Black-haired Knight King of Chaldea

Chapter 705 The difference between inside and outside

Chapter 705 The difference between inside and outside
Following Blackbeard's order, the broken protective door was suddenly punched through.

A huge fist pierced through the hole he just pierced with the beam pistol, and then, with a forceful tear, the protective door was torn open!
Blackbeard was overjoyed upon seeing this.

"Hurrah, originally you insisted on asking me to get suspicious when I got on your dirty boat, but it turned out that I wanted to sneak attack you. Hurrah, I have already discovered this. It’s really too powerful to think of restraining you in turn. Could it be that I’m a genius? Huhuhuhu genius, so that’s the case, because I’m a genius ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! !"

Blackbeard, caught in his own delusions, continued to make disgusting noises.

Yagi Yusai smiled awkwardly, and fought back Sasaki Kojiro with a spear and a sword.

His current situation is that of a low-level servant slaughtering machine.

This reminded him of a strange race in a strategy game he had played. The highest-level troops were not effective in fighting, and they had to fight low-level soldiers to take advantage of it.The middle-level arms can take the lead alone and go to the high-level soldiers.It's the same now.

With a body that cannot be harmed by a C-level treasure, at the same time, it has three weapons: the anti-human magic gun, the anti-city holy sword and the golden sword of unknown origin, and has also mastered the special ability to release magic power under the guidance of x-alter. Moreover, what he lacked the most in experience is now almost made up for.

This is really thanks to the black berserker that Fuyuki met before, that guy can use anything as a weapon, and every weapon is very smooth in his hands, and each weapon is only D-level, which can't hurt at all Yagi.

Thanks to him, I have accumulated a lot of experience against the enemy.What a solid experience pack!

This Arturia follower who calls himself Kojiro Sasaki does indeed use almost the same swordsmanship as the assassin man in Chaldea, and it is even more powerful because of the magic power released.

However, there is no threat to Yagi.

Even Yan Fan, who was so proud of him, was the same. The three-knife circle that was similar to magic was cut on Yagi's neck, but only a slight cut was left.

When the fight was not long, Yagi had completely gained the upper hand.Blackbeard thought he could fight back?


It was seen that through the torn protective door, Achilles came in with blood all over his body.Whose blood is that, no need to explain, right?

"Huh, it's not enough to fight at all. It's not fun at all. Oh oh, it's over for you too?"

Blackbeard was surprised when he saw that the man was not his subordinate.

"How is it possible, the guards below are all super servants hired from the cosmic servant security organization! How could it be so easy..."

"Ah? I don't know anything else, but what cosmic servant security organization you mentioned, does it have a license to operate? Could it be that it was cheated by a fraudulent company?"

Achilles pouted, showing a disdainful smile.

Blackbeard was stunned.

"Let's put it this's true that the commission is much lower than what I know in the industry...the procedures are also very simple, I thought...I thought it was because I was handsome that I was given special treatment..."

"How is it possible! How handsome are you!"

Achilles' words hit Blackbeard like a bolt from the blue.

On the other side, Yagi Yusai stood up against Sasaki Kojiro's sword and punched her in the heart.

ah?You ask why he doesn't use a sword or a gun?

See where he plays before asking this question.So stupid.

Just like in the comics, behind Kojiro's blue haori, an exaggerated blast exploded, and she was sent flying out by Yagi, smashing the glass of the cockpit and disappearing into space.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey?! My servant, my servant, could it be... Could it be that I have fallen into a desperate situation?!"

"Yes, that's right."

"Hey hey... Please, I, I was wrong, please forgive me. Please forgive me. Hey~"

Blackbeard suddenly knelt down.

Hey, kneel down without dignity!

Yagi Yusai and Achilles glanced at each other, and both of them confirmed that they didn't want to get entangled with him.

"It's okay to let you go. Ask your subordinates to give us a spaceship. The kind with an escape boat. Let you go after we drive for a while."

"Ahahahaha, okay, no problem!!!"

Blackbeard changed his previous image of an evil villain, flattered him, and hurriedly contacted his pirate group.

How should I put it, this kind of attitude of decisively admitting cowardice when seeing a strong person is also very villainous.

Yagi Xuesai originally wanted to kill him, but after thinking about it later, this gave Achilles a bad impression.Secondly, if there are a few bloody men in the Blackbeard Pirates who insist on avenging the captain, the loss outweighs the gain.

This is also mentioned in the Art of War that I accidentally saw before.

The essence of being surrounded by three and missing one is to make the other party feel that they still have a way out.If you make others feel that there is no way out, it will be a fight to the death, which will instead arouse their feelings of fighting against each other.

This Chinese strategist is clearly named [Sun Tzu], but his art of war is really well written.

Regardless of this little guy, Yagi wondered why x-alter hadn't come out to check the situation, so he went back to the living cabin to take a look...

"Ah, the Dark Lord Jueqing, have you sent away the forced salesman? I want to eat Universal Fortune, please help me place the order."

How does it feel to be a babysitter?

But because she looks very cute, and she doesn't spend her own money, Yagi doesn't care at all.

How normal!Is there such a cheap thing to spend other people's money to please the girl in front of me, and the favorability I get is all my own? !

"It's no longer a forced sale. Well, there is a situation. In short, we have to change the ship. You can clean it up."

"Hmm--has Universal Fortune placed an order?"

"...It's down. I really can't forget to eat at any time. Hurry up. I'll call you later."

Yagi Yusai ordered a few words, placed an order for Universal Daifuku on the contact terminal, and returned to the cabin.

It should be said that Blackbeard is indeed so cowardly that he not only disbanded the surrounding fleet, but also left a ship for Yagi.

Then Yagi took advantage of the situation and asked him to transfer a large amount of money to his account.

"Ah, I said...does this count as... robbery?"

Blackbeard asked timidly.

Yagi nodded, not feeling guilty at all: "Forget it. Is there anything else you want to ask?"

"Ah... not anymore."

In this way, with X-alter, Achilles, and the hostage Blackbeard, Yagi boarded the pirate ship.

It seems that flying a spaceship is also defined as the state of "riding". As soon as Yagi Yusai sat in the cockpit, he understood what those inexplicable machines did.All I can say is, Long Live the Servant!
Yagi Xuesai breathed a sigh of relief after flying the spaceship away from this space, and sent Blackbeard to the escape boat, driving him away.

However, when Blackbeard was about to board the boat, a sneer suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth, as if he had thought of some bad idea.

(End of this chapter)

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