Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 691 The Ultimate Assassination

Chapter 691 The Ultimate Assassination
When the black magic bites, something suddenly falls into the embrace of Black Eri.

Because she is essentially a collection of magic power, her body is as soft as fluid.In addition, half of her body had just been cut open by Mordred, and this thing was thrown directly into her chest cavity.

Afterwards, there was the slight crashing sound of metal pull rings being randomly thrown to the ground.


The dazzling red instantly turned into bright yellow, then turned into pure white, and then turned into gray again. The thick smoke spread suddenly, and the violent storm forced many followers back. Taking advantage of the explosive hurricane, they besieged Black Eri's followers He narrowly avoided the blow.

The biting black magic power quickly turned into a cage, sealing off the space around Black Eri. Then, a certain transparent color appeared in the black mucus, and then became more and more vivid, and the exploding red flame gradually broke through After going out, the whole black slime became miserable.

There is no doubt that the attack just now was done by the unknown assassin.

This person's actions are unpredictable.

He attacked Chaldea on the one hand, and the Great Grail on the other.


It was as if both sides were his enemies.

In fact, he just didn't find Catherine's shadow, otherwise even Catherine would be his enemy.

He is not a regular Servant, but a [Guardian] who came to protect the [Humans] of this era.

After all, the Great Holy Grail of this world has been polluted.

If you make a wish on this kind of thing, it will cause a huge disaster and lead to the extinction of mankind.

However, in the normal Holy Grail War, no matter it was the third, fourth, or fifth time, the Great Holy Grail never came.

However, it is at this moment when humanity burns out that such a special singularity can be born: What if the Great Holy Grail descends during the Fourth Holy Grail War?

The conclusion is that the restraining power judges that this will lead to the extinction of human beings, so guardians are sent to protect human beings.

The hooded assassin judged that joining forces with Chaldea is the best choice now.

An enemy of an enemy is an ally with common interests.

As for after solving the Great Holy Grail?
The Chaldeans must die here too.

He made such a cruel strategy without hesitation.

With the innocence of that little red-haired girl, she will definitely believe that she is sincerely surrendering. At that time, all she needs to do is assassinate her.

As long as there is no Master, Chaldea is just a fool.

However, the Greater Holy Grail must be resolved first.

That's why he'd just come to his aid, throwing a high-explosive grenade, to save Chaldea and trick them into thinking he was their ally.

"Finally showed up, the Cup of Calamity."

He murmured softly, turned his body over, like an acrobat, flew to the side with super high speed and flexibility, turned around, and avoided the attack of black slime like a long whip.

Looking at the black slime that was just blasted, Eri Kuroko stood in the center rubbing her shoulders as if she had been on work all day.

Judging by her expression, she didn't mean to be hurt at all.With the intention of playing tricks on others, she forced everyone bit by bit.

She has the ability to wipe out everyone in one go, but she just doesn't use it.I just want to have a good time first.

(This kind of person, as a hunter, is only the worst.)
The Assassin of Mystery thought so, took out something, pressed it, and threw it at Eri in Black.

Black Aili had been on guard for a long time, when she saw him throw something, three black spears rose from her feet, smashing the thing in mid-air.

It was a little plastic box that didn't explode or anything.

It was simply destroyed.

She tilted her head and looked at the assassin on the opposite side in confusion, not understanding why he threw this thing over.

Looking at the assassin on the opposite side, he has already picked up an assault pistol. At the same time, this weapon has a small size, a large magazine, and a high rate of fire.

A swarm of bullets spewed out with flames, and a black shield gushed out in front of Eri Black, blocking it all at once.

Behind her, Hercules, who had just been forced back, rushed up again, roaring like a wild beast, and the giant raised the ax and sword in his hand, and slashed at the back of Black Eri.At the same time, at his feet, a cyan figure circled around, using the aura of Hercules as a cover, the girl knight who hid her figure stepped out with one step, while twisting her waist with all her strength, her knees were bent, and her whole body kept turning Zhan's movement is to lunge and squat down, and the wind color trajectory of Whirlwind Zhan falls like a spiral staircase.

Cut off Eri Kuro's legs at once.

"Hmph, I still don't have a long memory. I won't be hurt by low-level followers like you casually. After all, in terms of magic power..."

She originally wanted to make the opponent despair by regenerating the living body at a high speed...Suddenly, her face changed, her red eyes widened, and the words incredible were clearly written on her face.

Black Joan didn't care whether she was surprised or not, and with a wave of the battle flag in her hand, the red flames flew up from her feet like a giant dragon soaring into the sky, biting Black Ellie in one bite, and the red flames quickly devoured her flesh .

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

For the first time, I heard her roar of pain.

"You, you, what did you do! about Lingmai..."

The surprised look on Eri Kuroki's face didn't look like a disguise.

However, no one explained it to her.

The Mysterious Assassin is a professional, and will never talk too much before the target is killed.

What he does is very simple.

Fuyuki's Great Holy Grail is attached to the spiritual vein.

One of the best ways to destroy the coming of the Great Holy Grail is to destroy the Lesser Holy Grail time and energy.As long as there is no lesser holy grail responsible for transporting the souls of the defeated, there will be no subsequent great holy grail.Unfortunately, this plan was hindered by Chaldea.

The second method is what he is doing now.

By cutting off the spiritual veins of various places, forcibly blocked the land veins of Enzang Mountain.

Simply put, it's like a complicated map of underground pipelines.What he did was to blow up unnecessary pipes and force a certain faucet to stop water from flowing.

As for what will happen to the water gushing out of these blown pipes, he doesn't care.

Cutting off the magic source of the Great Holy Grail, she changed from a constantly replenished ocean into a huge reservoir. As long as it continues to be consumed, there will always be a moment when the reservoir runs out of water.

Of course, the target of the mysterious assassin is Chaldea.

He also prepared two trump cards for Chaldea.

One of them is naturally the Yuanzang Mountain itself.

There are two kinds of disasters that cause the most casualties in the mountainous terrain, one is called an earthquake, and the other is a landslide and mudslide... In this kind of cave, if the entire Yuanzang Mountain is blasted...


The Master of Chaldea, the Great Holy Grail that disturbed the world, will be resolved.

The fly in the ointment is that he didn't meet the woman in black who was scheduled to be eliminated.

(End of this chapter)

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