Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 679 Sakura's Past

Chapter 679 Sakura's Past
As for why Sakura is at Matou's house, we need to start with Tohsaka's house.

Tohsaka Tokiomi is a happy man.

He met his beloved wife and had a smart daughter.

Tosaka Tokiomi is not a talented person, he is mediocre, but through his own efforts, he finally became a respected magician.

Knowing that his two daughters are extremely gifted in magic, he was delighted, but at the same time felt gloomy.

Because magicians are different from other people.

The engraving of a magician is passed down from generation to generation.

For example, it's like a family heirloom, if you pass it on to your eldest daughter Rin, you can't give it to your second daughter Sakura.And vice versa.The magic engraving is passed down from generation to generation. It can be said bluntly that only one who inherits the magic engraving can be regarded as the head of a family.

As for distributing the magic engraving to two people, that is even more impossible.It's like trying to compete for a blue and white porcelain vase, and then breaking it in half, it's a bastard's approach.

Treat the magic seal like... yes, like carving jade.

There is a huge piece of jade, which was obtained, mined, and initially carved by the ancestors of the Tosaka family, and then passed on to the next generation, carved from generation to generation, until Tosaka Tokiomi, and then handed over from him to future generations for carving.

In this way, the jade has been gradually formed.

Jade that has been polished for several generations in this way must be much stronger than those that have just been dug out.It can be said that the generational change of magicians means the achievement of magic.This is also the reason why magicians value aristocratic families. The magic engraving contains the painstaking efforts of many ancestors to develop the magic engraving.

No matter how Tohsaka Tokiomi chooses, one of his daughters will always be regarded as mediocre because he did not inherit the magic seal.This is what Tokiomi does not want to see.

Rin has all the adaptability of the five elements of earth, water, fire, wind, and space, while Sakura has an extremely rare imaginary number characteristic.If either of the two daughters was a mediocre person, Tokiomi wouldn't be so entangled. No matter which of these two children, with time and serious training, they would become world-class excellent magicians.

Coincidentally, the Matou family was distressed by the gradual scarcity of the children's magic circuits, so they proposed to the entangled Tohsaka Tokiomi that they hoped that Sakura could come to the Matou family as an adopted son.

And promised that Sakura will inherit the magic seal.

In this way, the Matou family got a child with magic qualities, and Tosaka Tokiomi didn't have to worry about Sakura's talent being buried.

Originally, this should be a happy ending for the ethics of magicians.


There are two points that Tokiomi Tohsaka couldn't figure out.

First, the Matou family's magic, he knew it was water attribute, and the characteristic was absorption, but he didn't know that it was based on insect bites.I don't even know that my daughter will suffer from the pain of being eaten by thousands of insects.

The second... is that Matou Zouken, the nominal master, has no intention of handing over the magic engraving to anyone, he just wants to live forever alone.

Therefore, Tohsaka Tokiomi was actually indignant about Sakura being taken away and Matou's house being burned down.Regret for the Matou family that he has been friends with for several generations, and anger at Yagi Yusai who ruined his good chance and ruined Sakura's future.

But his self-cultivation made him hide everything.His face was as calm as if wearing a mask.

"I don't know much about you magicians. As for me, I am not a heroic person, nor a good person. I have done a lot of evil, and I am the kind of person who is destined to go to hell. But even I feel that The Matou family is a devil's den, if you know how the Matou family trains your daughter, you can still..."

"Rigorous training is the only way to success."

Tokiomi's face was like a rock, he shook his head vigorously, denying Yagi's statement.

The two people's understandings were completely different, and Tokiomi thought that the [Matou family training method] he was talking about was strict, or something like that.However, neither of the two of them was ready to explain this kind of fallacy in thinking.Yagi Xuezhai's heart was on fire, and his tone became more and more hostile.

"...Then there is nothing to say. I set fire to Jiantong's house. What. Do you want to take revenge here?"

Yagi Xuesai simply refused to reason with him. Although he was smiling now, he was actually very angry. He drew two strokes with his fingers in the air, and the word "F" quickly danced on his fingertips. Dazzling fire.

It was the original rune handed down by Scathach himself, and a magician like Tosaka Tokiomi could tell the difference at a glance.

His behavior is obviously provocative: If you are not happy, we will fight here.

The young man who had been listening silently stood behind Tosaka Tokiomi with his hands down. Although he didn't make an attack, his overall temperament had already been raised. Under the dark cassock, he could feel the strength of his muscles tensed.Obviously preparing to fight Yagi.

"...Since your Excellency can't see it, then I will not say anything. I am very sad about the matter of the Matou family. I entrusted it to no one."

Unexpectedly, in this tense atmosphere, Tohsaka Tokiomi took a step back.

Yagi Xuesai still wants to kill him here, and then break into the Tohsaka family's mansion to search it!Tsk.

"However, whether it is your Excellency or Kenneth Sir, what is the purpose of taking Sakura away? Sakura is only a child, and she is indeed excellent in magic, but Kenneth Sir is not the kind of person who lacks a good successor. Right. How about returning Sakura to the Tohsaka family, the Tohsaka family will definitely do their best to meet Kenneth's request."

Yagi Xuesai frowned, and felt upset when he heard a certain word.

"So, if we return Sakura, what are you going to do?"

"This time, I'm going to let Sakura go to Finland's distant relatives, the Edelfelt family. Finland's magic family is excellent in terms of magic inheritance and etiquette."

Yagi Xuesai was speechless.

Tohsaka Tokiomi obviously misunderstood his anger.

He thought he was angry because of the Matou family.

"Then there is nothing to talk about."

Yagi Xuesai sighed and turned to leave.

"Wait, sir, you haven't answered yet..."

"The answer is already there. Listen carefully, your daughter is now my [trophy], the [trophy] I broke into Matou's house and brought back. Since you like to send your daughter back and forth, then send it away." Give it to me. Although I am not a lolicon, I have to say that Guangyuan is a very powerful person. If you want to go back, then come and have a good fight, don't waste your words here."

Yagi Xuesai deliberately put on a look of embarrassing him, provoking him.

Sure enough, Tohsaka Tokiomi's face changed drastically: "You, but you are a follower, why do you..."

"I'm not a follower, I'm a [Sub-Servant]. You should have heard of it? A fusion of a human and a follower, I'm not an existence that will return to the Seat of Heroes after a battle."


Unexpectedly, upon hearing the shocking news, the calmness on Tohsaka Tokiomi's face was finally broken.

"Your Mightiness…………"

"But don't think about what she will get from me. First of all, I don't have a magic seal. Secondly, Sir Kenneth will definitely not give her a magic seal. Your daughter will only grow into the mediocre and incompetent person you hate the most. women. What are you going to do?"

Yagi Yusai said provocatively.


Tohsaka Tokiomi silently raised his hand, and took out a short knife from behind.

(Are you going to attack me? It's a bit bloody...)
"This sword is the mercury sword (Azoth sword) of the Tohsaka family, which is usually given by the master to adult disciples. I hope you..."

Tohsaka Tokiomi murmured brokenly, as if he wanted to tell Yagi about all kinds of things, Yagi was so angry that he wouldn't dump him at all, even the Mercury Sword. , and left directly.

The man Tohsaka Tokiomi was really too boring.

So much so that Yagi Xuesai didn't even have the desire to kill him.

Tohsaka Tokiomi silently watched his leaving figure, sighed, and shook his head.

(This is also fate. Sakura’s life is bitter. Born in Tohsaka’s house, she is doomed to be abandoned. Being kidnapped in Matou’s house is also her fate...)
Tohsaka Tokiomi silently accepted this.

After all, he was the one who was going to give up Sakura in the first place.

It's just that he didn't want his daughter to live a mediocre life, so he wanted to do his best to find a good development for her, but... things backfired.However, the current result is still within his expectations.

After all, for Tokiomi, the worst outcome is this: his daughter lives a mediocre life.

At this time, I can't blame other people, I can only blame Sakura's bad fate...

Tosaka Tokiomi's heart ached, but there was nothing he could do. It would definitely be of no benefit to confront this man here.Moreover, Sakura is not here, defeating Lancer means officially confronting Kenneth, he knows Kenneth's level...

There is nothing he can do, the current Tokiomi can only pray that what the man said was only angry, and that he won't really abuse Sakura.

He sighed... Suddenly he felt: If Sakura can not be bound by the magic way at all, don't think about her own path as a magician, and live as an ordinary person, it might be a good way.Indeed, Tohsaka Tokiomi felt bad for sending his daughter back and forth.

Sir Kenneth would definitely not choose her as heir, take her by his side, be a waitress serving tea and water, and just spend his life peacefully like this... Sakura.

He is not in the mood to go back to the Tohsaka family's mansion right now, so he just sits on the bench and continues to read, but he can't read a single word, just sitting with the book in his hand, Kotomine Kirei by his side is always by his side, the two of them Like a sculpture, staying quietly in the park.

(End of this chapter)

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