Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 693 Holy Sword 2 Duet

Chapter 693 Holy Sword Duo

Countless swords and halberds flew in the sky.

It is clearly a large underground cavity, but it looks like a sky, and a bright starry sky appears.

The stars are shining, pouring down with an indistinguishable strong offensive.

The King of Heroes doesn't have the leisurely mind of Arjuna, but he still wants to avoid friendly forces?

In the thinking of the hero king: If you can't avoid the king's offensive, it only means that you are the weakest!
Why should Wang care about the thoughts of ants?
Conversely, if you can avoid the king's offensive, why does the king have to bypass you?
This robber-like logic made him not care at all.

After all, the hero king Gilgamesh is known as a tyrant in mythology.After that, the gods couldn't see it, and after going through many things, Gilgamesh became a wise king.

It can be seen that the one who threw the treasure was obviously the young Gilgamesh.Tyrant hero king.

Why does it sound like a powerful zombie?
Exaggerated magical brilliance flows from each weapon, revealing a strong desire to attack to destroy everything, falling on the ground, crushing the ground, shaking the entire mountain, and smashing gravel and dust from the ceiling. Falling, the vibration makes it difficult to even get a foothold.

How much can Artoria and Yagi Yusai dodge, one has accurate intuition, the other is fast, Mordred didn't check for a while, and couldn't dodge in time, a spear shot by King of Heroes scraped off the armor, a piece of shoulder armor It was completely blown away, and Mordred's fair skin inside was dyed red.


Yagi Xuesai asked with concern.

"I want you to take care of it, it's okay!"

Mordred frowned and responded slightly angrily.

This anger was not aimed at Yagi, but at the King of Heroes.But she is obviously not the type who will liquidate hatred. When she is angry, everyone is the target of her hatred.

Hercules also stopped and dialed left and right, but he was still affected by the Noble Phantasm three or four times, after all, he was too huge.

Looking at the bombarded Black Eri, she was already out of human form.


In the distance, Black Joan was speechless.

What the hell!Why did a shiny golden thing suddenly appear in the distance?
Wasn't that thing killed before? !Why did it suddenly appear? !
And, why did you suddenly help here? !

Obviously he is the strongest attacker here!Why are you stealing the limelight again!
The unwillingness in her heart made the flame of Joan of Arc even more intense. From her jet-black armor, the crimson flame was like a roaring dragon, advancing rapidly along the ground, biting Eri the Black.The mucus around her was first evaporated by the strong magic bombardment projected by Gilgamesh's treasure, and most of it disappeared. Then it was burned by the flame of Black Joan, and it was even more vital. There was no room for continuous fighting. Can quickly recover and maintain their posture.

The magic power has been greatly attenuated.

Fujimaru Tachika faced the discomfort in her heart, narrowed her eyes, and looked at the other party.

Although her magician level can be described as basically nothing, as a master, she still has basic powers, such as seeing through the traces of magic power.But only slightly.

The magic power of the Black Holy Grail does not need to be read at all, as long as you look at it with your eyes, you can confirm the terrifying magic power.

It's like, when playing an online game, I suddenly saw an enemy with a level of a skull and a dragon-shaped decoration next to the blood bar.

You don't need to confirm it at all, you can know that this is something you can't afford.

However, if it is now...

Fujimaru Tachika nodded, and pulled Irisviel's hand.

"Miss Eri... Er! Please order Saber to release the Noble Phantasm!"

Suddenly forgot what her name was, but I remembered Ai Li was in the front and Er in the back, and she swiped past in the middle.Fortunately, it was an emergency, and no one cared that she called her by the wrong name.


Although I don't know why this little girl seems to have changed, becoming more courageous, Irisviel herself also wondered if she could take down the opponent in one go if she used Saber's holy sword.

Irisviel resolutely released the Command Seal, and on the back of her white hand, a crimson light shone on her face.

Fujimaru Tachika did the same, raising her right hand.

In front of the two, feeling the wave of magic power coming from behind, Matthew gritted her teeth and inserted the lower end of the shield into the ground with more force, firmly fixing her body to provide protection for the two.

"Command my servant in the name of Command Seal..."

The two chanted the mantra almost simultaneously.

"Saber Artoria (Yaki Yusai), release the Noble Phantasm with all your strength!"

The huge crimson magic power turned into a strong gust of wind, and Mash only felt a gust of wind blowing behind her, causing her hair to dance wildly.

The huge magic power quickly passed through the two people's magic power circuits to their respective followers.

Unstoppable, Arturia and Yagi Yusai, the holy swords in their hands burst into a hurricane.

The golden sword blade seemed to be condensed by countless stars. Countless flames of hope settled on the blade and turned into dazzling golden yellow.

The two coincidentally stood on the diagonal line of each other, raising the holy sword with both hands.

The dazzling beam of light shot straight into the sky, piercing through the top of Yuanzang Mountain, and the golden light shot straight into the sky.

There is no need to say much at all.

The holy sword created by the planet.

The strongest fantasy on the planet.

At this moment, like a miracle, it appears in plural.

Pairs of starlight blades are like meteors tearing apart the night sky.

"The oath—the sword of victory (Excalibur)!!"

The two shouted loudly, the light in their hands became more intense, and the two beams of light rushed towards each other.

The two Starlight Blades confronted each other, and Eri the Black, who was in the center of the two, naturally suffered all the damage.

In terms of rank, the holy sword held by Yagi is at the same level as the holy sword held by Artoria.

However, because of the bondage, Yagi Yusai's holy sword is always inferior to Artoria's holy sword.

It can be clearly seen that Arturia's Holy Light Sword pressed against Yagi's Holy Sword!

"I am not a king, but a man who follows in the footsteps of a king. For the peace of the king, I will drive out all enemies! Rebellion against my magnificent father king (Clarent-Blood-Arthur)!"

At some point, beside Yagi, Mordred also raised his sword Clarent high.

The black magic power mixed with the crimson thunder, and the black and red magic power turned into a tyrannical torrent, gushing out from Yagi's side, blending into Yagi Yusai's attack from the side, and fiercely resisting Artoria's holy sword!

Because of Mordred's joining, the three swords tended to confront each other, and Eri the Black, who was among the three, could only howl in pain.

The King of Heroes in the distance sat on a chair, shaking a glass of fine wine in his hand, savoring the screams just now.Only then did he reveal a satisfied smile.

Just when he was about to drink, for some reason, he suddenly felt a little touched, it was an indescribable feeling.

After thinking about it, he didn't drink it down, but instead poured the wine back into the golden jug and threw it back into the treasure house.

(If you want to drink, it would be too lonely to drink alone.)
(End of this chapter)

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