Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 692 The King's Pride

Chapter 692 The King's Pride
After cutting off the connection between the Great Holy Grail and the spiritual veins, all that remains is to constantly weaken the physical strength of Black Eri.

It can be said that it is [War of Attrition].

Black Eri was furious, and kept using black slime, turning it into blades, spears, claws... However, these attacks were easily dodged by the heroes.

After all, this Great Black Holy Grail was born based on the technology of the Einzbern family.The Einzbern family is good at alchemy, and their offensive magic is a notch behind. It still lacks some firepower to fight against the heroes who have left their names in human history.

Hercules picked up the huge ax and sword, and the dull sword struck the attacking black slime in mid-air.The sky-shattering roar seemed to carry some kind of physical shock wave, and the splashed black slime was reversely blown by his roar, splashing on the ceiling and the floor.

Yagi Yusai and Mordred attacked from left to right, with Artoria behind.The three swordsmen each picked up their own holy swords, especially Yagi Xuesai. This time he did not summon the magic spear, but had a transparent holy sword in one hand and a golden sword in the other.

Obviously, I can feel the envious eyes coming from under Mordred's helmet. Sure enough, the double-knife style is a kind of romance!

The fighting styles of the three are very similar on the whole. The three of them who have the magic power release all use the magic power as an injector.

Faced with the mucus blades that kept coming, Yagi Yusai waved his two swords, chopped two of them, stepped on them, and the figure almost dragged out an afterimage, jumped a hundred meters to the left in an instant, and jumped directly to Mordred attack route.Almost at the same time, Mordred jumped to the right, and after avoiding the stabbing slime on the ground, he swept across and cut off the slime chasing Yagi Yusai.

These two people have already struck a kind of tacit understanding, a tacit understanding like a beast, without any scruples about their image, just to get close to the enemy most efficiently.

On the other side, Artoria looked dumbfounded, it was the first time she saw Mordred [cooperate] with others.

When this person came into Artoria's eyes, she was known for her aggressive, reckless, berserker-like fighting style. Unexpectedly, after coming to Chaldea, she actually learned to cooperate? !
This is not to blame for Mordred, after all, at that time, Mordred had a feeling for Artoria that was similar to the worship of God by religion. She was extremely eager to get the praise of her father, so she fought extraordinarily bravely, She was extraordinarily showy, but she didn't expect that it was precisely because of these reckless battles and showing off that Artoria felt more and more that she lacked the calmness and etiquette of a knight.

That Mordred has also grown into a knight who can cooperate with the attack.

Arturia felt emotional in her heart.

Surprisingly, she didn't have much hatred for Mordred.

Should I say, look away after becoming a Heroic Spirit?

Or should I say, with her personality, she never hated this kingslayer?

Artoria was a little fascinated, and her intuition immediately conveyed a bad feeling. She dodged urgently, avoiding the black slime piercing out of the ground. However, in the direction she dodged, countless slimes had already turned into Netted, pressed towards her.


Boom boom boom!

The piercing sound of thunder.

With an exaggerated sound that almost crushed eardrums, blue flames swayed in the air, and the dense attack comparable to the rain of arrows quickly brushed against Artoria's body. Arrows shot from her shoulders, ribs, and elbows, They flew past her crotch, but none of them touched her body.

It's almost like a master of acrobatics.

Arjuna's archery skills can only be described as superb. He is indeed a great hero in Indian mythology. The blue arrow in his hand is like a blue bird that does whatever he wants, galloping freely.

Arturia expressed her gratitude in her heart, put away her mind, and devoted herself to the battle.

Eri Kuro was very annoyed.

These little bugs should have been crushed by their huge magic power long ago, why, why...

Before she could think, another rain of bullets fell from the ceiling, and the bullets from the submachine gun fell into her body, cutting off flesh and blood, leaving her no time to think.

"Damn it! Why can't you die obediently!"

Eri Black cursed and cursed, and the attacks around her radiated more and more violently.

Compared with the beginning, the magic power is indeed a little less.'s really a drop in the bucket...

After all, the number of effective attacks is too small.

"What a farce."

In the distance, the golden king let out a disdainful voice.

He got a golden throne out of nowhere, and he sat on it with his feet up, the golden armor supporting his proud body, and his crimson eyes looked at the battlefield with the eyes of a judge.

This battle can only be called a farce.

This kind of meaningless slime mimicry has not been resolved for so long...

The hero king Gilgamesh once commented on Yagi Xuesai: a clown.

A clown who exists exclusively for entertainment kings.

However, when the drama is too boring, any movie watcher will have in his heart: Hey!Wouldn't it be great if the previous plot developed in this way, or in that way!feelings.

King of Heroes is no exception.

Watching them fight, I was anxious.

Looking at Fujimaru Tachika again, she also had a anxious expression.

The King of Heroes savored her expression as if savoring fine wine.

She's the kind of woman who can't hide things.

If you have any thoughts, you will definitely show it on your face, a woman with a very honest expression.

That's why it's interesting.

Childish maybe, but fun nonetheless.

The King of Heroes snorted.

"Although the drama is bad, there is nothing to say, but at least the actors are still working hard. Then, this king will definitely not begrudge rewards."

Muttering like this, the King of Heroes didn't care that there was no one around him listening to his chatter. In the space behind him, more than 30 treasures were densely arranged.

【The King's Treasure】.

The Noble Phantasm of the King of Heroes.

It is also a very, very rare 【Key】Noble Phantasm.

Yes, this treasure is not the weapon and armor itself, but the key to open the [treasure of weapons and armor].Because it is a key, it can be unfolded wherever he wants.

It is also good to spread out behind the back to show the majesty of the king.

It is also good to deploy around the enemy and annihilate the enemy from a blind spot.

Or it can be used in other ways. The treasure of the King of Heroes, the treasure of the king, can be used in a variety of ways.

However, judging from the proud character of the King of Heroes, he probably wouldn't use any fighting methods other than the first one.

Following the hero king's order, the sword and halberd behind him flew out like a shooting star.

To be honest, he had had enough, staying in the room and waiting for someone to come and pay his respects.

It's so boring!
When I think about it, I get angry.

Although he doesn't cooperate on the surface, the King of Heroes still feels in his heart that exploring the singularity is much more fun than staying in the room.

(End of this chapter)

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