Chapter 673 Origin Bomb

Yagi Yusai didn't like the Sword of Liberation Oath Victory very much.

The reason is simple, this treasure is powerful, but once it is released, it will fall into a short-term lack of magic power.

If someone stares at this gap, they are in danger.

In fact, he was being targeted.

The assassin obviously wanted to use the black knight to do something, so he came to his aid.

Through the previous observation of the Holy Grail War, he deeply knew that with Artoria's character, he would not just sit and watch the Black Knights riot in the downtown area, and many innocent people died unexpectedly.

Either she or Yagi Xuesai, the two of them will definitely have a liberation treasure.Considering that the black knight is chasing and killing Artoria, it is most likely that Arturia will be used as a target and Yagi Yusai will release the Noble Phantasm.

Liberating the Noble Phantasm will inevitably greatly reduce the physical ability. At that time, only one blow will determine the winner.

His trump card is a special bullet called [Origin Bullet].

That is the [Origin] of his own attribute.

Cut off and combine.The hit object will be disconnected and reconnected.

For example, it's like cutting the two ropes and then re-tying them. In this way, the two ropes may be tied wrongly, and secondly, traces will be left at the interface.

For magicians, this is fatal.

The magic circuit is an extremely precise thing like a circuit board, and a slight misalignment will cause it to fail to function normally.

If the magic circuit is used as a metaphor, it is probably a net.Being hit by this bullet is equivalent to cutting the net in two, and then splicing and binding it at will, and it will definitely become a mess in the end.

For a follower, this damage will be much smaller, but it is still severe enough to be fatal.

For example, for a sub-servant like Yagi Yusai, it is difficult for the mysterious assassin to guess what his magic [origin] is.

But that's okay too.

For followers, there is one place that is fatal.

That is the heart.

If a Servant is compared to a car, the heart is the engine.A car cannot be driven without an engine.It's that simple.

If you are not sure whether your origin bullet can seal the opponent's magic power, then just use the destructive power of the large-caliber pistol to blow his heart in one go.

The assassin, who was already swift in figure, coupled with a special treasure, can greatly correct the operation rate of time in his body. The assassin moved to the back of Yagi Yusai almost instantly, and the dark muzzle of the pistol was aimed at His back, almost zero distance, he pulled the trigger.

A-level breath blocking made his surprise attack undetectable.

Generally speaking, Saber's intuition should be able to detect his existence.

However, for some reason, this assassin was [extremely lucky].

At the moment of his assassination, neither Saber's intuition nor Yagi's mind had any effect, neither noticed.

Moreover, what is even more [lucky] is that the Noble Phantasm used in this attack could only be regarded as a C+ Noble Phantasm. Even if it could break through Yagi Yusai's Dragon Blood Armor, it would not be able to hit the heart.

However, because the moment he released the treasure, the magic power was emptied in one breath, and the defense of the body weakened accordingly. Before the new magic power shot out from the heart again, he was in a defenseless state.

This is really unparalleled 【Luck】.

He didn't hear the violent gunshot until the figure of the assassin swooped and rolled into the shadow of the alley on the other side.

He blew away the gunpowder smoke from the muzzle without looking back at the target.

Just hear a pop.

That was the sound of one hundred fifty or sixty catties of meat colliding with the ground.

That man must have fallen.

The heart was hit directly, and the origin bullet would destroy the magic power effect. Even if it couldn't reach his root directly, it would definitely make him uncomfortable for a while.During this period of time, if the magic power of the heart cannot be supplied to the body, he will definitely be unable to support it.

(One of the mission goals, Chaldea, which disturbs the world, is solved. The second mission goal is the obliteration of the Great Holy Grail Irisviel...)
"Hey! lancer?! You! Sorry!"

Artoria immediately came over to check the situation, with anger and guilt on her anxious face, she was looking around at the situation around her.

However, Yagi Xuesai just stared round his eyes, his eyes were dull, he couldn't say anything, blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth, and a pool of blood was gurgling under his body.His consciousness seemed to be taken away by that blow as well.

Obviously, just now Lancer said that he had to protect him by himself, but he failed to do so. Unexpectedly, the enemy is not targeting Irisviel, but him...

Now Saber's heart is full of guilt.

(Judgment: The assassination timing of mission objective [-] is inappropriate. Wait for the next opportunity.)
Thinking of this, he pulled his hood, his body gradually became transparent, and disappeared into the alley.

Absolutely will not love to fight, find an opportunity to attack suddenly, if there is no opportunity, just continue to wait.Only choose the moments with the highest success rate.

This is his purpose as an assassin... as an agent of suppression.

He is not the strongest agent, but there is no doubt that he is the one with the highest success rate.

In order to achieve his goals, he will turn into a cold machine, only follow the odds to act.

"Saber, let me go, let me try..."

Irisviel pushed aside Saber and squatted beside Yagi Yusai. She was good at healing magic.

In other words, besides healing magic, she doesn't know any other magic.

The Einzbern family is good at [Alchemy] rather than [conventional magic].For general magic, their level of mastery is not very high.

This is also one of the reasons why during the previous Holy Grail Wars, the Einzbern family was always the first to be eliminated even though they had strong financial resources and knew a lot about the Holy Grail Wars.

The situation of Irisviel is the same, her alchemy attainments are excellent, but her magic cultivation is not so powerful.

She tried her best to chant healing magic, sending magic power into Yagi Yusai's body...

Irisviel's face changed slightly, revealing a look of surprise.

"How is it, Irisviel?"

"Something is preventing my magic power from working..."

"!excuse me!"

When Saber heard this, her mind turned like lightning, she gently pushed Irisviel away, picked up her holy sword, and dispelled the Wind King Barrier, the golden blade pressed against Yagi's vest, cutting the wound. open……

Sure enough, the blade touched something solid.

Artoria stretched out her hand and pulled out a small bullet from the widening wound.

The bullet had been crushed, and the powder inside had begun to erode the flesh around him.

In the back cut open by Saber, the blue-purple veins are particularly obvious.

Yes, the color of Yagi Yusai's blood vessels is not red, but a cursed blue-purple.

The heart was still beating, and with the burst of the heart, the blue-purple smoke surged up and covered his flesh, dyeing the surrounding flesh and blood in blue-purple, and then the blue-purple quickly faded away... The antidote neutralized the same.

This situation is simply unheard of.

Irisviel didn't know what to do for a while, she had never seen such a strange human being.

"Saber... I can't make a good judgment here, let's take him back to the city first."

(End of this chapter)

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