashed, and he attacked the black knight.

However, the black knight didn't love to fight at all, and he jumped back quickly. In the previous battle on the rooftop, he already understood Yagi Yusai's attack distance.Although he can't think complexly, the experience he has accumulated over the years is enough for him to respond to various battles instinctively.

Like now.

Quickly open the distance and use the super long shooting range of your own weapons to engage in long-distance combat.

Can't catch up.

Yagi's weapons simply don't have such a long range.

The same goes for Arturia.

Moreover, there is an assassin whose details are unknown.

Who is his target?
Yagi Xuesai?Or Irisviel?Or both?
In the current situation, it would be impossible to make a decision here.

El-Melloi II said before that at least 3 cavalry servants should be left in this Holy Grail War.As a caster, he and Yagi as a lancer occupy two places, that is to say, they have to protect an additional follower.

Saber, berserker or rider.To be honest, even giving up Saber here is not a big problem.


But if this is the case...

Both Saber and Berserker have fallen, so they must win the rider's approval.

The issue is……

Would the big man really agree?

Sure enough, there should be... um... a little... leave an extra path?

Yagi Xuezhai had a battle between heaven and man in his mind, and finally decided...

"Saber! Go grab his attention and buy me 20 seconds. I want to release the treasure."

"...Understood, Lancer. Thank you."

Artoria immediately understood what he was going to do, and couldn't help but thank him.

In the Holy Grail War, exposing one's Noble Phantasm is basically exposing one's weakness and real name.After releasing the Noble Phantasm, the short-term feeling of powerlessness will put him in an extremely dangerous situation.

In particular, there is still an assassin hiding in the dark.Liberating the treasure is even more dangerous!

But the problem is that if she doesn't release the treasure, the black knight is obviously chasing Arturia, and if she doesn't, she can't count on it. Once she stops to release the holy sword, the opponent will definitely attack first!

You have to gamble by yourself, so Yagi wants to gamble on her chivalry.

The faceless assassin who showed obvious hostility towards himself before...

"In a while, you have to take responsibility to protect me."

As Yagi Xuesai said, he put away the golden sword and replaced it with the holy sword that was deeply imprinted in his spiritual foundation, and released the strong wind outside, revealing the holy sword of gold and silver.

Saber Arturia couldn't help looking at the sword a few times.

Although it is different from the sword of vowed victory she holds, there is no doubt that the temperament of that sword is the sword of vowed victory, and it is absolutely unmistakable.

Sure enough, this person is also the one who got the inheritance of the fairy in the lake...

Or, someone who has received the inheritance of King Arthur.

Artoria felt a warm feeling in her heart.

Her hope for the Holy Grail is to go back to the day when the king was chosen and re-select the king.She didn't want her Britain to be destroyed because of herself.If it wasn't for a little girl like myself who didn't know much about the world to inherit the throne, would it be different?
Seeing Yagi Xuesai, there is a feeling... that I also have a successor... Unexpectedly, I feel a little at ease.


(Really, this person used to call himself Mordred... If only my son was such a person... Ah... It would probably be a headache too...)
At first, I thought whether it would be better, but after thinking about it, it turns out that although Yagi's character is a little better than Mordred's, it certainly does not meet Artoria's requirements for successors.

With chaotic thoughts in her mind, Artoria quickly dodged the bullets fired by the black knight, and she jumped as high as possible to lure the black knight to shoot towards the sky, preventing his bullets from harming the surrounding buildings.

Taking advantage of this stall, Yagi Xuesai raised his holy sword high.

In my mind, the voice of the woman I was used to hearing sounded as it should.At the same time, there was a voice like roll call.

Holy golden particles surged high from his blade, turning into sharp blades of light.

"Sword of Promised Victory (Excalibur)!!!"

With the shout of the boy, the torrent of light raced on the street.

If the enemy is too flexible, then use an ultra-wide-area attack to make him unavoidable.

The figure of the black knight was swallowed by the torrent of light and completely disappeared.


(Sure enough...the Noble Phantasm was liberated. It was indeed he who liberated it. It was as planned.)
With this speculation in mind, the assassin who had been watching the battle in the shadows calmly took out a bullet and pushed it into his beloved pistol.

It was a single-shot pistol originally used for competition or hunting, but after being modified many times by him, it had turned into something similar to his magic dress.

This gun is extremely difficult to use as a firearm.

The first is the issue of range, and the second is that this pistol can only be fired single-shot, and it will not automatically eject the shell, making it difficult to fire consecutively.

These are extremely inconvenient places for combat.

However, the Servant still chose the weapon.

I can only explain one thing: that is, he has absolute trust in this gun.Just one hit is enough to tackle the target.

A powerful pistol that can be used to break through enemy defenses.

As long as one's own bullet hits the enemy's body...then it's over.

That bullet is a Noble Phantasm for magi.

Even if the enemy is a follower, it can create a huge power enough to destroy the follower.

Just one shot is enough to decide the winner.

Now, he loaded the bullet into the pistol without hesitation.

"Khronos Rose (Khronos Rose)..."

He whispered the name of his Noble Phantasm.

For a moment, time seemed to have changed.

In his body, the flow of time has changed.

The speed of the body is greatly increased, while the body's metabolism, including the frequency of breathing and magic power pulses, is greatly reduced.

This is his exclusive Noble Phantasm, an inherent barrier that uses the body as the medium.

It can only affect the time within the range of your body.

Use [Acceleration] and [Deceleration] at the same time to increase the speed of the body while reducing the rhythm of the body to reduce the sense of presence.

This is his trump card.

In the whole strange world, the hooded assassin clenched his knife and pistol, rushed out of the alley at an accelerated speed, and charged at Yagi Yusai's back the moment Yagi Yusai released the treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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