Chapter 674 Yagi's Injury

On the outskirts of Fuyuki, the secret castle of Einzbern.

Because the forest is densely filled with spells, the entire forest can act as a protective color to prevent outsiders from discovering it.

Therefore, no one or the news media expressed surprise even though the ancient castle, which is so incompatible with Japan, stands on the outskirts of Fuyuki.

Yagi Xuesai was sent here.

There is only a minimum of manpower in the castle. Considering that both the master and the servants are female, the attendants are naturally maids.

As soon as Irisviel stepped into Einzbern's castle, these people immediately understood her meaning with just a glance, and quickly prepared first aid supplies.

These maids, like Irisviel, are artificial humans.With snow-white skin, silver-white hair, red eyes, and a taciturn and emotionless face, it gives people the feeling of a doll.The only difference between Irisviel and them is that Irisviel is a little more complete.

Just like the basketball signed by Yao Ming, the basic attributes are similar, but the value of the latter is definitely much higher than the former.

Yagi Xuesai's condition is very bad.

His current situation is very strange.

First of all, one thing to be clear is that his heart is a [foreign body].

Not normal stuff.

That is the heart of the dragon, and it is the heart of [Demon Dragon].

What shot out from the heart was not pure magical power, but magical power that contained a huge curse.

He is not King Arthur, not the red dragon of Britain.It is normal for a dragon to have a dragon's heart. Humans have a dragon's heart, so they must be careful not to be burned by the spurted blood.As a sub-servant, Yagi has the characteristics of both human beings and servants. Naturally, he also has the weaknesses of both humans and servants.

Normally, this curse just circulates in the blood vessels, so it doesn't matter.

Now, because of the assassin's shooting, a small opening was opened in his heart, receiving a violent impact, and blue-purple blood mixed with fierce curses flowed into his flesh and blood.

If he is a pure follower, there is no need to worry about this kind of thing.The problem is that in his attributes, there is also a [human] part.

If the human part had been corrupted by the dragon's curse... that would be different.

Then, the bullet used by the assassin is also a special product, which is the [anti-magic dress] that can [directly reach the source] and destroy the magic effect from the [source of magic power].

Because Yagi kept his eyes open, he didn't dare to use all his strength when he released the Noble Phantasm, and he kept his breath all the time. When the bullet broke the flesh on his back, he was anxious, the magic power gushed out, and the muscles of his whole body hardened again, so hard Life and death blocked the attack of the bullet...

However, it was also because of the strength of the muscles that the bullet casings were directly crushed.

After crushing the bullet casing, white powder containing special effects inside the bullet naturally sprinkled on his wound.

The current situation is that the magic power with a huge curse gushes out from his heart, corrodes the body, and then temporarily maintains stability because it is neutralized by this medicinal powder.Just now Saber dug the bullet away, and now the traces of the blue-purple cursed magic power spreading can be vaguely seen in his body.

Irisviel used healing magic several times, but it was ineffective. Not only would her magic power be destroyed by the powder, but it would also be swallowed by the curse, making it impossible to reach Yagi's heart at all.

"Is there a way?"

Saber asked Irisviel eagerly, and from the beads of sweat dripping from her white forehead, it could be inferred that the treatment process was not very smooth.

Saber blamed herself more and more.

"It's okay, Saber, well, I have some ideas."

Irisviel bit her lip, although she said there was a way, but she really didn't know if this way would work... Forget it!It's better than doing nothing!
Then, Irisviel took the scalpel she was holding aside, pulled a strand of hair from her ear, and cut it off.

In the magician's world, body material is always the best magic carrier.

For example, the magician's hair.This is why most female magicians have long hair, and even many male magicians have long hair for this reason.It is to use the hair as a magic material.

Of course, there are some more weird things that can be used as more efficient magic materials, but that's not what we should discuss now.

Irisviel stuffed her hair into Yagi's wound, and silently chanted the mantra, letting them swim in his body like silk threads, wrapping it towards the heart...


It was already afternoon when Yagi Xuesai woke up.

He was woken up by his stomach that kept screaming.

When he moved his back, the pain was severe, his whole body trembled, and he didn't dare to move rashly.

He took a few breaths silently, and with the burst of magic power from his heart, his physical condition improved a lot. The magic power gushed out from the wound, woven into flesh and blood, and filled the wound.

When I move again, I don't feel any pain anymore, but my heart always feels a little delicate.

just like……

Yes, it's like being held by someone.

But it's not a big problem.It didn't feel like there was any problem.

At the end of his memory, it seemed that he was attacked by an assassin.

When he released the Noble Phantasm to the Berserker, he actually prepared a way to deal with it.

When he released the treasure, he took a breath in his mouth, that is, after he was going to release the treasure, he would gain some magic power through this breath, at least to expand the defense of the dragon blood armor.

But what he didn't expect was that the assassin's speed was so fast.

For a moment, he only felt his consciousness plunged into darkness...

It was a dark room.

Wherever you see it, there is a brilliance like the stars and the sea.

I seem to be lying on a bed made of steel pipes that looks like it would appear in a movie, and there is a woman beside me, asking about my situation with special concern.

"Wake up...wake up...please...wake up..."

However, in the memory, the impression is very indifferent, the head is dizzy and there seems to be buzzing in the ears, and it is impossible to hear what the other party is saying. I can only confirm that the speaker is a woman, and the voice is quite nice.

Before I had time to open my eyes, I woke up here.It's a pity that I didn't see the face.

The assassin's origin bomb certainly didn't have such a function.

It can only be explained that this person has received a violent magical shock, and the brain waves are aligned with something, right?

Well, let's not talk about these first.

There is nothing wrong with the vital response.

Yagi Xuesai redefines his body.

"Huh? You're awake, Lancer."

Arturia's dignified voice came from the corner of the room.

She held the sword in both hands, facing the wall, and made a gesture of holding the sword.

There is no empty swing, it is probably used to exercise the spirit or something?There are similar training methods in Kendo, such as [Spiritual Unity].

"how do you feel?"

Generally speaking, in the face of this kind of problem, no matter how painful or uncomfortable it is, everyone will choose to say it's okay, it's okay, it's okay, etc. to respond.But Yagi Xuesai is such a strange man, he rubbed his belly without hesitation:
"I'm hungry."

"You are really honest."

"The best thing about me is honesty. This is... the castle of Einzbern, right? There is always something to eat, right?"


For some reason, when the topic of food was mentioned, Saber suddenly fell silent, probably because she is still training for spiritual unity?I don't want to mess with myself.

Yagi Xuesai can understand that a serious girl like her doesn't like a flamboyant man like herself, it is understandable and understandable.Anyway, I just don't fit in with such a serious girl!
When he got up, he didn't treat himself as an outsider at all, and went straight out, ready to explore the castle.

If he had been more focused, he would probably have noticed the guilty sweat on Saber's forehead.

If he can be smarter, he can also understand that Altria Alter in Chaldea is a reversal of Saber's personality.

Note that only [personality] is reversed.

Appetite is not reversed.

Considering it all together, it's easy to understand why Saber fell silent.

Unfortunately, Yagi Yusai only found out after 30 minutes of exploring the entire castle without finding any food.

(End of this chapter)

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