Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 678 Tokiomi Tosaka

Chapter 678 Tokiomi Tosaka
There are not many parks in Fuyuki City. Considering the environment and atmosphere, Tosaka Tokiomi naturally chose the one with the best greenery.

Back then, my wife Aoi and daughters Sakura and Rin liked to come here the most.

Recently, because Fuyuki is "not peaceful", the general public is reluctant to leave home except when necessary.This led to the fact that in the huge park, there were only two lonely elders staying.

In fact, in terms of probability, staying at home is as dangerous as it is, but this is like the ostrich theory, enclosing yourself in a small space where you can feel at ease, although you cannot avoid risks, at least you can have peace of mind, otherwise you will be in constant panic , before others come to harm him, he scares himself to death first.

The lights were on, which meant that it was nightfall.

Tohsaka Tokiomi sat on the bench by the streetlight, with a book spread out on his knees, carefully reading the contents with calm eyes.

At first, I just wanted to pass the time, but I was attracted by it after reading it, and I couldn't help but began to express my understanding of the content inside, and based on my own theoretical basis, I confirmed it with the words in this book in my mind-this is A book describing the development of the magic way, which records various papers written by the leaders of several representative families of the Clock Tower. In terms of nature, it is similar to a collection of papers.

What Tokiomi is reading right now is the thesis written by Kenneth. He uses spiritualism as a basis to try to explain the new development space of magic from the perspective of the soul. Although it is an old proposition, the content is very innovative. Read It sounds very enjoyable.

This kind of thesis of new wine in old bottles not only has the accumulation of past experience, which is easy to understand, but also has the unique whimsy of young people, which is bold and innovative.Fascinated by the depth of this thesis, Tohsaka Tokiomi forgot the time for a moment, and concentrated on the world of the book.

Beside him, sat a young man about 20 years old, wearing a black church cassock, with no expression on his face, short brown hair exuding a [boring] taste.

This combination: on one side is a middle-aged man with a mustache, with elegant temperament and good manners, and on the other side is a young man with an expressionless face. He will definitely be missed on weekdays, and someone will definitely come to watch, thanks to the park now There's no one!

"Yeah, I'm late. Tohsaka Tokiomi... right?"

Yagi Yusai's voice came long after.Although Tohsaka Tokiomi still wanted to continue reading this paper, he still closed the book, got up and nodded to him, and reached out to him, inviting him to shake hands.

In terms of seniority and status, Tosaka Tokiomi is older than him by more than 01:30 points, but he is still willing to respect such a junior, which shows that he is indeed the kind of rigorous and somewhat pedantic person.

"You are Sir Kenneth's servant, Lancer, right? Didn't Sir Kenneth come?"

"Well, Master, isn't it very convenient for him! It's the same as talking to me!"

"That's right, is that what Sir Kenneth meant... He is indeed a cautious person."

Tohsaka Tokiomi nodded understandingly: After all, think about it differently, if you are invited by the enemy so frequently, you will definitely feel that it is a fraud, and it is understandable for you not to come here.

Yagi Xuezhai didn't quite understand what this mustache uncle was thinking, and he came here today with the mentality of finding fault.

His life has always been rough.When I was in school, the teacher could not understand his character.When I went to the clock tower, the nobles looked down on him as a country bumpkin. When I came to Chaldea, the director felt that he had a personality problem and was not serious.Therefore, his life is full of reprimands and hostility from other people. The saddest thing is that he himself is still in the position of having to pretend to be a grandson, and he can't get tough.

Now, it's finally his turn to be domineering!
However, seeing Tohsaka Tokiomi's low profile, it's hard for him to say harsh words, after all, he doesn't reach out to hit the smiling face, Tokiomi is so respectful, but it makes him not easy to get mad.

"So, this should be the second invitation from the Tohsaka family? What's the matter?"

"Yes, just as the manager of Fuyuki, there are some things I want to confirm with Sir Kenneth. The spiritual vein of the Tohsaka family has been destroyed by unknown people. Does Sir Kenneth know anything?"

"No, I haven't heard him talk about it."

Yamu Xuezhai is not guilty at all, he really [hasn't heard Kenneth mention it] about destroying the spiritual vein, because he did it.

However, he changed his mind, no, wasn't he attacked by an assassin that time? ! Assassin and Tohsaka are teaming up, he doesn't know for no reason!
So he hurriedly added: "I did that with Caster."


Tohsaka Tokiomi nodded, not surprised at all, it seemed that he really knew about it.

"Then, the second question is, if Sir Kenneth has obtained the Holy Grail, how will he use it?"

This is Tohsaka Tokiomi's second question, and it is also the question he wants to know the most today.

Yes, this is what he wants to know the most.

Strictly speaking, Tohsaka Tokiomi did not grant his wish to the Holy Grail.What he longed for was [the holy grail descends and opens the hole leading to the outside of the world].

In other words, it doesn't matter even if it's Kenneth making a wish, as long as he allows Tohsaka Tokiomi to watch, and when Kenneth makes a wish, he can take the opportunity to spy on the outside of the world through the "hole".

This is the next best thing.Now Tohsaka Tokiomi has lost the Archer and Assassin, he no longer considers the possibility of winning, so he should choose the method with a high success rate as much as possible, right?

"Sir Kenneth's desire for the Holy Grail... I don't know very well, and we as followers won't ask too much, but I can tell you responsibly, Sir Kenneth's desire for the Holy Grail is not very great, he just desires to obtain the Holy Grail Victory in the war, adding military merits to your resume. This is the main thing. With his personality, he will probably choose to ask for magic secrets or something like that?"

Yagi Xuesai's truth is mixed with speculation, and he is talking nonsense.

"That's it."

Tohsaka Tokiomi pondered silently in his heart, and felt that it was still possible to reach a consensus with Sir Kenneth, and by giving up something at that time, he might be able to ally with Sir Kenneth.

After all, he has also heard that Sir Kenneth has been in full swing in the Clock Tower recently. In order to expand his power, he will definitely make friends with all parties as much as possible. It's okay for him to offer some help.

Tohsaka Tokiomi felt relieved, and finally asked one last question.

"There is one last question. The girl who was brought to the hotel by Sir Kenneth, although her hair color is slightly different, should be my daughter, Sakura. Excuse me, what is Sir Kenneth's consideration for taking her away?" ?"

Yagi Yusai was taken aback by Tosaka Tokiomi's words: Your daughter?
what's the situation?
Why is the Tohsaka family's daughter in the Matou family's house?
Oh!Maybe it's a family with a good family, let the daughter go to play...

No, can you play in the bug pool?

Can play to autism?
What kind of new play is this?It's too ghostly!

(I am a pervert, but you are more perverted than me?)
Yagi Xuesai couldn't help showing a trace of contempt in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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