Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 690 The Final Battle

Chapter 690 The Final Battle

Although the servants summoned from Chaldea didn't know exactly what happened, everyone knew that this dark woman was the enemy of Chaldea.

Joan of Arc scratched her hair desperately, she was the most confused among the crowd.Why was I summoned, why did I participate in this inexplicable Holy Grail War, and the most inexplicable thing is that I didn't fight at all, and it was about to end? !

It’s almost like when playing an RPG game, I accidentally bought a magic medicine that restores full HP and full MP and increases the overall ability of this battle by 100%. …

Originally, Joan of Arc was summoned by Fujimaru Tateka, so it should be used as the trump card.

Black Joan had thought about it: When the time comes, how can this weak Master who is like a little chick, and that weak fish-eyed man in a suit win the Holy Grail War?At that time, if there is any danger, I will kill those miscellaneous fish by myself.At that time, won't this little girl worship herself more?
At that time, you will definitely ask yourself to go to Chaldea, right?
Kneeling on the ground with a plop, hugging his thigh and crying.

Just think about it.

Let me tell you first, Joan of Arc doesn't want to go to Chaldea at all!Not at all! ! !Especially Chaldea and that irritating woman!
but!But ah!This but ah! ! !If someone insists on begging himself to come to Chaldea on his knees, and says that he can't do it without himself, and he has to help himself, it is not impossible for him to reluctantly respond to the call.

After all, she is the Witch of the Dragon!An ordinary exit doesn't fit her aesthetics.

Moreover, it must be made clear that she, Joan of Arc, did not want to go to Chaldea at all, it was this woman who insisted on crying and begging herself, because she had no choice but to go.

The results of it?
Black Joan participated in so many battles in total.

Hit that shiny golden guy who makes people angry, this black hair who doesn't know which horn is holding a broken sword and gun is showing off.

When he hit the self-righteous Rumble chariot man, it was also that silly big man who was black and white who showed off.

As a result, he was summoned, isn't it useless? !

How come it seems that being summoned or not being summoned is almost the same!All right!Where do you put your face?

What, these people are so annoying!

Joan of Arc is now full of anger in her heart, and she is a real avenger.

The black woman in front of him is undoubtedly the final boss. If I don't show it, my script will be over!

Joan of Arc flicked the cloak, and the magic power penetrated quickly from her body, spreading rapidly from the battle flag, turning into a blue-purple flame, and burning it from the ground.

Allie Black snorted, as if dancing, and flicked her sleeves, a black whirlwind quickly rolled up in front of her, blowing away the burning flames of Joan of Arc.

Irisviel was pushed away by the hurricane, Arturia supported her, looked around, and found that there was a safe place behind Matthew, and Yagi Yusai had already placed Matou Sakura there, hurry up Go with the master.

Fujimaru Tachika also noticed the two of them, and hurriedly called them over.

At this moment, Hercules jumped forward, smashing the ax and sword in his hand at Hei Aili's head. Judging from the screen, a delicate and beautiful woman was killed by a super muscular man with a height of [-] meters. , holding a huge ax-like weapon and smashing it, anyone will subconsciously close their eyes and not look at the upcoming bloody picture, right?

"Oh, what a troublesome guy. Can't you be nice?"

The expected flying flesh and blood did not exist.

Lifting her wrist lightly, Eri Black easily withstood Hercules' blow and slammed her, abruptly stopping his attack!

Seeing that the situation was not right, Arjuna stepped a little, his figure was erratic, and in just an instant, his whole body was jetted out at super high speed.

Arjuna also has the ability to release magic power, and judging by his indifferent appearance like a fairy, I am afraid that his attainments are not worse than Artoria's.

It should be said that the way of utilization is different.

After all, Artoria is a swordsman, and her magic power is more used in attack and defense than pure movement.As a long-range archer, Arjuna only needs to consider movement and attack.

While the figure was erratic, Arjuna had already flashed behind Hei Aili, the big bow in his hand was opened, and a row of flaming blue feathered arrows had already rested on it. As Arjuna relaxed his fingertips, there was a thunderous bang. Ah Zhou then turned around, changed another angle, and opened the bow at the same high speed. Before the previous row of arrows hit, another row of arrows was released.

Three consecutive reciprocations, three rows of arrows aimed at Black Eri from three angles, and the cyan tail flames intertwined into a dense arrow net.

Black Eri was wrestling with Hercules, unable to move, and was shot by a flaming arrow, and her body was instantly wrapped in blue flames.

"Oh oh oh blah blah blah!!!"

Hearing a sharp cry from the side, a fluent long sword flew over and pierced Black Eri's heart that had been pierced before, followed by a knight in heavy armor, flying in mid-air He kicked up in the air, slammed it on the hilt of the sword, and kicked the entire blade of the sword into the heart of Black Eri. At the same time, he grasped the hilt with both hands, and the magic power shot out from his palm, and he watched the sword Clarent spread rapidly. The structure, the magic power poured in along the hilt, and was amplified by Clarent's special structure, rapidly expanding into black and red lightning-like magic power, which burst out in one breath.

Of course the person who came was Mordred, grabbing the hilt of the sword with both hands, and slashing fiercely, directly cut a huge wound on Hei Aili's body!

"What a rude savage."

However, Kuro no Eri showed no surprise at all.

Being hit by this kind of attack, it seems that it is not painful at all, just playing a game.

Her defense is amazing.

It is absolutely impossible for ordinary followers to have such extraordinary durability.

after all……

She is the Holy Grail!

You know, no matter how powerful the servant is, it is also summoned by the Great Holy Grail.

This black Irisviel is the body of the Great Holy Grail!

The magic can be said to be endless.

Originally, this should be a super huge magical power that can realize any wish of the wisher.As a result, because no one made a wish, all of them were used to defend against these thieves who tried to dismantle the Great Holy Grail.

In terms of magic power level, she is crushed in an absolute sense.

What's even more frightening is that on Enzang Mountain, as the incarnation of the Great Holy Grail, Black Eri has an endless supply of magic power, and can absorb magic power from the place where the spirit veins gather to drive her body.

In every aspect of quality, she is top-notch.

She just waved her arms, and the black mucus spurted out from the surroundings quickly, from the sky and from the ground, like sharp fangs, biting down on the attacking servants.

"Everyone! Go back!"

Fujimaru Tachika thought of what happened to Matou Zouken just now, and hurriedly ordered.

"too late."

Eri Black sneered, and increased the output of magic power in one breath, and the magic teeth of the world and the ground snapped together!
(End of this chapter)

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