Chapter 689
Dressed in white, he fell down lightly, as if he was stepping on a lotus flower. The archer walking in mid-air pulled the bowstring, and the blue flames condensed into arrows on his big pure white bow.


Fujimaru Tatsuka was overjoyed, knowing that as long as she needed something, this reliable and taciturn waiter would definitely come first.

In front of her, Darius, who blocked the assassin's bullet, gradually exhausted his mana.

After all, the Berserker job itself consumes a lot of magic power, coupled with the fact that he has just released the treasure, and fighting with Iskandar, it is already at the end of his battle, and coupled with the attack of the assassin, his reserved skill [Regroup] can be fully utilized. With effect, Darius gradually became transparent.

This is the ability used to escape from the fierce battle battlefield.

It is very suitable for scouting. If you contact and fight and find that the two sides are not compatible or are seriously injured, as long as you use this ability, you can quickly leave the battlefield and return your ability to the state before the battle started.

Regular curses or weakening, damage or other things will return to the state of the first round of the battle.

This time the situation is special, since Chaldea left Chaldea as the beginning of Darius' battle.Naturally, after releasing this ability, he disappeared naturally and returned to Chaldea.

However, the burly mountain in front of Fujimaru Tatsuka did not disappear.

Instead of the pitch-black giant, there is a lead-gray giant.

The messy black hair looks like a lion that has not been taken care of, and the huge muscles that almost break the skin form a strong body.The lead-gray giant raised its arms and roared, making a roar like an angry beast. The huge ax and sword were held in his hand like a toy. His golden and red eyes were staring at the black Irisviel like a predator... …

In other words, Eri of the Black.

Very simple principle.

If the summoning mode of Chaldea is a special Holy Grail War system, then as long as it relies on the Holy Grail, the stability of the summoning can be greatly improved.

In particular, Fuyuki's situation is even more special. The cause of this singularity is that the Einzbern family developed a perfect artificial human [Alice Feil], which can perfectly simulate the function of the Holy Grail and will not be easily destroyed. She exists as a Holy Grail container, almost equal to the Holy Grail itself.

Now that she has lost five servants, she is close to the Holy Grail.

It is not necessary for her to have the function of wishing, as long as she [is the Holy Grail].

In mysticism, [conceptual connection] is more important than [actual connection].To give a simple example, everyone who has read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms knows that Guan Yu's weapon is the Qinglong Yanyue Sword.If Guan Yu really came as a follower, there is no doubt that the weapon must be this Guan Dao.But in fact, this type of weapon did not officially appear until the Song Dynasty, long after the Three Kingdoms (Han Dynasty).

However, occultism doesn't care about this. As long as everyone says it, then there will be no problem.This is the so-called [inheritance].As long as Irisviel actually has the function of the Holy Grail, Fujimaru Tachika is also aware of this, and if it is related to Chaldea's summoning system, it should always have some special effects.

"Senior! Matthew Kyrielight! I'm late! Sorry!"

With a cry of apology, at some point, Mash also picked up the shield and blocked Fujimaru Tatsuka. When she came, Yagi was relieved a lot.

"Hey! Father King! I'm here to help you! Sure enough, I can't do it without me!"

When all the followers were looking for Fujimaru Tachika, Mordred's voice warmed Yagi's heart: Finally, one of them came to care about me!Hello!Obviously I am also the missing person!Why don't you care about me!
Probably, this is the practical meaning given to us by the story of the wolf: a person is inexplicably summoned to the singularity over and over again, and will always appear as the enemy of Chaldea. I am sure everyone will get used to it later.

Mordred was wearing a simple red shirt and was holding Clarent in his hand. With a hearty smile, he jumped and landed beside Yagi.

"... Mordred! How rude! What about your knight etiquette!"

However, when she saw Mordred's figure, Arturia frowned at that moment, and she couldn't help scolding.

The smile on Mordred's face froze suddenly:
"Father... Father Father Father Father King?!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a chirping sound, and the metal armor was summoned all over her body, like a Transformer transforming. The armor pieces of each department meshed with each other to form a full-body armor, covering her from head to toe. stand up.

"No, you, you, you, you, you are mistaken! My father is from this side!"

Although she couldn't see her face with the helmet on, Yagi felt that she was probably sticking her tongue out at him.

Altrica sighed, shook her head, and didn't care about her.

Seeing that she didn't ask, Mordred heaved a sigh of relief, and kicked Yagi's foot fiercely: "Why didn't you say that my father is here! Shame on me!"

"Hey - I'm too wronged!"

Yagi Xuesai had a bitter face, he could blame himself for this! ?I know you're shy but you can't take it out on me can you? !

Although Yagi thought so, he really didn't have the courage to say it.

With so much help in one breath, the battle situation is instantly different.

Black Ari, who was shot through the heart by Ah Zhou's arrow, raised her eyebrows, and a disdainful and playful smile appeared on her beautiful face.Although the appearance is exactly the same as Irisviel's, the temperament is far from it.She is not some ignorant young lady, obviously, she is definitely at the level of a witch who controls everything.

"Oh! Holy Grail! Ohhhhh! That divine gesture!!! I, I remember! I'm just... for you..."

Witnessing the coming of the Black Holy Grail, Matou Zouken's face was filled with a crazy sense of redemption.It was as if a cult believer had seen a miracle.

Black Eri wiped her chest, and the heart just shot by Arjuna was already filled with black mucus. She raised her eyebrows and asked slightly angrily: "Zorgen, it's been a long time since you've seen you. people come to see me."

While speaking, she approached Matou Zouyan, and then a hand knife, soft as a boneless palm, easily pierced Matou Zouyan's heart, mixed with human blood, a small black bug was held by her. In her hand, afterward, countless black mucus poured out from her palm, covering him...

This appearance can only make Yagi think of one word...


It's just ... as if Slime is going to prey.

By the way, slime was originally a very scary fictional monster, but I don’t know why it became synonymous with the lowest level mobs...

The most disgusting thing is... Matou Zunyan was preyed on by the black mucus, but his face was still redeemed, as if he saw the expression of a true god, covered in black mud, and then swallowed, it was just... uncomfortable ...

"Not enough... not enough... flesh and blood... not enough."

As if savoring the taste, Eri Kuroki licked her tongue, turned her head, and looked at the Chaldean party with a bright smile on her face, and half-closed eyes, which gave people a strange and flirtatious feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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